Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 51, 25 December 1869 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KA NUPEPA KUOKOA, 11->j»TK.A MAC IA MA HONOL' U' I kela Poaono keia Ponoiio. No na mahina he I mikamamalua! $1.00 no Da mahina eonu, ME KA HOOKAA MUA MAI. Ouiuo Ha i aaa«aa* * 10 * tr k* r ot» tl 'X • *la* *'ta r *n*. h* tl>> ; o»Un<i. S».'X>. K m»4 u o •"»* 1 » j »o t »a» m»» e k* cVc UO K* *t+r o k» r." k» UUoi hookah»—i*jri. h< •iS UiAO'.. |1 . ify Uaei. |i«», * tt 50 *» oll'- k* eka k*oko < K»cikh'i. r n*> tc."> ne» <> na I<un4 oke K 11 t tcii Kioks Knllki. Pur* * r*c * *ca **: *■>—*>■>* e »aui* a kanmk»»*"st i«b*. k*too«o ** V '•*** P* S * c < tnai n3*rt.oA. K p»o k- īa k<r»«. faU, ik> ka hr cmt r.o k* *uh*o no kri* , . . , u At» st, o u SxrrtA Kro««i-«» k'.k h» o ** |Ja!' Ui'Ui(.S*ilor'« O u» U** h*t»-. »»« t* eimm o *i V* o *:« L. II- KUI-IKA JLuu* Uwpok^ "KA NUPEPA KUOKOA." !• |>übli«hr<l in llonolulo K V !•: 1V Y K A.TUKI > AY, $2 00 p*T aiuiuni, or $1.00 per six uionth>, in adtance. AnveHT:j.r.'*«ft?.T.- «i -t 10 |inc?.»tur?rlr.lnnc? fnr |1 00 vt '»0 f< r r>nf mynU> ; ta*ni\ masl L"? f*r it <tdt nncr. K ( *:K it"S will ch*r);fii 1. 00 i>vr y»K«', or ■* ro« At>YßKTts«t*vr?, B«b»rr'.i»l)<jrj» nr K*nik*a*, k»*> *«• pai<> •«» *n* of ttu- Apeni* <>f ihe ku-ikoi, or majr i'- in » thr l'abli*h»;r. Ali »rfirrmr'Th>»!* mmt l*' mmiP ?io n»nrvrs, either o i-.rr«j!ocr* ot n»t»ve». will t r m«erte<l on tht-*ub«cr)pt;rn liit. ontil pKMi ff>*. Tbi» roie n»u<*t br j»trict)y a4h*-mi to, in nrc<iunt of th* 1«* »ui'«crijitlon pr.c* m»c (irr;OK cr TUr Kro*nA ls in th* S<j«th c*>rnrrof thr c»tlors Uonae. OfBce bour<» tr»m 9A. M. |ICK< y«r thr Fvt>luhert. IT Vniam«* I, U and 111 of the KVOKOJ, bouotl, for »*1 e, Pcn>on» h*vir* »-otnp?»"te of the aborc, c*n h*r? b.cm boari(! foy pnrinj? J'2.00 «Aeh.