Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 35, 28 August 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
l>y the arrivnl of the bark Comct Au«j. 12Tth lrvnn isui Krancisco % vvc havc datcs to thc ; 1 hh insi. Thō uc\vs is not o! mueh iui-; |H>iU\ncc. \ Nkw Vokk. Aug. 7. A partia! cclipso of thc sun \vas observcd bv hundrcds &nd thoo>a»ds of people io this ricinity. During a ' ponioa of the titne iight e!ouds pas<ed be-; fore the sufj, b»t not to anv degree ofiVctmg; the sub!imity of Uie *pectacie. ■ ProlVs*or Harkness reports: "Wehave. succocdcv! bi'\ond thc most cxpec-; t»tiuns. \Vj l»avc one hundrcd and twenty- ' thrce phoiogriiphs ol ihe echpse, twobcing oi, tiic loial. \ Lunuw, S. Tbc Safur(hy fiecit~u*. Ki au articie ou thenppmaching interuational s !»oat race, ja»V3 if ihe H{*rvai\is ean shoW; anythin<r new in ro\vm-?. «e sha!i !>? »bd toj sce it. if llarvard provcs alle to relicvc tbe'
monotrrv c{ o.\f*«rd's }t;cc?sses. we ii.jjak ; Oxford wili b>? gratefuL Tbe ihrratd b&it crevr vr33oat for pr3ctice at Potney. yes*eruay, w»th Lvansn and Fay. ibe rc-i»efā w&oiileh* arhre<iironn >'ew Vcrii. rA?.»s. 6. The Emperor srvd Em« press to 10-monow, where :hey Wi!i rem*in unt:i U.e 21st insiaot. Toe Empre?s w«i! consome 3b»jut three loomha in a trip throogh Torkey and E?yp{. - \VAsass<?To?s, Augn«i Stii. Advices C'iten 6dv;ces hive h««n reeeired to the 'to the '>0:h of Ju!y. Tne Sp--in:. e h >roop< in the K-,s>irrec«ionary di»trict« have ieen rein--2 forced by a'ii the dt«p©sabie lorces on ihe , is!and prep3rztory to active operattons. ! ln ihe Cir.co Vt!ias d:stric: there has be«n severalrrjinorcontest3.where. in every insTance, the Spaniards have been defeat*d. 1 wi:h ft reported loss in ki:ied. wounded and prisoners arnounting to near y ; lour hundred. Cub*n reinforcements are ser»t principally ■ to the distr ct commanded by Generai Jonian. The eampaipn promised to be actire. but |on account of the setting in ot the rainy sea?on !oih parties have been co:iipe;;e<i to su?pcnd operations.