Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 39, 25 September 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Oear Mr. Printcr.

By xout cglf misukes—jastlook mray )«st— \ouneaHy r;apsiz'd me. So.shipmate.ara&{! And,*rceping, ask psrdon of Ood forthe As foT mp.l forgive, asCbns{mn ?hcjold do. Not fancying •« pistoU and coffce lor two t " Tboogh ray cb»Jd is tleed?ne, of vroands not a few. < But «-hy doyou not,keepmg&ober. fakecare? &Jy pi eces, yoo know, hare no raent tospare. j Then, daraage theio, printer,aga rn. if yoo dare. 1 I cbar£e yoo, dear sir, io a sorrowfol mood. To print your poor brotber, next time, a*you bhouid, ! Nor again spoil a disb of tbe pvb!ic food. > 1 rharge you, beseecb you, to print me ali ! nght. * ' if not, the o!d serpent mav ?queeze you more t«ght. V | And con«rience keelhaul you t frorn morning j uU night. J. 13. Tcluh,h. j