Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 42, 16 October 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Thr Act to ehiek thr gro«th of Indepcndeitt Sthooh, again ia opcration.
Wc had c< -ziM-u i3 { Jst.'j?Ty \ > tbe iaw H*«|winog rert»ftcite* of pcrro!t tcr rh-Mrc<» *vb<x-s p»re»it« th?tu to rhanrc thc»r- »tu-tjd«r«cc fro a one u:hool to an :Ujrr. The d€;īgrf mo I ', ev;d<TiUy of ihe U«* a i it cmBoJste<i frotri ihi CTOv*TnTn«:nt. Dcpartinenl of Ediīcstioo, wa? to eheek thc cf mar s y too popahr «choois. The pneiieal working of ihe im has confirmed o«r first impre*s',nnt of i» :har«c!r-r, t*orn>ed opon tak!ng bnt a jisr»ce al og\v fare. Thc rumors of l!»e great dilTicuijy e.tj>encrjcc<i by f«arents &>?ekm£j tDobtajnc#.rtilic3tes <■;( di*m.>-iQM for tb<Mr chi!dfn from the Mii#;3i»i gov» rnr:i< nj Khool aro in 0!p;u« ;i. I: a<»y one th;i»k'- $t an **3hv mativr 2;«arent:i to oht-ii« :«,r *.vjtfidraww£ :Vir ehiUlr#»n frorn tli3t ooh ict thein in- , m i?ie »twt« of Honoiulu of pirents *>vhom th»*y art<l who havcf !he NN e wiii take ihi? occas»on, kjn*i'v to r<»ni»f: l th f ' of tne .Miiilani and ofoth- : r r L.*ovcrnmenl f-rhoois, an«l n!*o offiCKjls of thr KilwMiional Dcpirtmeni. whoj;y p< rsor»3i ii» fl-.ir.no? in a 1 th»->e rr«a»t o r*. whal r>: thc rn.-»tt«*r. lhne the l.iw in q«ie«>tinn provi«jci» a of hve doll«irs for f]r*t and ten doii-trs fir»e and rfn»«riii frc>m ottjr» l for the < ond oir«'f»?e of a tencher who .«hnii refuse. ; upon the wnUen appl»catiori of a parent, to a rerlificate ot disaiission to a »cho(ar. Wc inlcnd to r«»deem the made tn r>nr r' h(j'Ts t « keep t!»e»n infunned of the ; »iih:cf that this iau* inay be mnde to work .«:*nin>t thc cau?c of popuiar educ<ition.
The Coolie Trade to be continued.
h r uiih lhc dc»'pest rcqret that \vc hnvc ; t » rr' <»r'! ihnt at the tnmiog ol" (iovcrninent • -ial> ai.il of pl.-t!)fTs, on the 9th illh i it w«js rt'?o!vcil that the i*oo!ic trade.' ihe ."}irpf-nni'hor upnn whieh hoiH'ol nur pros- ' j<rrify <lt'peniis, he eonhnuel. Th** iniportauou o( U>n<itnco alrcadv commcncnd bv the 1 i>oord uf fmtnignitiou, lrom tho PoU'ueaian ! U!aud<, mct the npproval of the meeting, l»ut in thcir opinion i«rthcr laborcrs should t>c • :*!tt ab(» in ('iuna. 'i'he Boani (»f <:r»ui»n was ondor>cd, ns l.»c?t tittcd to eon- : luiue t\iB trndc. ainl to ?cc that thc contracts art' ftii(i!!(.'d. Tho >v>l":«i <•! houil-!aU»r, or known to thc coimncr>-ia! world hv th<- »1! ft-ivorcd tvrm «*oo!lc svMcm, was proiu»;iii. cd a hlcssinz (o thr mtivr lnharrr, n -\j> tot''.c Asiatic vnmitirnnt, nmi a <jood thm.; a;l around ! Thc iionnl of Immipm- ; tn»u wa>counsdlcd to prompt «otiou in procur-1 11;thc r<_'tj*iisiīo coolies, l»ut in m whieh iinlivi hin;s might \vi.sli t«» nnke their own ; -Miu i. ū»r coolics thc Board wns advj>cd K» ■- in.'U-m such e«gngemcnts. It »vas rccom!!i' ii«!'d that thc contracts witli tbc coolies ! >imu!d he inade with of a>sigumciit ; !>tit that «ssi;;nmcnts shoujd r.ot he mnde c\i-cpt with the concurrcnce of thc Honrd of| lmuugratiou. 1 A rcneonah]c propoftion ot mnrricd women | >hould if be tnadc the vtetims.—or j t!ic happy reeipients of the blcsi>iogs of thts j ir»stitution dcvisc«i for cnriehing the few of; Hawaii nei. and for elcvating the multitudes of Asiit. The qmntin£ of an Opium license > wns pronounccd ihe source of mueh evil. | Wjth this uiea we fui!y concur. Wc <m'e ihe in fd!i ns thcy wcrc }\issed at ihe plantcrs' moeting. 1. l\(s'. lrrd. Thata supply of laUir i? nt»so. i:nc'v ncccss:iry for thc agncui(urai mtcrcst . «>f tlns country. upon wlueii mir hoj»e of pros- ; |»' 4 rity desHMids. *J. li?Sf)ic(d. Thnt, in the opinion of this ' mcetin-_\ a jsoppiv must be sought m ioreii:n , '*ountrit-s. | '». That thc Chinese latH>rcrs in • thi< coun(rv !mvv, ns »t rule, heen taith{\il. Hidii>trious, and rcimhle ; th*t the instancps ' »o t:,c contrnr\- have bceu the exceptions, not i t!ic ru!c ; nud that. though tius; tneoting f {iCiirtily cndorsc Jfed npprove the rcccnt nt* i of the ln*ardof ln»nigrat»on nnd Acri* cuitur\* to uuluee on immigration irorn the i lV'yocsi.ui i<; uuis, yct we arc ofopjnion that a >'Jpp'y of n:;r;cuhural laK>rcrs shou!d !>,« sought a!so in ('hinn. ! i. hys<-*rf'!. Thnt t!ic Bivtni oflmmigra- ■ '.'on is 1h st caicu].itcd to st»pt*rvise the ob* of >uch i ilH»rcrs, and $ht>u!d eoulmne ;o :ond ! .io; such ciUrrpr'M S for thc puhiie; " • i ; to ovcrlook nnd couscrvc the «m «tii jmrt!cs ; ntid to sco that the contr*cts a?c lU; y complu"d vvith. * • Thnt iiiie system of I : sl'or f.»r n !mu:cd nt;d c.vn-t jvncd. hasU»cn ; .nlva«t3ceous to thc native i«borer, atid»i,s ; • p:to t;ecc>> uy »o the A>satic immigmnts,; w:u\ durjus: ihe tcrm ot thcir contrtets. h,tve oppor:unitv to ixvoi!nc habstuated t0 the us-uai;vs itt use in thij> country, ami to our li\s> nnd CU>!oms. < '\ it:\>as f rtii. Thtt we thiuk it lrst that; \h<- .-«nu sct> «./ Im«ugrjinls shouū{ l>c m.vde ;;uincdj.<teh* wiih the Hoani of Immigration» i •t> princt|«!s, n«d hv thcin to such f.*cr>cns a> tr 4 ny be dc>iroiits of empu.ying such J ! rc?uncrs. though we wouui r»ecoinu»etui th.it iu e, <es whcrc indiv;dut!i!s mnv w<sh to en« persctjs fcr{heirown >err:ce abrcuu!. and ; >irc thnt the contr.icts shouM run to iheni». -eho, a:om\ atul are wUhog to undertake e.li th. uui e\pe«M\ t!uit t!to jH«ttd >hou!d . tt»ctt'>ti >uoh co::flii\ menis. T Tb»t tliie ch«ti:* el a>si£tt. ■ >i t?i usct* S.!hhjs4 t»ot tn* sU*«i'onrd» when coufridcraiiie s;um> are to bc pat J in ;*d* b«t thnt &&si£nnient< shou?d not be or &iiouvd, pt wiih th«* «*o»cwr. "• «4 tUe Uoard oi" itntntct»4«iOi>. K . Thsj a . f fi\»jH>r-
tt<ji» cf m?rne?i womeo 4. t/ t r»:u?i<V, eww v>. :',n the I:R»*r;:grtnt;'.. 9. Th»t »r»fm.p. ! «jf.f - to p~* witts his <: r minct tr?ih s r*t*:-r--;ff, fiborrr fhaill th<! r-ht t?> Nv thv rcm3;*.'i'r rf }i - : nri<c. f ro'Vt>;'i he j**v« *>.» , thc ecnp;oy€r a proj-«i pi«>s>c-rSioo oi' th'. sunj a'iv*n:c*i f'-r h?rn . ?he amo'inl :•> f«? >*-*■. r >- r .i to ;n th«r ,»fr>c f rop<snj-on th» v»hoie th -? r»-«itīatr ; r tvf t v »* , to ihe oiigtaal Urr«n. The :cmh and i'ia--? rtx-.'usioi» deprec3ted the cTsoting ef 3f» Orrunt !:->?» *:" a;s thc sourro r,{ cnu:U < v; . We re»oire lo know tbit ?hfte «rere a fevv fnei>4s o! !ixttJam at fhe pia.Mi???/ m r .ttmg. who ra»sed T'ieir roices ami oasi tb.eir inSuence«giiwttLecoritifiU*nc« of this system, whieh st farthest, i? firct co3sin to jhvery. Hawaii, now fui!y !aun«:hed opon the bcsine*% may. wi?h Peru. be added to the hst 'ef the few nations wbo in th?s enlightened age permit and eneouniee tbe eooiie trade. That the hightsl; happiness and the gTeatf«t pro«perity cannot be atruned by a people un-i*r a ?y?tcrn r.|f bond.i:sb:ir, or r»y the na\'or, or ~ornmur»ity that perrr.it3 it \vitu!n it.« t«ounds. v,e are a ; and therefore deep\y moum this retri>grade morement, in the iand whieh in tir,nes pa*t giortousiy ami npidly nis».»d its s- r(- to tiie po?ition of free tliC-1» '-ind VOttr-.