Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 15, 10 April 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Thr Rfpfal of tUc \(« 'Nehool Law. J 1
'I he rcpca! v( thc iar;'CT pan of tho ohno- \ Mi- • *hool 'iiw reg.irdmg gjving aml recctv- :•« • ••t::k <4 t« of reiea?-:e t '" hy thc acli«in of tho of Eij :ttt )n, i>- one of the siqniticant -(>; t?:c ,t:m- s. Feeling the pre?j«ure of p '* • • opmwn, they tttenTpt to relieve theme vf f»y 'iow deciaring that the law applie» uu y k> d;tferent aehooia in the samedistrict; «f.< n ' u: n irw weeks igo they showpd that i.'i- . iiJt ii !«. >houid appiy to aii schools. A • *u>- i:.aii to >cc tij.it the voice of the }- •; •« :t>vit iie ir<i cven to this CXi' i*. * llut !.< not suiVwient. The whole ;t>\ n.'i il< rr;«\i!c<i. A pnrent rnust havo ::y to his fhiidren to whatever he lie-ip--. Th».-rc must bc no neces- : . .i -t» i'.'.i:-i'.en ir,rm a yovernment nooi. Th • iiot, thnt chiidren may bc u »ui. ti to run at their whim lrom eehooi to «-ohooi, i»ut that p<ircnt> may be free to rduratt ti.(.ir chiliiren, "witliout permission" oven from £ovcrmcnt authoritics. ]jut. t!ic is n.stounding by wh.-ii an cx<vattve eomtnittce, *o to ?peak, pr to linnt ihe itpp!<catiori of a law. Ncithcr the Board of Kducation nor the. Kii»tr himaeli has power to nltcr one iota of ariy hw, Laws are pa«scd by the Legii>la. turo \-scmbiy with the approval ofthc King; and hw> :\re iepeaJed oniy by tho same |t»wvr. Such.acts as riiese, shoufd s(iow the nation thc tcndencies ofthe prescnt Adminis. »i.it :<»n.