Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 21, 22 Mei 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Late vovag€ of lhr Morninf Star.
1 nu4" i rora:re m thc " Mom?ng Star." %-c M«r."j'ses3». Vcf. thc •* Mominz *h<> h.-i* noi hcsrd of m;?«^nan'paeke: ? SiiCJ«»n Amenean • hri«nani?y. »< ihe "Jobn j ' i*jo Enr'ui*h. Ha;i ! m!s*tonary pBcw*tj. I>e3rrrs of gospe'.'fTc*chcn īo :he heaihen your ea» ployrntn: jr*cr;Oij«. r .'v re are fcr- rannen of ttj«? m-;ienn«urn. God «peH vc>t to lhe if!an?js. H;:I am d '£Tc»;f ingaf're*dy. rrs3d*r the in fsftv-ven divs. OurUnd-I3U were aā cood ; for Capt. TengMrom ::•> a c>o<J naTjga:'jr. Take tbe fīnt, for ta:-,tjnc?. When lwenty-t«fO <Uvs out, the Capt. chat we woo!d i«c iand lfClore djr'«. AnJ «hu īs nol aaxioas to hi-» o«:« prophety f f j{ftned ? Well, f,rst a?' the ??j» «v.is 1 had (he p?ea.«-jre oi' rcpon.r>- "Inn'i ' !■> M;r vv'-rthv cb;cf. then ii> the eahin. **ll*r;h 'ami, neariy ri:£*ht nhead, # . h)r!" I mv. "Al'ipphe £=iyhe; ar,d fin she> hi* sopp»>rt. ;n L'oe-ii ?pout?.. Thb w*»* the ; - i3nd t { L'.ihuna, ene ei' the .Marr|':jt*3 5, an<i !he v<ry oue ue wan;: «1 llrst. h W3» thcn htthed ;» the g;ory oi ue setting sun. The r!onds lipon it w- rt? ail porpi<?, ">!iver, niui i: a i:iitiO'.is ?'ght. remindw£ ;he Chr:?t:3n »i!i'orci :i !v.'l!tr !nr.d. An.i a p eri.sim vrv-ir< > it wn*. Nol a Usu. or ;i h:'in,-fy r«»w, on lxnrd. e.x>'opt Wilh a ?.hark wluoh we We ciī;-o caught porpn-<«\ nnd n enting !herr, bf»th. ai.'l !..) s:or«n. no ao:idcn:. A royal' mul st:»VMiI h ;r-t; b*-;<::««se thry v.*ere oid t nt»d lh'.- .- j S.'. <.\y. And ao o ; Jtriggcr <:arriti| a'»\.»y ; b'..Mv;se it wa? en':!» 1 <!, perhap i:U'.! th»r man tnat unde it, Ai»o, some j «.>-.'ji-raii o,irrīi «i r;'.v.iv. An cnr or two hrokc;i ; nt»d n \v.«.iiT-cn;>k >tove. (InU Mown ovv;k«ai\l, iv hoavU Atid. r>hip ro!ling h- i\y. 1 n«riinst the poop, ;snd hur: a r,i>. J>ut. during ihe \vho!e v>y»ge, r.'t o;ie wa< «'Tiouslv hurt, or put on the blark-i•'•t; i menn. fhe siek-ii>t. At sea, we had pietity cf >ilt-hor.>e ; and, ut the i.sinnds, t!»c Capt. j*avc us pl"nty of cocoar)Uis, nnd iun.nia». \ et, strange to s:»y, £ome were , not One sn!or actualiy cursed the c.ipt., liotiind his b.ick, for not giving us oranges as weil! Ungr;iteful min ! The Cnpt. did .sometitnes g»ve u« oranges. And, on he one.e gnve hii lx>ftt's cre\v n five-' f ranc pieee, to buy fruit for dinner. Ves, it\vaso p!easantvoyage on the whole ; t\ir we h*ad worship in <he cabin, !\vice a d« v. Capt. Tengstrom conduc?ed the ivorshtp in ihe inorning. And how deltghtfu! to see a a Capt. kneei at sea, before hiscrc\v ! At the mcri'y-fr«it of Goii, e»ptnins nnd Siiilors are t«)unl. There, captaitis are i:ot beaft, and s;ulors bvforc, the inast: they nre ail together, and e(]uni. Captainj> nre not above, and sai!urs t>c!ow ; they are ali on a level, and c«]unl. -Nay. nt the inercy seat, they are not caplains and s«ilors at all ; but sinners, perhnps saved. l>ut lnm d»gressing ngain. Mr. l'i gue, the de!egate, lead worship in the And n> he read, he cxpouudcd ihe s v -ripture. He ts certnin!y the best ex-1 positor of scri]'ture l ever knew afloat. lt is : n lea.-t to heir him. He literailv feeds you : with ihe word of God ; that is, if you have ; nny nppctite. In addition, Mr. Poguc preach- * ed m the eahin every $undayaftcntoon. His >crmon? are iike his expos«tions. The voyage ended most pleosantly. When i we si«ghtcd Honoluhi, the wind was fair, sea ; smooth, and sky c!oudless. "How delightiul!" I s.iid to Mr. I\»gue, as \ve steered iuto port. " How delightfui, after tossing übout at soa ! May we thus p?accfuliy enter , the port oi Henven, when the voyage of life isended." •' We have the promtse," replied the Chr>stinn Minister. Thus ended n vovnge to the Mnniues.is. JO»n B. Ti LLOe».