Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 29, 17 July 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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'n-' x Am. s!i |> " K;\\\! " whioh nrrivod . T;; !-y rvcntr-.;. Jwiy 15, !-rouch{ uc\vs • ! >.t- t > thc ~ # :h v! June. 'IMie now l'nilou St\\<;< 11. A, l'ieiee, , tr« n: ■ _ | \\ i- t!tu;v O t!i.it C ;vii \\ ,ir is r;u;in£ \v;th \ r;, u, ■' v;olov.cr ju Jap;\n, tluvt tho sitU'| at..':i o: :oro-;-ncrs thcro is priv.t»ri-.'U<. ; \w l.'amA v.;\ r-; ati uuc;isy leoliuu among ! t''.c r-: r ; i>{ t';:it nntion \vith rcicrcncc to • i 1 ;- t.j:;irc rour>c ei'j v - 4 !itical cvcnt-5 thcrc. r«r;t:> l i Muustor Thorutou iuaiie n spccch nt ':;c i'eueo Jubilcc U.\iu|act, m wj;■ ;!i ho Ucol.ir< d most cmphattcaiiv in •; '.i% : < : ;ru . i'wi anil coru;;d rcinfiotis bc-! :\v'. :i Kr ; ;'.:!;ā ntui ihe C nitcil Sta!es, for ] i'-.e t;i;;.;.'U i:ood rt ircc £vv?rni»cnt aml : o.\ i aii cvcr thc \vorUi. I Kovo:.;t:oH ar.vl tro.ison ?. s - n!nst the Junr\*7.' rn;".--;ū :\j-roar io be ihe orvicr o!" i .o,;>y ;n M, wo. has :vcn <♦, \ .-;r::or v\ l*'.uHe t< the enomv t>{ • l 'io :.nicr.i: s;*rv:;os oi l!onrv J. Kiiynjo:ul 1. : i<jr o=• tliC New \ ork "Tuii«'s" who ilieil , 1 /o\y J -'oe -W years. took j «? : i Nv\v \ crk Jutu» i?l. A l.injv nuin-! . •;: w.\s pT\'scr.t. tuci\nl!n«4 ail UraJi«<j w!uors ! inen o! New Vork bax l>on- j s. :t v\ i >i x "Hor.il.i." Kcv. L>r. rc.ul : ;o >otv,oc. Hcroi)or preacht\i t!ic sicr.uoi». ; .i:,o Kcv. Vni. ShcxiJ JcuvercJ iho jMyor. At t!ic l\\h:nct uico\,n.; Junc i; ap no:\r\xi ih:\t. w!u,c t:\c rreswletu auii ;\ll the iito;s;N:rs oi thc Cal;nct snsv ui symjv»thv \\t:h ih».*' Cubt« :n<arjf fsts. noeio oi ihom ! :• -f i ii.io pj«->!-nt a* fh l;i:tic to riv\Krn'i« • i 'ioi rlk u3-crvnt r ;£!»:$. \ l>tn:«c? \ ?ccrt>y K:;ypt. b now i t . i : Q-Jccn \ tctor;,i, at ivuck»njjhim r» \;c. Hc w.\> wnnni)" t\v c:\Vvl by thc y \ ;• e oi Lonvlot>. \ lVn* hunJro\i ntics »re h?insr i <o:;{ in»m thc Spr;ni;itoUl Amorv to! l';.rUcv. th.it iiOvcri»ment havmg bevom« a = to U«at amouui. f Thc 3iithor!tics Njjvīcs, Turia *«J Mil-' .iii k:c i« iiiA oi amnhcr jx»pu!ar outbrvak; nml hne laken j rccnu\>ns to j'rcvc«t H. '' Whoii auv.»s?. ei iwo cent> p.r humlwnl J';: ( c "Jl i'i 1, \ —;tn advanee o! hī'-tfi-u cct«!.- \vithiti !iircc dsy*. j U ke Kiāatu.i iiou o ko au|Hioi o Scji?sn«» iUi fI«A <'«I*3!, il'i' ».i i: h.inaui.i «a.-i k«* lvOs<, a U3 hoomi»ftm?-at* i inu ia oihana. U:t komo j>u nohoi ike ka*j '..t inu Mekiko. {