Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 34, 21 August 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Thc A f Tz:.: tn .sbip Gcl<kn JL-r:i froj» San Frj:urr:vcd 011 thc 16ih Wiih n?w«. to August * ? i. T ; :e new Frvn-h-Arr«?rinn Cab!e is known as the Frani»i;n hne. THe iir?t througij raesssr<; was tr.«n?TTi ; .:tff! :t nt a qtm!er to ni'io A. M. Ju;y USth. I: was frcm tbe E:npc-ror to {!:? Prr?;.Uent. nn i vci« soc«n after r.n-'.% • n-1 by the }Vc'iti?rit. Pat:;.s Ja!v 2S:b—S:-!5 A. M. T--> :be Honorabic Secrc-t3ry of S:atc, \\'a ; ?•-n—Tr;e Em{*:-ror of the Fn*nch to ! ihe Ic: {he Un;{'?(] S:.ite-, Wash-! : i hiu iīi^'h\v crrattned to inauE'anee : a !;cvv ei i*.f-irra j>b, wliieh uuites Fraj»ce ; 1 v Sitat<?s. by scnd»ni; to yoa r p t\. r- <-iO!i f f i:iy ifond wi:-ior you nr. 1 ?or 'h<> pro v ;-f [;:y ot tiie United SntfrSi. Naī'OLKO X. T .? Pr. -!de'it ri!. ;v» rcd ah i'oilow : _ Juiy 2S:!i. i : ;e I'r* d»oit <>'. i'ne. Uuited St :t- >to thfFreneh : 1 •;ordiaiiv reoi-j-ri..Mte yon'r c«.«(»d and trust t!iat thp r.i; po;i"y < m t;ie Un:t»:d Btates. pur;uaru, fo \vh: 'h ?h:' ■. ii/'e h;i- Uen inrided t may ; *•- c ] t i'i i!wny means r»f eomnuiniea- ; •-pc.-;j ;: y :- :\voen thi< «*ountry and its ' aiiy and 2f;end. U. S. o?iant. T'.e ro\al s;L*nafure \vas Julv ailixed to ih" Ir.-!i C:»urch Disestab.ish:nent biii. The ' ev"\: \V3< r-. ?( ived \vīth cheers in ti»e House o: <' ; 'i'i.'? Loiidon Timcs nn anieie on the ; qjertinn m the Unitpd iS'ates. It ; ihuik* the ;o.'ifiict of rijces in Caiifornia ean-: nM be so!vcd by he;>vy duties on immigrat.o:), rr by str**et outruL r <.*s. It is impossib!e i to -up; isc tho Ciiincse ean be k*ept out of Ai:/.r.c i. lnherit!r.g an ancient civuizition. I <•eonom!'; methods, but destitute of :-:ro: t;i ai. l of morai lii»cr, wliieh suj-purt :tuth-jrity. the Chiness nn»v be wei-eo-in- r;s at:-:stanta in co!onizUion, not teared v. ■ a T:-.r>i ii!i-'!y to dominate in the future. | To" loiemalional Young Men's Christian ' A ->t!of>, at Porfu<nd, on .Saturday, hnd ;m < \ ;:\d d:iTerence ot opinion as towhether i l :••ir;.-ins «*ire Christiaus.- : A ?:nrru!ar and ternb!e accident occurred ii'':ir i'nneeion. Kontucky. on the 20th of; Ju!y. An inuiicnse nnilaione, wei£,diing nenr-1 iy a ti)ii aud a liali'. ro!led o(Va \v.igon whieh ! w::s iiaul.jd aioni;side n steep iiiii, and r':-i;•?;i u:!ii kan'ui volocity down the iiul, mto a !armyard at its f(iOt, crossiu£: through a !-;iice, over severai bee-hives, into a pas-; t-ure beyoi»d, \vhere it ran over and kiiled , tv.o cvives and a horse. The U:es atticked childreii piaying in theyard, and stung th< !n ?n> that one has since died, and two ' nthers wtre biind (\ud speechiess, and notex!cd to survivo. The city din-ctory of Chicngo for 1569 co:.inin> Il'o,ooo names—l£,ooo more than !a-i vear. The Conirressionai eiections in Mexico j otr<juietiy. Juarez and his Cahinet, Komcro aml a number of others \vere blo-\vn up i'V a kuier expiosion on Lake Tezouco, i ;it a;i esc ipcd—Komero by swimming. Tiii- Siioz < anal is to be formaiiy opened iNovciiibcr 17th. T!:•..' C/ar ior!'ids Kussian i?ishops to attcnd liie Eeumenii'al Council. Th< x Jcw«s i)nvo petitioned the Czar for the r\.u-:;s;on ot ī tiei r r>ghts of reliiriun and edu(l:ir.ba!di i c given up by his piiysicians. E:<;!ity Austrian famiiies iiave made arr't ; ;c:ncnts to sett!e in Virginia. Tno K:ni: of Pru-ssi& after eating a hearty • '.::.'i. i- :::o other day, hiul a iainting fit, aml at nrst wa> beiie\*ed to be dy ing—but reawoko :o oonsciousness. Few of the eminent piivs:cians ot Berlin believe that tiie King '.vui out hve the present year. 'lenrra! Sjckles is reported fo have inīraciions iinni Washington to tender the ,:o:d v iiiccs oi ihe Umted States to Spain in atrurs wit!i Cuba. He is authorized to propose tiust Sp.iin ailow Cuba to govern hc!so.fas Engi:uid aiio\vs Canadn. <'nbu. Nt:w Vor.K, Juiy 26. An Ameriean, just returīied froni Cuba, says the revoiutionary iorccs disp!ay more activity than the Spaniards. un\Uing ran!s and otherwise harassing ihe enemy. Tiiere is, ho\vever. very little disordcr outsuie of that usuaiiy connected wi:h m:iitary eperations. Private individuals trave! from plaee 10 piaee without moiestation. Supp!ies are obtained from tiie plantat:ons of the eountry whieh are very product\Ve, uui both parties have abundance of pro-
vi«ion>\ T!i<* priucipal \vants nf the revoiu« j Uuni>ts are arms, iuedicines, sa!t, clothinp aii'.} <hoc?. There is no Inek of men or pn« iriutisjn. T!icv hnve ammunition enough of all ki;ids to hst inany months ; abo, have ■ ai>rna'.s i'or the nit\nufacture of cartndges aial ivjviirinj; anns ilisabled in oelion. The leaiU'rs state that thcy don*t need any ii !ro;n nbroHl ; they carc particularly for :irsns wīrh whioh to c<juip !nrge numt»ers of {Mtrior \\'iunteers who nreconstnntly present» ii!j: stiom?eives. An ir«trresti»£ letter relative to the Cubon ?ituation is reoeived jrom a i>panish gentlemcnt. who \vent to Cuba several months ago to ouiim nn inhentance that had been lefc huu. He s:i\\s that at Nuevitas he learncd īhat nine Cret»!es \vere going to be presentiy >:u»L Tlny iikuc!u\l near iiim wuh firm >:cp, w-iii heads ercct aud \vith looks of bravo determjiv.\tion. Arnved at the faul s|'ot. tlu v seated themseives on a heneh alre uiv prepared, and atthesoundot theoflicer'? voice who g-.»ve the order to tire, ttiey cried oiit. " Hur.rah tor CuKi !" •• Hurrah for ! '■ Aiter they hadfalleothe volunieers ?truek their Uiyonets into their bodies. Ai Gtbora he st\v a group of armed men in;irch»ng to\vard a house of modest appearanee, Anxtous to see \vhat was to be done, he luilo'w them. Arrived before . the'door thev halted, whiiethreeofthenumberēntewd. The!atterprese»tlv reappeared wtth a youog ma», c.rying out." - Here is an iusurrecto : here is Marub» ! ' - What do you wish ?" siid the young ma». " if i whom you scck, i nm ot your service; but don t Jright. ' en my fatiier and i«olher. n \Vithout ceremony th*?%*»nteen* seized the speaker, and dmgg«ng h|»aiongtheroad thcv slruck* hiin rcpcaiedly With the butts of ()icir musbels. WUeo they sjtot w ihe eeme-
t*ry they rsn him thro'J,rh w;th btyone:i. From San:;ago de Cula eome a thouīand atrocitics that were comniitted by the i:u*irn- ' ous Fraocif-:o Fēre«, to whom Governor of that p--rt of the is:-and hts jr;tru«: c 4 the . direction oi miiien. Gu-anntoni-j a mnn wantinr in evervsent!ment of burr.3nity and every roora! pnneiple, tK-en r«-.-bbmp and every Cut>in whom he bei;evcd to be Whoie hminw ;n ;he ; vi;inīty have been murdered bv th : -s b'nd:t. Vounjj and o!d w*ere botchered. ar?d his eompar»ions not be?n£ s-"itissed w th the v;:)a:ny committed there, passed to Bascoa. where. iaid€d by a few other a««3 ssir,?, they wer.t from hou?.e to hooī-e. Hur>dreds of penrons īn th;s way were niurdered with the fu;j e! 'ho aiithor.::t