Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 14, 3 April 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
1», ;,*• • Nv,or.i." xiecn J »y-» troH» lian I' r».•: • v.. •, ~ .. :<-rajhiC r»c«'f !'rom _ N<* *»l tr l'» ! nn< d >i?itr» ©f ,%n»crica. L i> H .r nas qu»l;fi*d Altornev . Hr,wu 1 V r <. cf New York, was } d a« J><.< rc-wry of >:* r- ' • r,r :. who hj« np;-*mited M ' |- rir,-• . Houtwc-il o! .Mas.sarhuiV-.* !S<creiafyoftheTrea*ury;' « hf"f ot Gnnt> Stair, N. r - : Wrjr. Ne retary ot the Navv,. A - i'. K }/■ Sc:rctary of tt»o lnterior, J D Cc\ IV-;ni: «■tcr General, John A. J. <' rr»*wr; . *;r-srl to mnke no in t - i! i}< r.m. Madri(lr\jiJ Fiorence. < v • ' i ry Gmrgc BTncr-"i!t. John IV Hi." *• : 'i" ':•> l'. Man-h. C-ant:es are. r. ";!f inp; •■*:€»! in the L'ndon, »St. i:• ••ur.'3r*'i mi.*. s ion?. The r«:pofted » - :r, 'u: r; « \ f»overnor Curtm c-! Penn- ! •. •\ • •>. ; ;he m;s«;on is (I':uicd. rv app<-»ir»tnienta decidedsy _ • •\f - • n—. -• ■:iu.( - lianeoek to Dako.; •». • '.h- a:v ' 1 po'iitscians ; r'??loring | Sr. ,m ** ?īi ■- I,- rornmnivl, bringV,rrh. ui«ikmir Einory commaridcr | a: U i..'tnn. \vh<r» k he refu?ed tobcJohn-' . .itid lr'w*iV.c; hiek the faithful 'J. ,*: ■;». !,"• I»ih!>hment to thc tir West; at»; . him cou»innr.d oi' thc depnrtment !*. > 'u:h. Cat»hy, Gillcm and others are | • iiinnml' rorr< spondinj; to their rank ! a., •>.» ,r (Irant still retnins his ' r; : •.« r- ;s- r' tarK:s, tn»tthey willroon . S:i-nnan'- StalT. who is still sick. A j-.. : .]!,! step h.i* U i en tr\Ucn in ranj J. h' .n'?. pnrd'»n> to t\vn men convict- ♦ ! \ lii' 1 r» venuc lit\\.s. They will : :<> >uil<T thc p"nalty thev hnve Tl.' 1- war i- r"poriod nt an eiul and
. v hrT hi» on hi> wny havini: rcrcivcd !* :• r.-: h • notii e (j| hi> promotiuii to the 4 U!.k < " L'«-utrnnut Cl»Micral. ! .• Ka{.-!\s Lv-.-Utare lms miiieil tl.c • . • ;ui.nj, ll ! nuu inln. MU j»:i>>ed by Conī T;,i- i> thc iirrst raji!iLat)t)ii t>y any V; Mr\ico atul ( üb». h . r■; •>:!• «1 tl<at Junrcz, of M \ o. j)ui a t.'op to inilitary c\coutions, *.\S , ('. ' :tc Ktcouic lrightluily i'rtijuent jti lU' d- j-'iinu nt>. > Sijrrmiin infrod;iced a rcsolution i.u >«:ur.,!.tv !.'i hvor of rtvot s 'nizinir the iiule--1« : i r t <1 ('uln n« soon ns thc r«'Volutioni • -}nii bavc, in the opinion of thc Prcsi- <!• i.t < : the LJi»itcd Stttc«, cst«blishcd a de l». u> (»tnt nimcnt. Thc rcsolution \vcnt to tii< ttte o« K (%clations. 1; > - i ! tho Sjuuii>h C*ovcrnmcnt hns • u.v tu.' : h Jn>ops in C/iil>a to hold its • >vi. uii : i«ut imt to mnke ircsh ••. i:: ■• - T!ir ('uh.ins trust that one of <l: ;•<"t- :iftor iiis inauguMtion will 1 - • - ' f -, m li.' ii ni;hts. \\>;> . : !}:»" linuse Coinmittec on j" .... M K' ! .aioii> thutk events now trans- (■ : sn Cuia aud San Doniingo will lead ; :u .u.!K\it.on ol those islands to the
( .! very c t ir!v in Cirant"s Aiiuii-, T:.o rut,iu ujsuii:v.'nts have sent Van Alleu i' r to rcj«rt\>iM)t their caso to Con- • :w.d l«;\iut. I'lio iatter is said to hnve ju ;•" r.iv * \ >•iYations to Vnn Allen not • < iu» >»»othr the teelings of ī>pain. H -sr«-:.:*:v n l»\or oi ti»e recognition ol * n indt | eialen e. nnJ be!ieves Spain .«:jt tiw.uy Jsirinc the \vnr, tloinj; ,• -ii :ry m h:iii»or»nir nnil I ■: t'. ir* wlu) j'Teycd upon otir comtnerre. i i'h'.• S;an >h C»overnmeiU instructs C«pts•.•» Oulee to nilow no n»ore sum-, ;:*:*t v t'\tv jiioos of Cnhnn insurgents. The t;*.- £amed 160 mon nnd a supply of| jru>. troin Flori»)a. j K'nropr. | M.i:. !i IM. lVeinicr Gi;nistone introiiuced i..« t«.,i n the tiousc ol'Coinmons for the i.'.nl m.»Kvi thc Irish Church. and u: Jtv! <:> jrino plcs in nn nble s|>cech, u:. m w;»« i r;triv rvpiied to l»v I)ismeli. | hiui>r tic Lnuijrtiiu\theeminent French au:!uir, >tatcsm:\n nnd poiitician« died i >:»nt ai ihe of T7 ycnr?. l\ ;v IMī ii.a) - 'Jt>th. T!:c 'oullion m the iiai.k i i Fr.i:i.-e s i{K rense\i elc\en milions. ii. U.c C. : t;? Lcgislntil ttvdny, Kouher, M «.! St»ī«\ acknowiedgod that the .. -to ;ray :hc t \jxM»ses of improvements i'.ir s f'3.i »<>; lv<*n ntsctl tn sinct accorde w ih t!ie iaw. Sat»shction \va? cvneral- \ t \ptvv«scd l y iHe niembcrs \vith the nvo« wu sn.{ e v;*-'.snat»on oi the Mtn;ster.
i\ The SuWime i'v?tc h»> ;»u*d a cin:ular ©f lhanks to i :t\ lVwcr> ior Uicir aniiuiie »n ihe Ute a«;v. ' j L The Cobdenj t\uh*> p>K| i!icd»i is awanled to Dr. Joshua e: N» u \ ori», Ti.f M»n;u;s vf Haoxington » elcctcd to W.uu,.><•».: :>»r K«.djwy. Hh- nr U;luc ha> receivcd oHWial »liV !r\-in Nc«* Z*»aland anoounei»!* I'arilwft s*rvi-w*-s uvt-r thc rel*ets. Thc trtmp> r«tr«t4 by »N«Ault a ."tn»«i;hold. Thenative« m*4r * i*tr mni lost tvvo hut»« «sw*d %tikKi auU *fcvu«iUc\l. Ttic Uritisb lces «n* tmrnty t«vo. |-\ 1 ru*ry Ttw* ik«u oi Uk Sjiivn i\>t«uel u? likt*ly to iinrri< ■iu,c -u r-%! .ji
BekU**. Ftbruary 26tb. Tr.e Fr«s&ian Dict proposes to two miiiion cf t»orins to ihe momcipsiity cf Frankfort t to whieh the King wiil add a million from hi? private pur-e, m the hope tha{ «ueh aclī«n will Uraw the heam o{tbe inh*bttants of tbat city . the monarchy. . Pasi?. February 27th. ln Corns Leii- ' isiatil t ye?ter(lciy, Kouher introduccd a lill auiborizir.2 direct loans f<?r the imfrovement ot* Pari=. Greece hns aniiounced cfTicially the estabiishment of peaee wiih Turkey. Pax:>, February 2Sth. ii3ymond, temporary Presjdent oi the Senate, died yester« , djy, aired >;x:y*two. Maphii», Ftbruary 27th. In the Cortes 'yeatcrday t Serrano announced thatthemcmber« of ihe Provisiona| Governn»ent wou'd rctiin sc-at in the Cortcs. The Goverment wou!d fo!!ow thc progTamme established by the revolution, to di-?arm the 3tt.icks oi" the by a reduction of cxpcnditures and a hb*rai policy generaliy. Thc iibcral rcfonns contemp!atcd (or Cul<i harc been rctarded by the insurrection. ! Maurid, Fcbruary 2Sth. The insurrec■'tion attemptcd at Barcelona iast week \vas <juick(y supr-ressed. Forty per;?ors are im- ; plicatcd. Tne city i< tran(}uil.