Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 21, 22 May 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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liv Amcrio.in S!nps » , Ke>olutc M nml • Sumntr.v" whioli srrtvcU thc pivscnt weok \vc have Kiter tse\v< to the Ut ol Mnv. We ehp the (»»ilowing itctu?; — Hutch.n>o» ot Arkansas \>*ns noiniuaU'U ns Ministor to ihe Saml\vioh ismmis on the I2si, oi Apn\. The liro was still Um>ing in the GoU Hill inim>\ am! all ellorts to sulxtue itare unamil-; tnsj. !kv:iusc ihe riivnien oannot reach the ; sc.it oMhe? fires—for tho sinokr, !oul ni r, nnd cavod mas-«os of earth. An opinion obtains tiut <hc Ussnuge to these miiu x s has - lutherto been and th.U they cannot st>on got ngnin into conditicn for prvfUab!e work. A cominghn?ak up-in C»rant $ Cabinft is ihe subject. of rumor at Washington. It i$ said that Fish nnd Borie nn* sure to go out, ami tb*iK«l». VVashlHmian<tFish bave quarreled. I Adtniral lVrter n«med as the prohable I ?ucccs?H>r to Secretary Bone, whose rcs gna-; tio» is tmw regunied »s a certam evenī. ; The most mteivsting' irem of JBurupean »e\ts is the rejK>neil aiāsswg ofUrge bvxl;es of Frus«iau tr\xms on the frontier. The Engiish Klinister has received nodis*' j«tches frotn his C*ovemmrnt since he noided them of the rejeccion of the AUhuua ; U«aty. Mueh speeuUtion is tndu!g%>d »s to how the English Go\t»rnment will rrga rd ihi* aeiion, lt«Ie conftdence being placed in ihe c<wments *f E»g!tsh prtss. A »entietuan urtio has opportunities of knowit:g thc | oi ihe Mintsfer Thornton» futur«; »»r2"t«ations uiust be opened by the t 7 nited l Suites. J £nghsh poi»ttctans aiui Tr«des Unton« are. gettiAg up en\igration on*air\tions to faciiit*: aie ilwe emigratton of EtkgU*U workingt)iien to \ ehe United 3ti\te?. j The Pjrit»9 &ltmster of Baram u»ade a | utteck oa fhc eney<lic4l Icttcr, 1

whKh he d«R-otJcc?i ai the c*s? ; c ei iront\s fce!T? f n the Chxirch ani State. S?-rr>t%rv Fj«3 t?'ein.«:ricticr;? :a īhe CuSm Gener.il to «iemani the !sr»rned c-t 'he brr -Msrr Loweii " i to 'y :!<« Spanaa autbor;t-ts tha: t t«^;a oū Vt« psrt <4 !fc» Cr.S"v*!?s N*tt if ltis demsrd ?s refiKd. Thf Hir»n« rrtsf ur?M the G''•6'n.Ti®rit to eipe! au Amer : .c-a,%s ih a !* t *rd. Tr;e on e: ihe Hivina Cour; af Aucn:rahy. that :he hne "M=iry L#owe I * >* a !»«•»! pT*3t«». tbe {t : "<s c{ rc?nr deoinds mzde bv ihe Cnited Sui« Secreurv oi isute t r tle ?nrrc'nd"r t'o*s ve*s<e;, t«z*ther wiih n*vsl pr?pn»?; : or;s eoine 1 on m Am?rpom, joc* 5 3* jf 8 w»r f>e*ween th«t eoumn- sn-J s?pam t$ menuhie. and 45 if )t wou!i begin very aoe-n. ft ap*ear* that ow;nsr to a !a\vof Coogress greaiiy r*duciog :he *ctive nara{ f..»rce ct tne Cnited Siates. bus six ves>>e;s csn be 3j:«eired for the Cufcan wvuers. The Sp3niards have lost «evera! imponan: bat:les m the Cer,tra! D«*part(nent of Cuha. Frnnceand are preparing to $end a n3va| foree to Ciīban \viter?, and to lake oth'-r rno4-nre? t > prevert Cubi from obt3'nher independ*ra-e or Sp*ni>h intcres»s fr«'f■> at the han is «>f the L'n;ted Str.;es Fr»cnds cf Sind\vich Is!ar;d fre-ity «re conti«lent u wou!d !; ive be*n r!:fiv«! hv! a vc-tv beu; re3ched.