Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 35, 28 ʻAukake 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

Tobacco avA i(cligicn.

" Hoe- ncvcr b;te ine**' 53 vs 3 1)3!?. D? you know whv I a;k. '•! «ur><s?d fam nct onor>g"i foi S\ e-il. vou are , e o fu!i of iobarco and vkh:tkcy. sdJ? :he male." vcs, tol*?cro and whi»kev. No •wond<?r. then, ■ bop< w,!'. nct bitc yi>y. \Vby. wi-)i. not b;te Fofr.c p?rp!c : thcv are so īa-l ct toKieeo. At ieail, wheo ie-eehei . U£te tāc«r £ b!ood, thcy imir,f di3toiy Liil <iown dea«J. Fo. r s their b'ocd i- f<; ! cf l-haeeo-oil, a deadty i poi«oo. One drop cf this oii will UiU a cat \Vben a sai;or ?pits tobacco, juice into ihe cat's ey > , how she jamps ab-oat the decks ?; He (r,ay iaugh ; bat ihe poor cat is aimort ; mad wah pnn. But ldo not beHere (o-[ l«icco goc-s into ihe fiesh and 14 You; do not\Vhv, the savages, at one of the ; ii:!ari<i, could not eat a ?as!or ; he tasted so j mueh cf tobacco." ' M Oh! exc!aims tbe fnafe, laui:hing/' l]ut 5-:ir f it ts true. A Mnn-ol-War having touched at an hiand, the eomrnodure a«ked, 4jf they ate ail the crew.', •'Ail ij-.it one man," said one of the cannib?iis.: why di ! you noi eat ni»n /" " He taste i too rnuch tolac-:o, sir, could not eat him no, how." ,l And «lo you believe that ?" asks ■ the rr»ato, ?eriousiv. "Of course l do. I read it 111 the Chr.stian \Vor!d, a first clasa; London pnper. lt was. the ed»tor said, 4 the ' only good iie ever knew tobaeeo do.' lt; ?avfed ihe poor .saiior fro:n i)ei»tg ealen. • 4 -i>ti!l," .sayslhe maie. "idonotbeiieve to-! haeeo iiur?s any one." ]Jut i do. Wuy, some < hone.>-t .-;iciner?> h;ivc lo!d me, tiipy knew to- 1 haeeo was kiHihl: ihein. And so it was. Toba»vo fi r ts k:!led thousands of ali clas. c es. lt Uas seut <otne to l'ne niad )icuse, and tn<jre to the L r rave. Why have many such pale faces,, and looks ? Bccau.se tney are spitting ihe blood out of their veina, and flesh oll' tlieir bone.s. 1 knew an.Euglish Capt., who, of course waa addicted to sinoking-. Butj when he visited nie, I toid htin, 1 did ootj aiiow smoking iti rnv hou.se. Thcn hedrew ( : his c.hair to the iire, and biew his cioud up the chtmney, out my way. Nr\-f he wouid get on his knc( s. for lie wasa good c!iristian, : and pr.iy lor sinners, not forgeting rne. .Stiii 1 !j;thlu!iv lectured him on his bid habit. ' Wtii thts pious Capt., had an inward eoinplaint, whieii the doctorscouid not cure.. And ho\vdo you think ht* got rid of it? Just by gjving up tobacco. When he got weii, atid 111 three months, was a stonc heavier. 1 knew «no{hcr Engiish Capt., who was a >iave to tohaeeo. Vea, though he was a pro- ; lessinL T ehristian, he ioved tob;icco more than ; God, 1 onee said to hnn, wiii you eome in to prayer, Captaiti 'i ' INo,' saul he, 'I am just ( T .>ii> h «•> l.«vo a emol.o,' " i know who that Captiiin was," .ca;d thc matc, smiling "it was our Captain." " Weil he said, he was juvt goini, r to have a smoke." And do you rcaiiy prefer the pipe to prayer, Captain ?' J askcd, • Vea,' said he, 'I do for the prcsent' j •I am sory for vour preference, Captain. ■ Woll, it docs not speak niueh in my f«vor.'■ l:ideed, str, toh;icco is a great enemy to both | saul nml body." t4 Oh no," says the mate,' " 1 cannot beiicve tlmt.. i I wiii give you another instance, 1 nskcd! a saiior in San Francisco to eoine to church : w;thme, " iSo," s;iys he, before his eomnule?; " you playcd uie a dirty trick last time." \Vhat do you mean ?" " Why, you took me; to that front s\. , nt." •* OlTcourse, to get you | converted, you know, eome sailcrs have got! converted tiiere iateiy." Yes, but Ido not; want to get converted till next voyage. Did . not i teii you so, as we went to church ?" | " But you may never return from sea ; the . ship may be iost, and ail hands. Why then, j go to unprcpaid to dio " I canuot heip ; it," iii:htuig hts old pipe, ns one does when ! he is miserabie. " Vou ean heip it, by yieid« j ing to God. But you prefer the devil to. Ciod ; for you intend to serve ihe devil anoth- j cr voyai:e. And what wnges does the devil i i:ive hts iaithfu{ servants ? He give them ! mist ry in thīs >vorid, aml heli in the next., lf vou evt r iind your self in hell, do not j hiame God or me, bi;\me yourself." " I have' t>ccn miserab!e ever stnce i wasat thechurch . i»st," (b'owinganothercioudofsmoke.) "And uo wonder vou are nnscrable,- lf you wouid ; happy, you must go to Chrst instead ef : pipe." " The pipe is my only comfort, M ; (\vit!i a wretched smile.) " I think l would die but for the pij>e, M die oi* inisery. But, in seekirg comfort out the pipe, he A*assmokiog away the v>pint. Yea he was smokiug himseif to death, both soui and body. Thousandsofmiscrabiesinnerssacnticethemselves, t soul and body, to this vile idol Tobacco." J. 13. Tulloch.