Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 19, 8 May 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


Tiic)'.irk» iV , Cainbri(.ige" nrrivcd ; thi:- weeU fruiu San I/nwiri>co, bnngin», r the iiiail> uml iivw> io thc 21m. The grciitest Mining Cal;unity that cvc:r (K*ourred in any of thc jnines in thc Ull ited j StnU's took plaee 111 Ne'nula, April 7th, inj three of the Jargcst niincs at Go!d Hill, eall-1 ed the V'cilow Jacket, Crown Pointand Ken-J tuck, whieh \vcre connected together byl <irifts for ventilation and oommunication, by' ihe breafcing out of llre, whieh continued for| iuore thun 11 week nnd causing an appalling' of life and dainage. I Datcs by Overiand telegraph ito April llth j *av: ] Thc House of Kepresentatives eontinued j iti- sessi(in to tueive niidnight Saturday, and j ihen, after lini:siiing up ail the «iost itnpor-j rant bu«-iues-> yet unnnished, adjoi»red sbiedie. Tiie Scnatc \v 11! reninin for tiie transaetion oi e.\ccut»ve business. Among' other busi- i ncss, the Hou.se passed Banks' resolution j cxtending sympathv to Cuba, bv a vote of; yy to lm. Tlie Capital of \Vyoming- Territory is to be ti\ed at Cheyenne. The bjU for the reconstruction of Virginia, 31issis>ippi and Texas pnssed both houses and \vas sīgntd by the President. It is un« dcrstood 10 increase the number of white \uters in Viri:itiiu und Mississippi. £>an Dipgo, C;alifornia, lias been made n port of entry. Thc "Tnbune's'' special says the Senate 1 OouimiUee on Foreign Keiations haveagreed ! to report fvivorably on the Sand\vich ls»land I treaty. Probably this as well as the " Alabama " | treaty, wiii go over to the extra exeeutiv f e ; ses-<ion. I The Senate eonHrmed t\vo nominations — ! Motlcy, as Alnuster to England, and John| Juy to Austriu. * In ihe Senat'.\ April 13, the Alabama j treaty question \vas discussed, nnd the treaty \ rejceted with but one dissenting vote. Sum-j ner in»de the speech on the occasiot». it was | two hours long, Hmlrevievved the whole ques- 1 tion \vith mueh nbiliiy and temperance. He 100U the ground thnt no treatv ean be regardod by the United States ns a satisfactory settioment of the pendiftg ditiioulties that does not hold 12ng!and responsible to this Guvernment in dan»B£res caused by the violalion ou the part ol togh\nd of internation»l iaw. He ar£ued that tlie iUeg\\l conduot of l'!ng!atid proiong?d the e 1 vll \vnr t\vo years ntui cost us S100.00D.0ll(i The speech \vns indorscd and applauded by iuany Seuaton>. In the discussion of the AlaKima treaty in the Sennte, it sccrns that Chandler, oi' Miclugan, \vas the 011 ty Senator who made & wariike specch. He ntitic.ip:ited and mther invited a \var fur the act;uisition of C«nada. Wanur, of Georgia, maue a dignified and state<maniike sjvech, deprecoting passion. but ch:\rging Kng!and wuh »n attompt to estabiish a slave cmpire on this contment — un otfense »gatnst us and ngaiivsteivtiization lor whieh that »ation could note atone either hy npo!ogy or fc tlu* jxtyment of gold. There \vns a Cabinet meetin£ on Tuesday to consider \vhat course the Gov«raroeol shalj take wit!, reference ta alleged ootn>gt:S by tho Sp.tmsh authorilies m Cuba on Amertean cittsens. lt was agr*»ed that if the adlegtHi outrag«s prov« true, the President shall demami tnstant satisfacūon and an humble a"|>oloj;y. The Cabinet has decidcd agsinst the tmmcdiate r«cogniiton of the heUig*r«m rights ofCuba. , The SpanUh Govemraent is aboot to purchase. or tr\* t« purchas>e, Monitors lrooi ihe United Sut<s for servtce in Culvt \vaters. The propostrd Spanish Directori«UTrtu»«virate has fdilen doad. Ther\» is talk of suj>erDulc« as Capiatn G«nerdl of Cuba. De lv k sja 13 nttmed as his probitbie succe&sor. Leon and Aujjustin Medma, t»u Ouhan (>iitriots —onea naturah&edcitiien ot thc Un»ted States—were garroted at Havau* y<fe>teriUy ior trenson, Thew waa an ttmue'nse crowd of spei;tatons present, some of wliom cxpressvd sympatiiy \vith llue dy ing patriot-$; wbi'reupo» ilhe Spantsh $aidteis guarding tha sc«tioid faced about and with vindtciivei»ess fired iaio ihe prouiis.

!c«ious cto*i. kiiiing si\ nien. without recanl "to tbcir euni or iene-eeaee oi* the sed ; :ious • cnes ut!cretj. Concr?Ss bas possed the l*iti to /iid the Or*eon iine of iaUwa}* to eonne-el w;;h the Ccntrai Pacific at a po;nt n*?ar the nona ! berd of llie- Hionjbo!dt. by a gT3nt of Hnd ; &ut the grant h cra3rded so that aII iae Und ! rnu*t be heid op?n io pre-emptors.-T?.c UieH *>t!fria*c rf {he p«»puiatio:i ol j New York rity t- : 1.115,"jf>"7. A New Vorx V ; i:iUiv:c Cer:nnittcc iic'«i a meeline on the nig-'U cf Apni l«t. at wh:ch thcv re~oived to keep a clos? wnieh on the ; movenieDt3 of the Coorts and poifticians in i re!ation to one Keal, a murJerer conhoed in the Torrshs, wiih an impiied undēr>'tafid that he sha;l hare ?nmmary jus*»icc, if legtii just- ! iee is likeiv to (i\\. j From the Chicago "Hepuhliean" we have ' the statement that the otncers ot the Union . and Central Pacific Kji!wivs hare determined to have no e.xcursion to the Paeiiie | this Summer. \Vant oi ruiiing &tock ar.d I eattng acco!r.mcfd3tions on the roule is the ; rca?oii for thīs disappointment ot 1 general exp€ctation. i it ii statcd that some Etigli-?h capitaii;ts ; and siiippmg interer::.*? are ennioinin.; to l»ui!d ja r.i;iivav acrr?s*the S{a'e < f Hoiiil'.ini?, ia : C' !itral Amenea, wīth the view of takin? | the heavv Asiat!c tonnage from San FranciS. ;eo and tne Paeiho Kaihvay. Thov propose ! to eonneei at eaeh sidc with iiucs oi Gnglish : si»?araships. | The eīvi 1 \var in Japan has broken out •! sfrc?h, and with ii.creased vio!ence. The ī rebfi Adrnirnl hns i'ained a footinir on the i island of Vtsso, from whieh his forces are j enahied to make ireq»ieiit incur-iuns tn tl»e I main !and, iut]icting gre:it īnjiries ou the | i.lik;H.lo'.s a.! : ;er> n