Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 42, 16 October 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
By she s«tcamer l'iiho whieh arnve-i on \\ t'-.ine«.iay momin^,\venre In reoe:ptof newā , frcm Arneri«-i an«l Eurc»pe. Xew Vokk. Stpt. 24. The excitement in the Go>d iioom r**j-uittii, ti»tmornni£, in an , :ib'uiute-panic. 'I'ne pr re rost> rapidīv !rom 11« V to Th° iiuli-? eii'- r-. ; d to settie \vith tho ,-hcrts at *i bout 101. l'ew, ho\vever, ncoepted, bvjng intcni-eiy an.\ious lo he;ir whether fomething eo»iid not l»e done at ; Wa5hin«ton,- numerous nnd urgent remonMrances having heen maeio to the Fresi(leii! and i5ecrvtary of the Treasury, bnt not a ; word eame. Wiiile the Iiears ',vere waiting, | the Bui!s \vrre carryi»i: up the pru*e f»v rapiTl ■jumps to 1(521. AUmt noon. the shorts. Mirj ali hope, began to accept the o{iVrs I of settleinent. Snme operat««rs Iom tu-avilv. The shorts compromi>ed on the 1msss of , J-1S« 160. About neon an order c>ur.e from ! the Secrctary (•( ihe Treasury to seli. to>mori r<>\v, fuur miilioris of and purcha?e an ei\unl amouni of bonds. Tiie or»ier, hu vever, eame nfter the mahi operations of the Buli.s 1 had been consmnmated. when there was a ! s'.i(lden dro[) to I*i 1. The spocuiat - .ou eulmi- ■ n.Weii without nn eīRirt to eon.pe! p--iym-Mit of the extraordinarv mte for borro\v< r* The : l>uil cl:<jue eiaim they made e!evon iniiiions j trom their oprnuions. The enormous tr.tu.-sac-;tions in thet'»oUl l\oom produced a comp!ete ' hioek in the business of the (ioid Exehangc. : 'i'he binlts found ,it to maU- aii t their clearances \v;thin the UMiai hour.s, and ;several tirms hnve beon lorcrd mio tempi>rarv su6pens!0iis. \vith serious enibarr;issments to ' tiie whole marK'ct. On \Vednesday ti»o 1>um- . ncss ainountt-ti to threc humlrcd ;»nd twontylo»tr and a ii.»!f mil!ions, and to-d.iv> tr.ui-ae- | tionsmu>( have iargidy rxcccded tii.it ;nnouut. | A TriLuuc snectai .*ays the corot r m wns manipulated by Wiiiiam S. Wooilward, .l.unesC»ouid. ,lames il**isU*. Jr.. Marvin i>ro>. Co.; Mmuii, (iouli, Mnnin wV Co., and - otht'rprominentoper iturs. Smith.(.ioohl M.u- , Cui <Sc Co., sujiered vcrv heaviiv. it is rc- ! pr>rted that they h.:ve fai!ed, i>ut tiieirnam> s ; werc not o(nciai!y rtivuiL r ed inthc(.ioid lvoum ' to-day. J.ay C«ouid ni:d James FiA have pro. ; b>tbiy lo>t large!y trom havuu; l>ought tieaviiv | when eoiii was nbove 150. nnd not , b'iore the pr.ee tumb'.ed to abt>ot 1!}0 | .\bw \ okk. ISept. The h>piseopal Co:ij vent;on in 4 \ew Vork vvi|! meet next Weduesj dav. it is undorstood jhnt the subj*M-t of the ! recent introduction ol severa| ritua!istic feat- ! ures nt St. Aibans wili i>e bronpht b«4ore the I C<tnon. The comp!aint comes trom ihe H;grh | Church:nen themseives. j Lomo.n*, Sept. *J5. X1 '>9.000 vvere \vith- ' drn\vn irom the Uauk oi Eni,dnnd for New ; Vork ; nSso, u u«rge umounl trom the J>ank of France. • ' Lonpon, Sept. A newiineofteieu T raph cabie is to be iaid ber.\veen lrel;md and Novu : Scotia. Nkw Hki>koki>, Sept. 1?7. Dr. C. F. HaH. ' \vith Kti»ernbun,'nnd LooKooiita. twoEsqui- ' maux ond three da»ijt*hi!ers. arrived vesrerday ,on the ship Ans?l Gii£s, from l\epuise Hny, ■ A«irust *J3d. Dr. Haill bring«, ns ihe results 'ot his five years resid'ence m the AtcIic re'gioii5, mteresting tutei!igence repird»ng: the ;death ot S»r John Frankim aud compauv. : ami proof that none of them ever reached Montreai !sland. He states that he sa\v the ! n \tives who were the lasttoiook uponCro2»er and party. Ttie l)r., aiso brmirsthe remains ; of a young mnn who beiorged to that expedition ; aiso various reiics of his exp!oratsons. Pr. Haii proposes next spring to stait i ag.Hn, and push his joumey to the >>orth , lV!e. He regards the vxperietice oi the pist ten years mvaiuab'e to him as prep.»rations aud a?d hen , after. Wherever he found \vhere S»r Joh»> Frankiin's eouiipanion? had d<ed.he ; crected mouument<. tired saintes, an-j \vaveil the Star Spang!ed Banner over them in me- ; morv ef the discoverv olf the Xorthvvc<t Pass. '«?'• . ' _ ; Hk MA** K.\N.4SA M.VKāC ole i ka holo an\ XA K.l WAA NM KAH< LOUH J!At. — C« holo tnai ; keia mnu kanaka mai Uilo a hiki i Kohnia, mawaena me oii holo ana ae, eha lakou, a kahuii ka waa. a o kn mea nona ka wnn. an no keU luka nie ka nianao oie i koim waa i ; iilo ai kana dala he kanahiku, o kona oia kana i manao, o Kekauimui kona uioa, no Laie aenei ; he makuak*ine no ka mea nana •e k*knu nei keia hunihuna. <) k t wa:\ na na hoa hoio i hooiana a hiki iuka. ī ka hooiana ana n«e a na hoa a iana ka \vaa, make loa iho U kekahi hoa hoio waa o iakou. ®ole nae i loaa ka inoa ia'w. Mai Kohala inai , laua n biki i Alaui. mmiaiU mai a Molokai ma Peiekunu, a mailaila uiai a ku i Waimnn.tlo nei i ke ahiahi o ka U 2S aku h ī haia,' a halawai kino ana maikou, a hoi K\i aku !a !>0 i ke ene hanau maiuna no o Va v. a i. Nu » Hawau !K» koua ko Iwlua o ka iu okeie ;»»s n»ai, un-akau oie ns.no!i !aua t*c?. moa o ke knnaka o Ha>\ai>, o KailiUiii'oe no Kohala. a o na hoa lbob waa un m<>e k*hi iioko t> l»a hor.ua. o kahi hoi ti.i n«'f>o i ka ama. o |a hoi au aoa. o \.t- A' »si k:\ hahUele » ku ana i O i ho r«»». « S. W»u\vnoi.t;.