Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 43, 23 ʻOkakopa 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Hav.\na. Spp!, 21. Sr. Tno/n.is ;i.lvi.-cs to the 1 Sth thjt !hw sfjo«:ks of eartl:«piake had oc<*urr<-<.i. Sfvc-ntff!i sturo< \vere cioae(i, and busine-< \vas su*pended. No iivts are knnwn taU»lost. CioneMl uUnn prcvarit d. St. l)oifiintfo adi'»ces to the Stb, >t;ite that bi\vz uii'i d"(eated the robe!s Ao'ua. Klokkm'k, Sept. 21. Mount .7i*na is in a swte ot violcnt erupt»on, amj streauss of lava are pounni: froni t'ne crater in a iars»? volnme. I're»ier:«;l\ I*. Lo"a\ ōt !iT'»rna, iins appoinleii MiniMer l l l» , n!p,»icntīarv ar:<l Knvuy Extruor<.iinary ro ('huia. Lonuo.n. Sept. 29. The Pariseorresponde«it f>.-?ertc' that tnere i> but !ittle hope for a c<>mpromi?" h< nv» en Spri»n nrui Cuba. The Spanish Govern»i.ent :>avs in so many words : " Lay liown yi>ur arins. send a dt-'-putation to the Corte;>. and it vou will bn as e'anaiia, we are wi!lmg ; ii'you de.s:re indepeodence, we don't siy that the matter may not he arranged, but disnrin." Spain's motto 15 nothing but (:ornpulsion. MAimu», Sept. LH). At the Counod of the Ministers to-day it \v»;s to pr »pose to the Cortes the elec.tion of the Duke ofGenoa ns of Spain. The press \vithont exception have received it: with euthusiasni. 'I he !etter of tlie Kiog ot Portu<Tal has beeo received to he a eandidatc for the throne oi Spain. It is repor!ed that formidab|e bands of Ke. pub!icans have coni*entratcii at e.-iialoma and the C*overnment has despatched troops there. Pau's, Sept. tM. iVre Hyacinthehas i#*ft his convent and gotn? iiome lo his I)arre!its, \vtierc he »vill a\vait tlic decision oi' the Council. Paris, Sept. 124. Gen&rn| Hcnry has becn appointed Audiassador to Sl. Petcrsburi;. New Yokk, Sept.27. A Kichmondspecial to the ihral(i says the excitement over the Mrui;glB for the Senatorshi|) m Virginia increases everv day. It is intimated that possibly a Kudical Kepuhliean may be cho.seu to tiil one ot the pbices. Alc.vaniier Sharp, latc i'ostmaster of Kichmond. and a brother-. in*ld\v of thc Prcsident, has b?en Imni^in; prominentiy for\vard by the Conscrvatives. Horace Greeley is ltke\vise spokcn oi" to reprcsent the C)ld L)oniinioninthehigherbr;ufch of the National Legislature. Buffalo, Scpt. i>7. Priwcc Arthur nnd the CTOVt?rnor-Cieueral of Cunada v\sitcd Buf-; f«ilo to day und drove about the city. Thev lunched with e.\-Prcsideut t r illmore. Ummna, Sept. i?7. A teley;rim sent on Saturday, rclative to the surrender of (ieneral Jordan nnd troops upon f?ic payment by | the C»overnment of certain sums of money, \vas based upon Spanish oīneial dispatches. ! it is reported thnt the insuii:enfs īn the neighborhood of Yoguarairtas atui Pair are treating with the Spanish authorities reiative to surrender. This surrender wiil {>♦» importnnt if true. The rebel bands in this quarter have been nearest to the sugnr districts of Colon and Cardenas. Advices from Porto Kieo to September 9th i say tbat thc new turiti*on merchandise will : into openuion on the first of Janu?iry. i The island is perfectl v quiet.