Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 49, 4 December 1869 — English Coulumn. [ARTICLE]

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English Coulumn.

-\Vhat haT€:hei« rh;;aticij:hiaß? iif.rie, th*A thsy «hould bar% .-ueh tat?cr ? M cic;3!rncd Fannr F£n», when j*±s'.r>g. c-r-.t dzy. :hroogh the?r z"C2t R*3r*e: i:--»use. l>n'«;iilr. Fannv. i: *s nct ■ y aoy ?:< c ;dent. any i j«« crysuii»ztr?£of &:oiT;S. that th.s ;u.\ , jrious c:?y :s ?upp;ieii *vj:h f ueh ef€£%r*t bgtt*r. Kide w;:b eae, irja:ror» othcrw > Īse. ahoo: twentv-foor tmlzs ou: on :he l'hjiadeiphia and We-st Che.st«r Kai;rosd, and vre wii! see er2c:!y wha: thc?e do to hare " meh bu!ter.'* Tnecountry orer whieh we pass ia one of tbe mosi [iciurejqoe and beaot:fai lhat tbe sun on in ai't his coorsc. ODdulating, dott-c-d wftn farrii hooses. an<J-wel! watered by j-pnng!f and rirers. We psss many a j.-c-pulous g!en and T.nl;ey, where wa:er-pow-vr «r,ade to torn :he re«tlc,«s spind!es, and a wi>!:ew3Mi'-<i nestled the cense lo.t'it,'e. suaj:e>tiTe oi eooi- !.•:. ri{ ; <j. ,!a;iy thr-.:"t. We *topat the station, I t. :<- a rri;fe <-r <-t :<icW froc;j ihe railroad. Kvcrywh"re are f-v*-ience® of the most per;oil cu;tiii<'. Tnefe fdrmers are proud < l t!icsr r.--re i » ; they !ov«: the«n, and r ,l joice mi :hc- £««o,iiy brntage God h%< given. They t*i?tt W;>.shinctftn ihe truta nr d : •« AL'r<culture ss (he roostanci- < i.t. iv? /i;t '-: noMe, nnd tiie njOit usefuS em- {• '• y::r-i;t ni nnn." Tiicy horjcr the soil, and 'r. :; u it ;h« y ī'.'hp. hi turn, honor and enio'ii-' »;.« :it. A- iir *ar 16S'J, Wiiiiam Penn, !'jj irj j»»rimng de.sitrn» for the vart- <<, < .iui.t;< Phjiadeiptna. .-.elected the j' " !i e».h;ein for Chefter county. At ii;::ni.' Uiii-, we v:*it the dairy estab;i>hi: •m, ji;j<i hr t.i {lain, wuoden J-tructure, the i!»,;..:: -j iiou«-<\ 'i'he piaee !.« !rairraiit wjth lhrea:h e' k'ir t e frotn the meadov.s," and :i i- !>>r the nnlk to ah.-orb anv »i!jj != n.i ud-Y. >crupulous!y eiean is the n.: 1 \\e to tlie i|'rn g- ! -īil f.:nti.'ii!y Nui!t of >tor»e, twenty ; '.t iniiL' hy t(.*s> ftct \v;de, nnd ten ieet Ni. r ti 4 «; nre Mnali \vndow.>, i:. w ; rc 11e11U'.iitted. toexciude llie?, .iv! i iH.ini'i frtc v».-ntii īlion. The iloor oi the ;'rif.i- /iou>r i;. t-! nak p'.ink, abc»ve whieh . !';■ u.il' r . ainiul {wo ii.chfs U!id a haif, i: u.:!i iti the d.vi.-i<»n whfiv th" crearnjx»ts ..r>' k«-pt. ;? !.■> nho!it (en inehea deej>. A narr «w j>itttr»nn. rai-'Mi f«>ur inches above the i : "i r. j'-err,\ii- ti>e dairyinaid to p;>ss around - m-: <»r ren>ovr tf..• nulkj>.Hi?. The*e «ire ('iimlml hrown on the at;d imve eac!i .« hnl, mi trm( two j)an> ean he !iltcd up and . • f down w;th iuore ea»c ihan ean one wiiii«Mt t'!»■-' iimaii.'. Tiie cieam-pots nnd but:rr- : ->"!i;rs nre al.se) painted i»rown on ihe ont--1 :«ie, whieii prevetus the vvater frotn rusting tiicn:, and makes thetn ;nore easy to keep < ieiiu. 'i'iiert' are standing in the nuik-house t!iree miīkinirs ; when the fourth is brought iii. the iirst i.s skimmed, and inost of it troes to lallen ihe Ciit ster w.hi!e.s, that grunt and ; L;row i>i in approj)riate clean-looking stves,' i;o: too ītr avv:>y. into eneh new j>an of milk .> j>iaced ahout a <:i!i of the snur miik thus removed, whieii l'.icii>tntcs the r«sing of the • re.ini, and ije!/ s t!ie butter eome quicker on ciiurning d.>\\ Tiie tempt'rature of the water m ihe \vns f>s ° on the hot Ju!y day \ve tested it, und that of the miik in the jwins ai'uutS r J 3 ; atid thus it remains during ai-j u.osl the entire iiented terin ; sothat\vemay v.«feiy say, that from the time tiie miik has , . v tootl an hour in the spring iiouse tiii the hutirr is t tken to market, tiie ternperature never r:>es above 00 ° . Onee a week thecream is poured intot!ie great churn, whieh resemb!es : a young iiogshead, to the staves of whieh, • in>ide, the das!iers are histened, and this is : m.iiie to revo!ve by iiorse-jiower tiii the butter comes. Krom jnnety to a hundred and ! twenty live jwunds nre maUe at n churning,! according to the tiumi>er of cows miiked, and • the season. While with one hand the iever| is worked up and down through about ten j j ounds at a lime, with t!ie other hand the j !'iit">r is jiatted with a elenn towei in whieh ; a sponge is \vrapjx'd. Tiiis is frequently! \vrung out in elean \vater, and the process < continued uniii aii ihe huHemiilk is \vorked J out, wiien >t is saitcd, ha!f an ounee to the {loumi being the aiiowauee. It is then made. inlo jmund baiis, bejutifully statHj>ed, iaid in .Mjutre iin j)ans, and set in the spring-| iiouse lo eooi. At night, when the nextmilk-l m<* is btr>ught in, eaeh l»ail is wrapj)ed in a f ' iean cioth, nnd Uid into the butter-tubJfl be j < »rned to market iho next mornmg. hīs < utter-tub is so exactiy titted to the purpose| tor whieh u was designed, that we iinger a j moincnt to descrii>e it. imagine an obiong; tub, highcr than the ordinary \vash tub, \vtth i t\vo of the staves rising above the rest for ; iiand!es. Into this is set a perfectiy fitcing ! tm tub. so made as to ieave a space at eaeh ! end \viiere iee may l)e placed, and a small' rhambcr l«eiow to recei\-e the water as the iee ; mcits. On the sides o( the tub are littiesup., jn>rt?.. ujx n whieh tbe shelvesrest, wheretbej ba'i!s, in their sno\vy coveriugs f and j >t:unjH:d wnh itnagesoi comucopi,Torwheaten | Nhcaves. rcjn>se. Tbe tul>s wili coutain from t:ity tu a hundred pounds, according to s?ze.! Thev iiavc tight!y-fitting covers. nnd a stout \ !ever l»ctween the h.»ndles, bv whieh two • men eun move thetn \vith eas?e. W r hen thev \ are pui on the cars, tht>y are jacketed with ' jv»ddcd carpetiug, so the heat of a suinmer's| day nevcr jH?nctrates the eooi iuterior. Every j u>oi?) ; ng ti tire is ktndied inthecaidron stove, \ and tiie miik-vesse!s thoroughiy scrubbed j W!tb a brush. aod theu scalded. There are' >he-ves aioni: the sides to receive thein when | t'o t in use. Nothiog is tillowed in the spring-| !iouse but miik. cream. nnd butter. No naiis! .-upj ort a kuuekie « f veal or a jo»nt of iamb.; no jar oi so«p grea.<e, no ehuuk o(4iried l>eef, j no pot ef pickU's, uo p!ate of broken victuais.; ; To ail s'.H-h intruders the dairymaid wouid exv !aim. " Far henee, ve itnpious tutruders ; j }K.»iīnte not with your foui brea?h thesesacred! precincts <i*ni Home. \