Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 16, 17 April 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
By A.ipo • * i: -D.C. wht'.:h arnvcd t»er<.- on !Saturdav ai'jd Suna.iV ld-t we rir-j i;i r<*c f jipi ol ;o M ; r;n aud ty tīit ' io Apni 3J. i.u i ;c ;uv N(- \v ••, Ine \W.-.r:i : iCuinini>-Mcni»':rs ui S.i«i Fr.snc!*Huri»r huve <i'?c.:tr»:d u'i-iin-I ihe i!ā[icr-fj •_'- .<«-t-e-r«i{:itcr :»ii.v.i!»c«\ .i;aking \\ d) rar.!r2rs ::o heuiū »übj,Ct '<» d:-C ; .-3X-1.. U;.c *.: ' t Pr« : 'i-;Ut aCl> v>.,< ti» <>r :■r th<t >• ;«: ul t\vo irr.!iior.< nnd a ut GovtrijUit nl t l ihu C isiitr.it fic Jv.tilr»».'ī<i. m :.cc ' f >Vōrk, r-,īi .1 o. r !C <>i 4hv i:i,-: ,*r*.s <»» l , r-.^;-.ir;i ! t Gni.t w«i.«> st«.p th<? i-' i/e. «--o (h.t{ iK.e m-.iion ;»fid ahail" v.ert J T; »• _ .S ; .*crenry «.»{ the cg:ii|».»fiy ;.*-.«..'«i it r « •!> «.! •:;** [.<»i;it inv<»|vcd. iii ■ i--!.•-r;i;.r;r tiu: wti..-re th? .in<i C«M.;r.iS r>.,«.<!> •lia'i m« 3 e;. Tiie (»t?V nilii': .»l Ct»[iiiJ(:.-;KJntI-- ur!j t'\a-i--r 11.•".;n'-n: <ji i'u;s \V.«.>ji: :> , ro.v. M :rc!) H'j. l£x-l J ri-iJfo: lic*« <S:»r.:r«?ro<:r<lv »il :«t Grvc:iV:;!e. i\*iil/r. !>;.s*i Alorr!- ic!t tii»s ju >iiiH«g t«>r t:i it |'.a ••:. Tit< r ■ uu; ;h o:- s,j\ tii«' j»rc( =ib:» tv t:i 11 rc; c;si ot i'. •• 'i'<. nnrv-t«i Oliiee L.IW. '1 he S»:n :t<ir;aī <.':»ucus ii' , b!t«<l the m.iil* r .i: ;:l tVVO i'H: v , r .-. on Mi»iid.»v M.ii- n OJI. wirh'»i<: r«.-:tchin; 5 r ;inv rorsc!u-:tin. A 1.» !■ n:v <Ti:.c Scn.irur- ;irv ev:vl»-i;t.v t«>; «:ai A ••.-{ "einl" lOpr«..Si. :.t< (»'r.tut a:-. " !:.c«.-:;st w," ai.«i :-.i Vī!... t liu .'J«, lilS 'A'll! lr.» 11l nie f.'.i t!»•;• ,;»w :s r» 4 {•♦..:! U <1 P'.-rh«ips so. iioih iK'ii; • s f-i Ci:ii, r roi.- h«. v<- l'ī Pii'ii«ifiir a v;hoUs.:';e bi;s!ue.- ; s i-i r,nlr-j.id imo-. Tu.» l io'.;.-'? 'unUi ccd in di'-cii>::ion of ti}c t;tr!y ndjournni' itt qn» T stion. whieh v h'.) , .vt'<l thnt n 1(17«i .ritv lavorcd n 5-ln.rt .•icsj<u»u. Kvprv:svut.it,v<- Jo!.;.rOU, ut'(,'aUiorui.l. rpji.v a pieee 011 :i Su!lr ■. N-tv;i! <>iTK.r •.'>• :.rc Uuit wah Set:r»'tarv Bor,c. Cun;niodore iniluenoe js eomplaihi i! 01. it ;s rvporUd t!iat iioi'io wi'.i <oon r- i si^ii. Cons!<ler;.l>'.o numbers e 1 Qn;ikei\s hnvo visit«d th*? i. I re:«ideul, to consolt ahout luelian AlhlKS. It i:- hiiiy knowu thai Grant iutcnds to a]i; oint Gcncral Ely Pai'kei* Couin)issioner ol" lnilian Ailair?. a.ni io at least thi'cc-tuurt'i.s ol' ii e huliau Agents and nppou«t a nt:ij..niy »>!' QuuUvr^. Nkw Yo:vK, MaieiilM. f'rinco Louis ot l>(.'urbuu iii»rried evenuiu r to Miss Eiueiie li.»nr,i ot'Cuba. The civii cercinouy Wits jm.m!i'rtr.r<l. thv Catiio!ic Pne>t iiavis:«_r decJM»cd to peri'orin nne ol" a religiou3 eiiHme-
tcr. lt is rcportcii that Ki«..x Kaiu;habe, thc preacnt AiiniMer at Wa>iiiiigton, has apponitcti Aiinister to Cot»ptan(tnople. A miki subsiituie tor li:c Tt'nure-of-UHice l;nv - tho Senate yestorday. Senator Morton ehamewn/.eii ihe sok<>t)UHe •• a bu<l phi>togrnph ol a iiead boiiy." :Moses ĪI. Grinneli has bcen appointcd Col-
ivi*tur o( the l'oa olAew VoiL A b;il hns lnvn in(rodiKv<l in (he Senntc ' whieh iets to tac bidtler liio priviley;c , o( kiliini: ono hundred ihoui-.iiul scai; in A;n^ka, aor.uai'v. in llie suni;ner on!y. The has not yet eoneented to see the Envoy lor the Ciiban insurgents. Secrenry Fi>h udvisvs « xtrenie cr.utton in rfs--{)eet to Cuh.i;i ai)airs. lt is st»tcd tii.it there b no doubt oi the (uh»j'tnMi, bv btlh tltnises, of Kesolutious of Svmapthv \v,th Cub.\u Uwolmion. The iSp;\r.ish MinisU r will j r-*iest, aiul, in e.\se ol iheir neiopiion. ie;>ve liie conntry. J. Lot!irop .Motky amwū to day in obed;oiKV to a siiiui;it'ns. lt i* believcd that he wiil siion bo appoinie.i .Mmistēr to (*uban >ew:-. Havana. Alarcli ilayti new> ui ihe Sth s >y.s tiv.\t S i!n;:vo w..s dofealed by the w.th v io>s r! ĪUI' n:e i. H.wana. .\iarv ii '3 \. lien. Lhi.eo h.is i.s-■ Mivd a peoeunuiion dec ail ves>eis capuirt'd ;n J>p.ui:sh \v.i:irs. er nenr the Ulmd. wiiii ;nv:i or iiuinitu.a;s o( war :«b ( vn\!, K* d nud be troatt'd as pir>tes, «ee mlmu to tr»e uii-eU - ot w.\r. '.rresne:t ve i'i ! l n ;r p of uep'Arnire an.i dc>t-n.ili-.ni. The l ; r " Mv;rv L.'\\eil," cipturt-d bv the S:vtiiish nr.in-rl-w.tr •• Atnlilusi.i," w.;s brouirbt to ;h.>s poit. 'l iio •• Aiu:a!usia " >s ' now a iiMi': v ihe is #sui>. Tho vaiue <i| the carc*» •'! the •• Loweū " īs e?tiin ited at !vvo hu»dre.l t;;Ou< i;.vi iio'l;uv. i\nd ct>us«.sts t>f e&unim. sia.iī« .\rnis, :\tnu;o:otiun- ttc. A <i l;tc!\;re:tt uoop* ue.de r Esjolarti hiss gone to Cienluc£vs. Addmonai h.-we n!*o lxvu >*nt to eaeikm *«. Saj»t:a La i.tra»de nuu )vc:ntōios. ■ A mretinu of pUnters wns heUi at ihe na. laee to-n;i;ht »o request UenerrJ t Du!cetoa;scns* iht? e>*il> of a rur.\i {H v ':ce; throtii;haut tae is!atid ior ihe pro>tecJton of pianīa'. .-o<. Ne\vs ;\\c'vcd ot a uoavs' b*?t> Uoo\-*s m the Cetitrai D«|;v*n-'. meut, on thc ro .d nom Kemedic*s to Mor.ni. The n port o! the tvtuie is uot u\ade pubi;c— not t ve*» tho j Th«» S;w,nir\l* c!?\i:n ihat rigbt hundreJ reiwis wer«f 1 sp?culeo{y:r.?ss : enfr from lihe Do-! H'uoieaii C»ovt rnnient to īn?tmctions :o rent the htiv of to ehe : Un«tsHi Sutes, The m:trket is great!y exc;ted in iVrta Kieo. Lo>;i*.>v, Mirch 19. The nesv> fi\Kn Pa--5 i» ihai Lo|xm. «iui 4,000 u»e«i. is iōniivinn UnīS^J. Ntu' \ okk. Mareh £K>. Th« Bra2ihan '•Times*' of Ft brusrv i$M s»ys the exj>editioa inio tbe countrr reiurne<i \<* Asum icMi with t>ne tht/us3md starring Lop» * \s s(ii! »t» ihe mouutA\us.. *s\\i MUAIMum i> tvisiins w,th hnu rc . oi« iug=|Mrtit;s ma&*cred tht; wuo remaīcied whea the army !eh.
f X s«r Voss, 3JUrcb '24. A Bucnos Ayrfs • le?tcr tlxai 3t is r-:p*:r;ēd ta.it Ls<pcz ; ba.H ceded Fara?wG"sy t » ih« L'nuei S?at?s. £orop«Aii l«s:yy<. Ms;rri 20. G:.> >: . b ( .i. b;«; vi£:s u*.b;t-.d **• :»-nfta ;n ?h?» Ho -? r :i C<'K::rK.-?.s '<'.5* S ; r J '.r. G.r.f-v. fr :.;a :*.e -n-1 Cr,ur;h ;n [rc.-.i' -4 ■ a '!)ndge of cof;ua€īt, and sa.id »% mu&i ba at*>īished. J;.-hn Bn?ht !*upp«&n.cd th<? biil ?»> a ions nnd nb\e sp-cch. A?t';r q:;c ?evvrai au. ■ifiOf»tīt» in regirii to t.'nll .;ci«:e vf thc L^ta!-.i- ; ,td Cn>irch c<:. ;h-? : .n: uiv:H> *.A tne peop.«*. he si:d Kt:'.:Ur-iV > i p<n ; cy ha«i reivd»-rod ireu:,d n»vre u:tmaiotitane than ,any country i« Csthol:css*«n »> uot oniy u uiattcr ei Uiih. b-Jt oi p:itriC'fsrn. for w'iieh th»? Ir;su vverc wiiiin;: !r» ?oiier »nd d'■?. in th« Cnited Stitt:s and Australii are watch.;r:g ar;x:ous;y the resuit th;s nuenion. Tr.e out;re Fers»*n pr»-jecr. :« kepl rsiive ty the svmp-uhy oi Americnn-, un».!':-r the idei thut E:igUind t»evcr d;d j.;st.ce to lrvi->:;d. .Mr. Br concii.:d'd by s-.r;icg that this n;e:(.su re wou!d h,»v? f;e approv»! of the Supreme 'Bcini*. f<-r it wa< founded on the pnn» oi mer«:v :.uti y.i*V. *«?. L;»n.M;-.rch *j4. T:.v d. on the di««stJ.bi.-shi:iCnt hii! w;is n-itsn»ed iast :»?irht. Spencer H. W.-.i: ?lv. :nvrnh"?r for Carobridge Ur.-iver.sity, opp'»sed t'uvbiīl. Trte o'Donoghue, iuuuber from Tr3i«.:v. ni .uo n icrvid in its f;iVor. IIar«ly f-.i'.i-»wcd and siid Gi sdstor.c hid p!edcv<i ! : h3tnsT inJ hi< fol!ov;ers to the of||il tir.u was ino-.tsacrei — to the dv-truct;on of the Church—urged by (■tivv a:«d jea.uusy. Gia.isii»ne eoneiu dv«i the thc deb-»te, »nd revi-'w».;l tiie eourse oi the biil r.n.d tiu: iirg-anie:»ts pro nnd eon. rle dec!ar< d th;it tiia new policy was necessary for fre : and. This wr. s the iirst step dcinandH « l v thv u:"i.iii:m<»i. e vo;ce vf ine n:njority. Gi,»u>tu:iv rvs'umed h»s s« at ::ini<i deiier,:ng ••:.v«-r-. T : .»e House div:dcd en ii.e nioeion :•> re;ui f;e uii'i ;» mc< i:<l tiJi»e —*.U3S ay» j s to :350 n'.es; ini»i'»ritv for Guvoruntent, 11S. Thr: ;ii:tiot.neemont v.m< g:iitiy chcered tn tiu i!'»u.-e. Tiie che« rs w ( rr t;ikvu up tn ihe lol'iThe nf".vs w:.? thus conv»'»yed i.) the :;;mi;Pi.sv croW'i oiUsit'K who joined in ii;e yp, iaUi.» wiiii the wt!dr-st cnthusijstn. 'i lu' llou:-v ;-t A. C.L. vjdj. i.:m»d ui April Itt. L'"'N'i«>;•;. M;.rch l!'J. T'ne Tuik:;ii Mmistet\ P:ioiiade>', h;'.s re---p-. i ned the i«.»puio» at Atiiens. Mareii 17. A bi!i !ia.s pas.-ed ihe Pannunenl .h-''urii:g irevt!om ol' sp*vch io n!l the (ier;nan L);»:ts. M:rc':i 19. Dr. Pctcruuin is prepnvina to ser.d out n new FoUu expeditiou, whieii wiii S iii in Junt». P/.Ki.-, March LM. In the Corj S Le<;is!atif, yesterday, Mar.-ha! Niei. Minister oi' \Var. ur«jed the cu;i.pietion oi'ihe reorganii:ation cd the army. Peaee, hestid, wns seeure, but Fran-ce wouhl uot tolerate a Government w'nieh uot fuliy preparcd to uvcngc uis»!t, if t ir-:red. Mai»k!l>, Mnrch 17. Prim toid the Cortes ' tl,at the inouurchists were prepared with a : caudidate Lr ihe lhrone, and wou'd ua:ne ■ him shortiy. Thc Cortes has appointed fgur perinnnent ■ counuittees to supervi.se business. ' U is s\id ttiat the dr;\lt of ihe Cunstitutiun esiabiishes eomp!ete ctvil a;id reli£tous !" libeny, and retains C,ttholicisui thelStates - rc)ig.on. Serious disturbanees have occurred in • Andalusia, Xeres, :iud Mont irio. i :Madrid, March 21. During a recent iight at the Bavricadts, in Xeres, ov«r a iiundred ! so!diers were Kil!etl a:ul wouudcd, The !oss ' of the atizens hc;tvv. hut the nutnber o! killt ed is unknown.