Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 4, 22 Ianuali 1870 — New Commissioner of Immigration. [ARTICLE]
New Commissioner of Immigration.
S-»mueiG. Wilder, £so r , hasbeen appointcd by tf*e Governmept to proceed to China lo obtain a new supply of eooliea. The Chine&e Gorernroeot ha& le*rn«d froro the cx3tnble ol Hawaiī and olUt r civihz?d riat!ons thc and uses of fore»cn emhawie?, and Mr. Burlingame and assoc:atcj> have visitcd the t'nited Sutesand thc caurts of Kuropc—falfowing in the [oot steps ol the Japanese embaisv of a few yearssince. Wili j( noJ bc adrisable for the Hawaiian Govcrnment to rcflectat tbisjunc f ion that the Cfiinese governfnent rnay sonie day fol!ow ūie {.i?test eumple of Japan and send a Cotnmis3ion (o thisoountry to invest!gate and rt-dre« the wron£3 of Chinese " /ree but not irre?ponsible iiil»orer?."