Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 45, 6 Nowemapa 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
liy the nrnvai of tiu- C. S., IS. Mohic«n'> irvt 11 i>iīi Frni:v-:sei> 1:1 J.»v>, we are iti ' r«.\-eij-t <f ik 'a> : Tt'.e of r,he Union Pa<"!(ic Kaiir(*aii suiv'e n.s openini,' iu Ma v nmoum to over Hur;n'c Orri-!t'y aee-:pts t!ie Kepuhhean ! uoiuHiiliou ūt Comp?roi!er of the st īte of! Nr\v Y<;rk. ] A ti'.:ai w.\w. M\ti' ju ivet iii<jh, 1 s reported j a( N' u.MMie, on ihe roast ol Muiue. i Aiiminl b ,irro»'it is dangerous!v i!! j ju Cfiii*a<M) ot eon„ T ''.sfive ! J'n:t..\i>Ei.niM, Oct. !h b>ccref«ry L)outweli <lc!ivrrci! nn ;u}dr<'** lo a iarge au<iience 10 n;<:!n. in favor oi' the Kepul>!icnn Stnte 'IVket, moM ot wiiiei) was tievoU'tl to the /iuaueia/ <(ucsttou. Ilestated that tiie poiicy o! ti;c ;;iimini.strafi(>n is fo pay thc puhlie! (i« )-t. pr:r:eipa/ nmi iutercft, iu eoiu or its j etjuiva!ei){. He ehumeii thaf if none of the | j>ui>!i<* deht iiaii heen paid since JSGō, it; uouiii uow uii!ount to S>'o, 1200.000 000, in j ;i\!viifioii t«> the of notes in cir-j eulaiiou. U we pny" S 100.000,000 yenrly,! whieii we enu tio under tiic present system j of fa.\ifion. the puhhe <ic!>f wiil he e\'tiug-■ \i! v htui in iov,Tirvn years. Al 850.000.000: vear!y tt)C interejt-i>o» debt wiil i>e ex-j twu;u;shed iu tweniy*t\vo years. Attwentv-j m\ year.y, )u tlurty y:ars. Secre-1 iiry i>outweii coris;ders it cerf;un tiiat, un-! h fiiere s!;ni! !h» some di>'turbanee ot the ! j eacc i t līie \vorid. or some cai unitv, we j .au -.*i'mp!eteiy r«fui>(i the deht at a rate of »u>t e\cccdmg: four andahaifper! . cnt. ami thus s;rve fn>in to twentv- ; ii\c miii'.on? year!y. Fifiy->-ix tmllions have 1 i<ee:i j\i:ii smce March Jst. The Sccretarv j sfated tlie reasons whieh contro!icd the Ad-; iiiiiastr.u!on ui t!ie npplieaiion of tiie surpius ?:i-.d. He co::'.*!i;ti v d w/ih an appea! to fhe v v, v . : invn 10 s.;e '.he nieans of cducation : : to theirch;!dren, toincu!cnte iusticc. | . tid lo tuie the iand under the pnncip'.es of; \' r:.ie n::d infeiiic<:nce. ; i'.\-PreN:deMt i\erce d:ed at Co;:cord, New Hamps!i re, ou ??:e SthofOct. His death ' w.»s c.:used hy chroi.:c mlhimmafien oi the ••:'>MV;»eu. ; Pre-:.ient Orant has issucd a pro- iamation r t!>ni)'>--iv!!v: en ihe 15th ef Novembcr. ' A {rcmendous ;:aie iias devastated ttie .■<vM t ! New i)ruus\v!ck. desiroysni; tbe eahie \ 1; !i \v;ros. A tid.ti \vavo rose to a •;te;ti S j;.t s:i the P>av et Fti!Hiv. tennne : .'.'Aay dcstroy ,ui umnense imwmi: ef prope»:y. W fiari'e>, tiridges, sh;ps, !»ou<es, ; '\r:is. and catt!e \\cre swept awav. The !oss ■ n thr s!ua;! j>arish oi' Jacksonvil!e aione is oVer a miiiion do!iars. St-,ere shc:ks ut ear:i.quake \vere fel{ in L.mu, i.jii:ipie ;w d Ca)Lio. m iiie iatter part ef Ae-.-M. 'l !,e iuhabitauis Hvd mui are !;v:ri: io t'.;i:«. isus;rk>s*;s ser:ous'v intcr . 1 i 11 * Me\:can adv:ces to .SeptemS-.'r L'o.i. state iha: a revoiu!ion has hroken out iu Porosi. Ao a!ji;-.eMy ti:i has tv<?u iutnxiuced tn the Mc\.can Cori:ress. Great prep< r.?t;ons are iu\kmi: Kn ihe rrccpuon of Seward. Huli',o!) 11: :he ba»ik of i'ra 11ee! 1 asiieereased :>5.000 000 !r.u:cs the iast week oi* The revolui,on :n Spn>n is over the wlioie couutry. his a( Madr»d thnt the are ihe true state oi utr«.;rs. T:j-' i'ru.-s*,.tu Budi:ei for IS~O $hcws a drfi,*it of ') 400 000 tf»ao !;>. The Cubam< have latr!y gaincd m>iuc mic« ec.-st> over the <>pani>h troop,<. iu ihe is!and. An e.\traordi»iaiy t;de wii uoueed on the Engin>h cosst on Friday, October Stii. Lonlv>x,Oct. S. The Frenchaivi Eng!i>h SooieJies for ihe aUiii'lion of slavery imv.< •:ent »n nddress jo Mai.hai Srrra«.'o on the ?uhject, askiog him to usc? «1,.?!hh slavery i/i Cuba.