Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 48, 27 November 1869 — English Columu. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Columu.


in 11 d*;y- ;'o.i) Sir- Fr;n-*' «-*•>. v>* v\ rt'-*C ij t (}'i '•>.if.*% rie?.> : Ch <•--<». t.)•;{. 10. A ■*'.:■• ' Tho:-., a t:.oro^ch ' !*- .0»« '■■> t A a *.<i ;tu i .;*•.! ;ts tiL i &LŪ. iii>Q>jīC.C* iw-e j-i«i . i ū iep-o'i to tr.<? War Ue j..irt-<'K ik- v. be% 5 *.'fy <i;tTerent v,e\v tt.c ■■■■/■■■/c\ fr*»«a the ooe t-y Mr. »>•' > v ?r:i. ilft ni»s ihe :f no: iUe on,y pr*-*cr«s viiiie of tue new Te:r:torv, W5.; rc :n tnef ifeci :ti ?r-in«f«;T to ?he Cruted S;a?c« ;vil; r.ave upon io*:rc hy } *i n ! ■}[ ::, Jjni;.*h C Ainnlm. He :r.c : >i t-'>< r.ue a?,-l o:utr <-.v ; ct:i:ers :•-■ .i \ a* the nniv r-neiii :•» th<>*-: w:u» <ir4\v thc s-Vinries. Hc thinks t • •■■■.' iary po:: '-i.o'j'.d te rt'i?: f *> i. an'i '< ■«' : '• « ar,.j k ; u: . ■•;. . ; .• v-ry r exceci re vpn n. 0 -• te i. i :.e ierr tory w*as a con?it/if;; ■ ..-. •. «1 : > ii.'-.i. b f .e hc- ; i n dt 1 L*rC'i: ' ■: •;.•"• ;■•;".•; y the ?.k:ck. it: <* i ihi» F;;r ' -■■■■- ■•'■%• 'i , r n •■•■ r,n |T< hih,i'ty ef anv . .m; 11 m ; ,-t 'i;r> ct:»»n, a* therc •..« not - ;. »'• ■{ jn ; i; { ! ,r any. N.) ;,iīn<...- '• . ••.-. .:v r.i; ;>»'>•: u di>cover-..i •■V' ; ; piy \r. \v<irw. *i'hcre i'- p!cnty • . r •/«;. t'Ut p=enty ol a> u)ou ; i.,:y *i r * -: « .- ■ r ••:tn he h *. • j l.'K'O • - -i(•!' »w T-rr.'.',ry. 'l .• ī" i. - '-u ti<« •••'! in tra«ie 0:1 the : •;: ' : t :;,.:r«;hrir;*--. Tt;e lew ho»j>v>r • v s ••• '• .'''• t!;e p iri*ha.-e. sti;ī enimue. • :: tr ;;J.' :» ?;,•• ;:,ter.:>r mu -t c..niine' r* jrr> ! <1 un t:;<' na:.ve.*. As ;ni ; > _ . ". : ; ' '■ 1 i'yC :.:•. <t h't.- liu va.ue i\ ua t- :■■■- ••■■■•■ > i. ■■ • !•■.• ra ;.-•], and t!;e few • - t ! .tt <*in h ■ ;>roduc«'th r->t. if not »'•'.! *<*. a »>- >'• »V('i.'»>. Nt«»c 1» r<»,bHs'4 e»tt- : : 1 '■>rr.i<i ».u, :tn<i the s-.iper.»{=;it».j.ifjee < : r.;*n • :»•! th> r• <t '~», k »•? vju p:>-c'ud" 1 •' . I ' : •' n\ ; r,.i:t i!>ie ,-uiti Vat;<a» of the *''•!• T..e :• ;<vi; is i- i»jthy umi t\h.iU3iive, >' • •=: v • ,ii- i;c «n s 111 po;n'-. K t; , ]•>. 'lhi- ('iiu'i (' >ti\>* : K ?i.l •- :>tcn .-nunu'«iie<i tu th«« i'. "';iii' !> ■' ii (.'<>nr,•.;>!. fi,>t t<» <it ;;hnie <>n an»i • ■ >• •ju, >ti»*n> i>y v.>;>M ! a ni.tjt.nty. bnt ;>!>•. y tue «!• .*.-u>u :iir* ;;iiy r - >!v,.(| u>":i '-y 1 snver.«i:"i īni•«'iiih'e l'onlili". 1 eu ;-v, (h*t. l'». i:i the ('ni.w i.iu'u to-t! iy. reports were recetvetl :r<u:i t:i" ('ouiu»!t;,;e ou iauu!L;ratii>!t. Tho m.(jurity r<• p<.>r: fivor.< ('nmoe ī.'nm ;>:ni a uiin> r»ty r«»purt o} po-e n. A iiveiv >it h:Ue e>i an<! the whole >:;!j"ct \\'as i:;»: 1 i;\ v;>t«.d down. i , \:;;s, (),-t. 17. AM tlio Oppn^• īion Dei ■-i11• "• to t:;.- Cnrp> L'<_:<>!att{ will tnect totnorrt.»w to <iraw up a inanife>to. i»umi>rs . oniinu!' 10 c,rcu',>te in rei:ard to • t m ■■{ lie ttn>u i ! t!to M:n:stry. The return « ' i< :h- r to t, : >" ('»!.:n-t w;tfi n liheni prois >p 'l.i n of. Ni W \ <• kk. Oct. l!h l'atiier iiyacinthe .iniieii !o-d ,y on t!ie l\r±>j, and proccet!eci v-ry .j ;:t• t;y to tho hou.-e ol a friend. Kej 0 r; :-' ,*< h" wiil h-« waited npon ī• y deputat.on> ol varu»us ihuioininatious auii.societies a.'nl ri <{uested t<» e.\pi.iin iiis views oi Kouiau ('.iih(»iiei>ui he!ore thcir conyrei::niuns. N',\snvii.i.i:. Oct. 'J'J. The oppo>ition eon-' 1 • «!'.:.it-d 011 il<'niy Cooper to-day nnd ciect- »• i hmi Sen>ttor 011 tiie tirst bal!ot. Vote, 55 ; to .li>:ins,urs 51. Cooper is a jrentietnau of hnv ah:i 11y and !ias heeu 11 oonsisteiit L'uion m tn ai! the tune. i>>>!.ī'on, Oct. 'J'i. The earti,qu.ike was -}u,te >« vcre in Newburyport, shahmu' doors, ' wmdows nmi tnany inovcablo thitigs in the ; lmus» >. People were £enera|ly uwakened hy the eoniinoiion. Oid bricK inansion iiouses, i h'iih 70 ye.»rs i»go, iiaving iliiek mass;ve walis so c<»mmcm in those davs, \vere snaken ' 1 om roof 10 cellar. ratviin<; doors. windo\vs > ; , .:>u geiicrai aiar«n, i'eoj)le in their h-d> were very >cnsihlo ef a vibrah-ry uiotion h"no:ith the:n. Nkw \ okk. (h t. LKL The earthquake of Fr»day opened a seatn cight or ten leet wide at \\ aidoboro, Mnme, causini; great oiarm , !!l t!lO Vl]':t^e. S; .lons. (N. 8..) Oct. % J'l An eurth- ■ • ( .»ue w.»s leh here yc?terday inorning. ih usvs >hook V!olcut;y ; cverybody \vas a\\Aucned, aiui matiy rusiied frotn their fiot>*cs in ;i!:irni, !>ut no n.ateriai dama«:e w ts <i')ne. l;i other parts of New Brunswick tiie -ii< :U> appear t<> have heen ir.ore severe, thr<>w;n«4 tivwn chtnineys aml crackini: i'ne . wi > < i houscs. A s*Muiiar shock was felt at ii>- !a\. Auapohs •.!•<<{ l\en;svi!lo. Nyvv V»*uk. (> t. :2'i. \ Linv\ '.etter of Septoi»ber t:7i;i st.-;tes thnt there was t:cj ulai'on tht\>!i,>h S>nuh Auiertc:i on ae."oun: 0; the ptid:c»ed t:d.t! waves and eartii>;nakes. Tl.e p-< p'o nei • their dwel- . •tv:s near thc e a>: and 111 tiie ;:i; uui:\;ns. A terrtie is :o !mve occi:ired in the Aro<}tiie-s D;>ir»ct, wh eh comp.vte!y <ie>t:.'\ ed the town ol Chaes ; r.\s:>. Oei. T!<e {!iiii{ary :s coilectin<: :;i l\tr >. m v;ew of ihe tiire.ite:ied me. oi t!)e C, ."[ s L-L:'s!atii on the t?oth. A;i l nperiai m in:fe>?o is expcctcd. The Or-ican:-;s are R<*tive. lt js thot« trht the cris!s m.\y ics'ore Kouh» r to the"Cai»uH s t. l'oiuUK*cKc>:r. IV:. 21. F;\rm»T> from :he :n:erior report h:ivm:: d;>:iuct y feit a >:iee-» o! earih«^t2:i ke in the eastcrn p-trt of ccur,iy. Ot:OV.\. Oc: 'J;( LiiO Do:»inio» Cabiiu"t hasl-cen reconstructed. S!r J. McDona!d :> lVemier .*,!.d Ministcr of J«s{icc : S r Catter. .\i!nister ot t' e Militia ; Sir : l"vtrc s H-eks. Mm>ster oi the Financcs : Sir 1 v*n>ott, S crctary of S:.i:e for C »ns»!a, etc. Five t f »ite Cabinet ol!icers are ; īrv-tn Ontar»o. tcur frem Quebec, and t\vo' eaeh from New Krauswick and Nova Scotia. | Mal'Kip. Oct. »9. Di>sen: ; ons have broken : out ami>ng dillercnt w:n-s oi the op{xisiiion. The ?inai se!ecii >u el ihe Dukc of Gen<fii as cf Spai:i :> piuiuhle. i l'.\'.;;s. Oct. 00. A rumor is current that! t!ie Ltnperor js ?<piin »njs>:poeed. .M.wkio. Oct. 00. Senor Ardeutz h'»s latd thc ht ft»re chr Thc cxcess o! i rece>pt:- ovcr c\censeji is one hur»dred thou- 1 <.:jnd pounds Tt»c poll'ux ?s sup- \ pressed, and ci\'ii ?alar»ēi ttduced 20 per \ cent, and the cVvV:*i sa!nries reduce»i UO per : eeni. j Nev? Vobk, Oet. 30. Privnte iētters ircm j Euroi>« show that thc troubie iu D.t!»natid j

v*r! ?> be c:* 2 jr*. T*r.e ••r %rc v:h>".- • I'.p- . r '••• ..• ■, 1W i -.v ''. ■•=•■ u:nic;.; pr-;-ten: >r.v f«;t;**.rr V ; : ;<• rr.:r.rv. It : ī •' . y in tt*?4kc:i A , '3 t" l- r .?.••..R. ()*{. •'i. T/j? I? si 3n (.1 hv•: m;ncn; res«jvts i-V: r<gb? 5o d»-: of 'he fJv:*3rn*n:r*i! f\:unci! nh;ch ar« '10 Vi» isws 0;* lh-> c->an:?y ar. i ih«» v r; c: the a z%, C Surentbez I. A Tri-y*r*e'i New 1 c:i» -|jcc:aī a4vs th» heavy Keeik <iown u» w'. ;i is eow knowo to U? cauā*4 bv i-»v tcUt-! Sec?*.-t.3?v Bou;v.e-« «v; ■ ' in a T*-ry i'ew w-ek* make a cran«j ««/>. 3nJ ♦1» e-nee return 10 «p*-:;c- • iijus !:-re-%ni-;ng ihe O'.-ei.-uon 0f the Supreuie Coart. wō'-:h w:.*l on«ioObteiiiv t» taai the Lfe»ī reru!er Act i> uocor,?invnonz;. Tas ikeium •* Qfrjtn tae etvl cf thc y*.jir. Thi> of thc S»:crct3ry «V,:: undo;ibtodty :su-o t?n*p<)nry t ; .e eounuy, .iīui d pHn;C Ui ii:>: }>oa'.ce an.i «icr-hinJ:-j inu^, 'N-.,: ti.-: fi;}« iu ;r s«tf:iv tī.c ;> con.sj«JvrtJ th»? rr»o-t convens-:»it po',jt.: itiv —j-:;tvr than anv r j>erit.-:' n-1 .>« r« muie iroiu ;ne i'r• • 3.-•.iei;;2u;e;•:e;;vn. A::u>c;g ī-; !.ui:.vrou: rh';asurv> ;:, euni-mp-nit;on hy Mr. Buut«.vvU otv t > a-pUe? th»: £ :vf-tivvi;ty l] 'nū> .ih .=ut .;i.c tv •» ia i-;an. T:.<? has vlt-n Loen cu.j'.r »,.i:ct-e-i. hiit i;'»v<.nh«fic» it t.- «ow a'n-;t;t ijj'on v,iih the :»c-.'fits u! f «mw !n th;s >:ounirv. • W Novcti>b*r 1. T»;e : Cv:■ aI Co;run;;ee oii ih-: l\»c.»;■: R i.';r.vM»b:n;tto4 t!ic-'r r port t«? S-.crotary C- x t- -■hie. Ti.v ' mvtsi r Uions wero of the fuo-t nmui- e:, »r-a-'tvr. ;»;i the tin»hers in ihe K-n i. .*incr «in.M-:rvii. nini -ir»2:j thv j f«?t r,u;< ii: thc>e >īr'3=;rur.-> #-»tur».st-<i ']!:■• r»-port on • th«: '••■nUH'ou »>! 0 v». r t ; ;e ••. .he-.-e hae .ī oi u vc*ry fiV(.r,ii..;e <";iar,,c: :r. Aia j>rcj-i.ri»ou 01 h-.'ih ro..uis ia Wvii b:ii ; ,asiCu , iMilver;-5 nr.- more nuin-'r.:';- *:. »11 i> >■».->. 1r; C'•■ tt(M;u'oo,i tics are !•♦.»»:<: n'piaeei i>v harU p.ii'j :n ni.u»y jīlace«. Tnv < <jMi;nn"n*r ; ;»re ah;i!)ti.»iii. un<i the " aier >i ii;ons j,-;c:ity. T:ie C!Mīith!-Mi>n>M> «..\pres- (ht* t,pn,i<>n a.S • fi- e {licer< <•,■» Uotb ro.-.'!s >•,.• \\«.rk;r£ in faith t.» brtnir the r,>:»<!> in:<» ihe U-.-t p,.s>,h e <.M(i<ist <»•;». Th<' i.it<: «UHnaL'emeni o[ liie l liion i',».*;iic <io i,'>t rv,'i-iVf L»vur.ibie iī'>;.ov. i>ui the fr' >'Mit man il t .-meni ?ani to \tc eoniiueiin;: :t.~; a!lVrs :;i L'ooi hitn. (.'l.Nei.NN.ni, Nov. ]. 'i'iie i>;),ir i of*E'ioca-t;<-n, aiter ;i I<h»ii <.i;>;us-ion to-«»ii^hī, j>i<stui rv>,.!',mous pro!r»h-,ting i'ne L> hie etc.. m the pnhii'" ,-choois 0!' t!ie 01 iv hv a v<>ie of i]J to lf>. Nkw Vokk*. Novemiior 'J A spociai eahle iie>j».»tch st;itvs that the citie> o! Frink(jiii, \Vt'i«h-ulen an<i .Mayence, w.th ti»c <<mronn<!inu' cov:i»tr\* \vere f'\* .-';n>c!;> »»f i arthtju;)Ue on tbo niqht ot tiie ol>i uit , ami yesi- rday momin^. ik'MON, Novemheri2. Oo\ err><>r L'! r tliin is re-ciectetl by a j»lurality ot iU.iillU ti Iō.OOO. Tlie vote t>t Kil to\vt»s ;imi citi». sis : F<>r (.'iailm, l'i.i-15 ; Aii:\ms. '>7.iōU ; Ctiamheriain, 10,000. Tne i> ehiimeU by hoiii Pmiiii'itiotiis;.-, aiiii it»;cnse inen, aiui pri.h.vii!y it is pretty near!y (iiviilcti 011 ihe i:t| i< r <pio>t!on. The i\rpub)ic,ms have a stronLT m:»jonty in hotii branches. CiNci.\.\.\Ti, Noveniher Lh Jnduo ,Stover oi the Stiperior Court iias grantv,i a» mjunctmn restraiuin j:the BoarJ of Ed ! .!cation iVom earrymg mto exeeution their resoluiion prohibit!n<r the reading of tiie UihU'nnol reii;jious !>ook*s iiiui sacred mnsic in ti:e puhhe sc!iou!s. The i:roui)d 011 whieii the petitiojiers pr<iyni for the injunction īs thut the framers of tiie Constitution, by deciario£ in thot instrument that rvligion is essentiai to good govfniment, denied the Board of Educati;;n tiie rĪL T ht to exchuie ali inanner of relĪL r 'ous instrnetion. Tiie case wiii be iieard 011 Ttiurstiay. Nkw Vokk, Noveinber *j. A s[tecial dcs{>atch from raris says it is i:ititu.itet! as the popuiar impression nccepted tn tiie city that Napoieon wili propose a pian b»ril»s )rrn>iment in i;is speeeh at the openini; ot* the sessitut of the Frcnch Le<;is!ature, and that i!te i.hui is like!y to h°eom<> i:enernl. It is said, indeed. that Lord Ciarendon eonvey*'t! as?nrances of Eno;himi's npprovai of such a cour>:e to his .\lajesty, an<ithatit wili be ayreeab!e to Hussia. The tendency ot Napoieon's policy is said to be objectively for ti»e einbarmssinent ot Prussui. Fkankfokt-on-thk-Main, Nov. i). Quite a heavy shocli of earthquakc wns teit iast evenini; throughout Gertnany, panicn!ariv at l)innstuit. .Nleshalen, [Merxi:eini ?] Mayenee aud Frankfort. Nr.\v Vokk, Noveuiber o. Tiio r<?turns toil iy show tliat the State i»as g.uie De:micral;c !>y not over 10.000. Newakk. N-;ue!ii!vr The Sen:ite siands I*> I)eui(vrats and S lvepuhlicans ; tiie Assenib!v i|4 Doineerats, *H> Kepuhiienn* Essex count\* W"cts a liepuhliean Senator and eounty etticers by n reduced mnjortty. NewarU csty i:ivcs 000 Deniocratic iitai >rity. \V hkkuno.. November!>. Fui; retums iroui o9 couni>es sho\v 15 iwepuhhe t> s, 9 L'.heni Kfpuhlicans aiui 0l Deiuocrats eieeieu io the i i o'.i se ef Dt- i' 11r s. The re are 11 <*ouMt. : es to i;ere frotn, whieh the Dem<vr.t!s e>r ; 'n?)?e will eleel three Kepnb]ic.ins. four L>ber.ti Keitub!ic.ios and four Deuiocru«s. Tne Lii«?r.iis mehuie such Kepubitc;\ns as fu*or repeasiug ilu- test oat:is am! di?frcu»ehisiri: nt?Asures. The Senat? snnds 1S Repub!*c.'.ns to 4 De:nocn:ts. K»cht Kepub!;cans are regrtrded as Libor»īs.