Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 17, 24 ʻApelila 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

WeiikeiLe fo:iowi«}g art;cle trom ;he Fcbruary »ua»Hr of th* " Mission Ficld," hv the 4 - Socie:y !or the Propagalion of thc Gobpel." Lor:ik»u : Hawaii. Tr«e Kev. T. Hsrr;?, S. P. G. Missionary, r*ho wr-:tes from Honoiuiu, s«2er.J2 to have infu«c-tl new ?;fe īnt» r.ur work in that ci?y. He bas tormed B.i>ie e, —or»e oi nstive men, anoiher oi' svo<j.ejs. In ihe Ijiier, Queen E;nrna acied h.5 n»terprtter; !or. havn.g oaty arrsved ?n July lx-t, he lud u<-i aciuired the i3i:guai:e witn enough accur;cy to lo independetii ot such help. He rep<in.s that the natsvc fc»ovs* t:hooi tvad doub»ed m nu:ubeiif «!!ice his j-ettietnent in Honoluiu, and hād (.htained an increased great oi" 3rcn) the Hawaiian Board oi Eciucation : tnat the naitve c-tlertory had aibo doubied, and tha: a nuir»i-r of raurchumens were anx OUS- - 'a 111ng titC ru ul the Bist»op lor eou-' t'rmaiion. Mr. Horns asks hi» Lordahip's pcrrnisiion to adnt»t tr»t-in Hoiy Cou»uiUnion, beir»g **lit, ar»d el beiug eoi./irmed.' 5 Queen Emma herseii wr;cirig- lo the Btshop. now n» Eni r jand, t>g* him noi to returu vvituout tbe iu»rans oi n>.'Jiuut£ toe butlding of the cathedra!. \\ e are*giad to hnd, wiiile speaking on subject, t'uat tae venerjbie S. P. U. K., grunted 100/. to this object. Honoiulu is becomi. r »g uicre and /iion? a piaee ol ejli, n;;«! oom year .":tcame»"i : wjil run heiween b;in and Auhtra- i iia, louehine there ntid ut New Zeaiand, and m wiiU liie uiw ime oi raii- ■ wav heiween New \ork aud the Cc»!ilorniaii coa>t. kis tnust iu»portat.t ihat, wjth a eon- ; tinued infiux <A vvhitesettlersattractcd thither, ;is vtc;l as ol the iloa(»ug mantime eiement, Erighnd and htr Chorcti shouid be fitiy reprc;ented. The tema!e industrial sciiools at Lahaine ; a* weil as ai Honoiuiu, ut»dcr the care oi Bisu-r ! ct Mer - v, >.ic as \r.iitiiy appreciated , ne ever i>\' tho people. 'I ii'- V <ire ••fuliy to overflu\v.!nj. 1 More bui;din£(s are absoiute- | Iy uceded. Lahaina ha. 1 ? beeo t!ieeducational j coiony of the to .>:iy. klere is tiie | bovs'"boardr>g and day .m !iou! togethcr, nuin-1 bermg near 11*0 ofthe mo?>t pronusing youths uf tUc kingdom, aii taught »n Engii.-U. Archdeacon Mason, \vriv.nij h'oni tfiis tow(», tav.-j thol therc, too, ire.->n durmitorie3 j mti3t be erectcd, while the Condit!on (>1 his| Church, a wooden shed, not even eapahie of mude waterproof, i* greatiy against his , succe;-s. The neighhourhood is exceedti)giy I poor, aud \vithout heip trom home ean hafd- j iy be expecled to build a suitabie stone fabric.! The Kev. U. B. Whippie, S. P. G. Mis-i sionarv at Waiiuku, priest of tiie Ainerican | Church, who hns been in part maintaitied by! its altms, reporis fresh openings of usetulness, and accessions of support, especialiy in the value?tb;eco-operationaiullibcraiity of Ameriean st»i;;\r pianters in his neighbourhood. 1 Wiili regard to tiie Mission in Kona (where Cap!ain Cook perished.) in Hawaii, uuder the Kev. C. G. Wiiiinmson, it wili be reTnvmbercd tiiat tiie district wus visited lnst yenr with f *arful earthquakcs; stili Mr. W iliiamson's church,. school, and house were not thrown down; and according to a ietter recenflv pubiished in the ''Nel,'' hewashaviog a reasonabiē nmount oi' success. Queen Emma had bcen visiting the neighbourhood, und rode twenty-lour niiies on horseback to atten«l D vine Service. The need ofChristian intluences aud better education īu this distnct wiil b-2 illusirated by a tragedy whieh rcccut!y occurred tiiere, and excited no {mie lenr among the white ?ettlers scatt?red up and do\vn. A iiative cailcd Kaona dec]ared himseif a prophe: insp»rcd by the old lieaihen gods to «■stabii?li the faith and upset the existing Gaverunicut. ile drew n, body of natives i\iter hini, ns lananeal as hnnseU", nnd when summoned by ti»e sheritf, an Engiishman iiamed Nevii!e, to surrender for the disturlanee, tiiev se»zed him, and witii ciubscrueiiy beat to death, having tirst ailowed h»m to vvitness the nmrder in eool biood ot his ch»ef orticer. Mr. i\evilie was the great supporter of the Church iu Kona, and a tiuly Ciiristiau man. The fanatics hnvo been laken. and brou£jht to Hoiiolulu fi>r trial. It »s beiieved the murdt rcrs will be hanged. Yes! peopie make a gn-ut nnstake when ti»cv sav tlurc are no heathens now (using the tcrui iu its Uterii senso) m Hawaii. In the «'oui:itry distnct< the oid beiteis arestrong. Chri>tun sclk»ols aioue ean uproot them.