Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 39, 25 Kepakemapa 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ti»e i'ar!> corr«?i-;;orident of the Timcr, on tii«? Oihm »juc.-rion im st Spaniards ; nrc :-an;rjīi>e of pre*?rving Cuha. Thcre i.> nt tne ?mai! ?uc«;ess in the ! f pr< cf thc rcl>«ii:cn- The arjTument s tha( i.-i a ,vs and rnjt a in to JS(>ain is al*urd. Sp<itn i? benelltted i«*rjjeiy by the ! productivenos and the conimcrce of Cuh3. ! Thc r.orr''spoudent thinks tbat the imniedi>: ;i(c iinneiUuin i»f Cuba to*the Unitcd Statos ; i> not deMred 1»y tbe Amenean Governnient, | f"it fCticrlnrid or l'n»ncc-?»re not ltkeiy to ofier •»ny opposition to ihe scheme. ' Thc i'ali Mali Gazttte, in an artic!e on I 'he iv«*vrit trf\iti's wiih Cnirn, say& : •• It j w;»« tb« lccturn U> Cnincsc on 1 mtrrn:*i unprovejn«'!)ls whieh \vas given bv • rhc Amenemi tr<v\ty ; such intrrlcrence aban- • fonrd and L'hinn ieū free, *>ho \vouid learn in Im'! ure nnd eome oul of hcr sbeli and i part in the corumcrce of the worid. it \ t> 'iuiie inlellimhle to u.s that Amenean resi-1 «i> nt.> in Chuu shou!d dislike the trenty. but why shouid ibe i'ekin (Jovernment dislike ! it ? iiavc the Clnnese discovered soine dcrhnr.d drsipn to fresh concest>ions under ihe pielenee of modifying former ones ? U . this refu>al to coruply an accessron of hosū« t iity foregners, whieh prnmpts a rc-! jcctum of moditications fortheiro\vnbeneiit?" j J. Ross Browne, late Amenean Minister, j m repiv to an address of the Hritish and I Amenean re«idents of Sh;»nghai, denounced policy. I Lonhun, 27. The o\fonls won the 1 race by threc lengtiis, and six secouds. The Harvard crew won the toss, and chose ; ihe *\iid;llesox .<ide, the outside of ihe semi- I .-irclc. Holii boats sUirted at o o'eioek Mm.; ()js. The Ux!ord boat arrivcti at the ship lirst, nt o o'eloek .'iOin. 41.<. Tune of the race, tī2m. 40As. Pauis, The alarmiiiī> rumors rccentiy ?tartrd concerning the Emperor's heahh arc ellieially denied. Thit? momine: the symptoms of hi»- rheutnmic atflictiotij ijrew more favorabie. And investigntion has iwen ordered to discover the authors of ttie • !aise re{wrt. Paki?, Aug. lJith. The Chinese Embassy | depart for St. Petersburg on the 12ofSeptein-! I,er. ' j Constantinoi'le, Sept. 1. A messenger i has lcfr here with the Sultan's reply to the | letter of the Viceroy of Egypt. lt is reported i that the SuUan expressessatisfaction with the | Pasha's assurances of loyaltv. butcommands | him lo se 11 or transfer totheTurWish Govern-i mentthe iron-cladsand breech-londers ordered in Europe, and keep his forces within the i prescribed limits, and abate taxation, publish j iiis annual budget, aiul abstain from negotiations with forcign governments. H.\lif.ax, Aug. 27. Thousnnds of people • were present to-day to witness the revie\v of J fiie troops by Prince Arthur. Great entbusi«: astn \vas exhibited. ! A private ietter frotn an entirely resj)onsi- j Mc soim*e at Madrid, reports that Ministeri Sicklcs otlered the (Jnited v>tutes as mediat-: rr bet\vcen tbc Cubans—(he proposition being ns stnted in thc Amenean newspapcrs, i that slavcry shall be aboiished in the lsland, ! the Cni*ans to pay Spain forthe public build-j injjs, fortilications, etc. Whiie S{\ain does! not rcjec! tl.e mcdiation. there are serious j nbsuicles in the way of an nccomcnodation. Tho impression nmong many Spanish states-1 men is that the lsland wili eventual}y pass 2 from the control of Spain. lt is stuted that | tlie preiiminarv dcmand by Spain is that the Ct4>ans shaii lny down their arms, a condi-| tion wtth whieh, it is said, they will «otj comply. if for no other reasoti, that they ! havr no guarantoe of protection from the| Spauish volunteers, who, occord»ng torejK>rt, ;nm at the absohite mle of the island, and ; have secrct orgatiizations for that end. i T»tK new u John \Yiluams." —Letters! l»ave recently bcen receivcd ffom SydneyJ :innouncing the safe arrival ef this new mis- j >ionarv ship at that port, verv \ iavorab!e on'»nions of the suitability of the vessel lor the work whieh it is desiirned. Capt. Fowlvr writes asfollows : " Pa?sed fbe Capo on ihe 21st ol January in a very heavy \V. S. \V., gale and sea. lt was the heaves; ;;ale I harc been in for man v vears; but our iittle craft l>ehaved bcaui?ful!y. onlv one sca \ l>roke on board, but did no damagc further thau fiUin£ the decks with watcr. She is n >p!end;d sea boat. and ail I could wish her cilhcr ni i?i;ht \vmds or heavy. and 1 hav e iio do«bt that she will prove to be ail that is ri4uind «a ihe i>lu»ds." He mea weliweli loa ka weU ma Inia Hi» kma i keia mua ia aku net i haia mamua, a nolaiia, uu nui loa na make mai ka ia mai no ka wei«t u ikiiki mo. Ke hoolaha mai nei na nupc|vi o Enelani, no ka mii ioa o na make uo ka wela ma laia, nolaila. ua kauolia ne n.i nnna i\'ui o ke ai inui kea nhi, f hno(nttl:a»ifcau o i mnu pahu kupapau mn i eia a :n* o fce kaa r ku ai.