Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 38, 18 September 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

Wk ?*? r-•. 3 >■■"•••.-. ih E: :r : r .'-, of the &&. tr:3t il rn*v ? T ,o t;* ,i !ir_-<;-r - ticn ja *;ft ir--j«peridfn; Prci> ūian īn the G s -.rr r mrr ; «:'r>; Of£4n. It «,M »►? onr ;f r<ad r are Oc« cc»rivt•#-*; «•<? h?v«- becn c* d;?rcspc<t stie - W;do j .- of j> Kmg,' f *Mh«? Kj«c." " n'r* Privv Coonc.;/* ani *f('vii Au*hf'rj*v '* ccncfHay; io4 cf the .vad rf »« ®g"/tsiic-n " "on 3 line of UJCArj}f}-,«f4 oppG&:lton anU fauit-f*nd;n£." Th> c - artici»'. t'rgetbcr witb mar»y f ? r,?f3 in thc gov< rfi{r,crit newBpapers <3;3rinir the !a?J fc«v niorit.f>s, iii\iirates the cndeavor *f the prc>cnt A f j<n:ri?»{raticn, r»r atta-"ks nn vj iua'/. to dvf rt the 3tt€nt.on of the" puUie t"rocn a" free Jof vbc.r poi:~y and thf:r NVc ih.nk :: ?o 3:i;fi n .<irt to ihe himkw, in ■ '!if.' CUon with our «? i.;rt wc« k. Many o: our fei(ier<. m«y innik t'ii* unnece?->afy , t-.it pt-rh«»ps th».-v w; > U.iuk d;tferentiy, 1;* ?ru-y «:ons«ler that the v'ĪAmī -A īh3l put ]or;vir-.{ t>y !hc Ha*3;m;i HoiīAoi :r;._•'r (.'orr»',-;-orKi-i<>L* f .-'.īv. wh ; 'h. ;;>■ <--vt.*rv nne k:,ow-. .-Hiiouei!*-.. hi S >'~t. l" ifsc;r Kx*"-<:uisve O I:i,.- }> >-tra :fuu» th»c.«i : *tK>n, wu• n r.pr«:nla • ry «i•.,«-!! t.hc -t '.■! C:,r;-r»!anff in !h?- <-'»u't?ry. ;».n<i is t?;e t suc:e.->or. i.vft», :ac A. \j. C. F..M. 'J*nr«.Ji:a th:s :;<-nthjnuu, 3s Corrc>)w»n<in:;; Sr < ;rln-y •- i thcah<»ve iio-ini, the p.tr».*ul S?«.-i«.'{v ;»t Jk->tvn dcfiVc t?;'-;r iu.{T» rv l' »r t,;su" 0•;r C-'snii:f?n SN. an<l f;ti.rr m;t.t»-r? eonueeie•< \v;tn ),'lu -K<? '_• = «•.:». wii'i"; ;!i. v <:-ii.hv<lv i:» tn;-if ?epf.n« ••»iisl :t<iiire»>e>. ihein to i<v air>ojuiviv n-iiahl», aml j vu tncm <<' thi:ic t-.->nr»»;'jt<r<n antJ thc Cnr. -:*an w> riti — •\> m ;!:v;r r-p"rt, .-»t Norwi«:h. C<)Mn-'-<-t!->".it. Jn thv r ••;■< r; the Jl.-uvaii.in l;>:aI hf>t June.\v!ii<-h \v;.>:u!f<; t? •! in i.l iSnn nī 1 • 1 r»; t hv ri *'-f»;\v*' n> !uive »t am-m.h-i. n .<.ud t'n'it there had been :•>•■• «ne :n.j.rt>v»-ii!»-:it " in th».' C'j/n»non S -. ;-.n«i th"it īt;!n;|.rovcinent ha<! U/en s:i -onf< <{'.h:iicq ot tJtii<n."' {S»*e Kuokoi, ■ \n:'. I I • !t i> tn t!r> Um r»»m.*irk, r< L r "«rilini: '•;).::t;»?!"n." that we \v»»i) J id >i:re<-t atteuli«?n «it j-r(.-'-iit. i\<»w *.v»■ ,1. -< r» n- a I ct th.'tt the B'jnrd oi b«lut*.i!i«)n !<;t.-, ut no iim»', swervt'<i fr»>m its • »r"jin«ii {oh< v, !*īn l 'e U eon.-tttutt'il n.> ;tt } r»\-vnt, or iro;!t tf; •-* j•• >!k'v* M* tiio>e w}io jrc 'vt!':.! thcm. Tintt p«)!icy ti>;iv;ul them- •• !•. 1-5 <»t t:io servu:es ;\i»«l eoo|>eration ol ali ;;<«"i men ami woenen m ativuoeini; the e»lu'■<iti<»:;ai ;uhl in.;rjl inrcrc>ts oi' tne peopie. ■ ln '* 1 ii■ > \vi 1;•_: t.nt thi* jvo'icy, those tbe i\» \->t rii'n<-e u>. iim! who ;ire wiiim:,' to t*n»ī»;irk ;n the \vor!c, n.»tur.iiiy have the j reteren<e. h thrro inppeneel 10 ue .so;nc «;entit»nicn, tlr: atni«ihi{ity ol \vho>e temper >omewhat re;narkat'!e us. wht» !i«vt- th niL'hl limt thiy fi ; oi a (M!({-:;ivt"i rip;ht to dirtct umi :".»vern these ami who fi;i ve sometirnes morc- than hinfcd that wns hcredit<uy, an<t th;tt to Uieim' 1 to reeo!.Mii2e it. w,ts a 1! 1 un>t »{ murais, 110 oiie could heip !?iaf. There .ire M»«;h p«'oj»ie īn aii p;ut< of t;ie w<>riti. Inii ti»L-- we wi.{ veuture to say, tin! !!irre is no one who. from t!ie h.iscometo the Jn*urd, or niiv memher thereet, witii weli-me.inl ndvice, who has not i«tund tr.;n>cif" mrt \vith warmt)i and c<»rdī.i I.tv. 'I ;īi> h<ts li.id itsuatur«\ii:ml rei»?onab!et llect. <u»o«land true-h«artetl men luue t!i«'ioseives to j>.iy to t!ie i;rumhiers, wiio • ai! thenise!vc.< " aj,Mtators —" Your nmhit;t>u shail not stand the \vay of our du!y to tniN jieople ; you inay <?o 011 the priucip(e of • ruie or rum,' but we liml thei>c men hiboriu;: carncstiy in the right track, aml we are \vith thcm ; " th»s eonManl at (»'overnment olIi«:;a!s dis£usting to not a ;ew p>od men and true," nnd \ve will huve u»»ne ef it ; y<»u eho>-c to -neakoftlie Widow t>f a dct:e;i.>eii K as the '>o-eai!ed Queen,' tn yov.r nnd nf īhe Kk;:: iml iu> l % rivy (\,uncii as a • iew porsons styi.eh l'nw Cuunei! ; (?oe Ktto':i>a. Mar.-h 7.) !»ut \ve pr«»[H>se to teiu*h our ' to f»Mr (Jod ;ind honcr fhe Kini;.— to ho«or and olh y iiie Civii Authoritv; vou ni iy 5,1 V that you iuteud •to it o)t on fhi.< , M i>sionary i'- ( . -1.. Aprtl 17. and C. A , Jants.iry 00.) —a iiue ol opp«.»sinon at;d { ; yeU m;»V eive out ' I- īnt yt»u never intend "to puii aiuic;tb'.y but for our parf. we do not propose t«> :..>M.-t you in l»!se \vitness ainii«st our or ol >.tre»v'tu»o ih« j>,uh ol j \viu tiier y«>u rcekon us among •• your opj oser>- or fain!-hcnrted friends " , Kuoi;i! Ju!v lT.i " And thc wiil soon ,-:u»\v by wh.it spirit such eensurers \as vou.V vre L'vverned." jK»-v. Mr. Ureeu .s ietter to th.e >ee th* il.iZi'ttf\ Scpt. 1)