Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 13, 27 March 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

The Lepers.

ci t!it OĪ sicrhts \vas witncsscil hj H »:if> u• <1 .1 :r\v dny* . c mcp, whpn a eomp;iuy -n • ir<l !<->p"» urrived from Kau, niid Kum, 11 r.v;iu. ;!!!•! j»n><l»«i !hrough our ?trcf'(s to ihe L»-;vr at Kahhi. ll «*«<■ •• i<! < iiouu r ii fvcn under the supposition l!int n i W\'ro atui that thc most •):: haj l>«'cn laken to rctluce the ncct--;!ry har-.lsliips an<! ovī1m nl'*uch a re- . ; t > :»r ;>> scjcn-.:e and care cou!d do it. !l-i: it wj> 1» yond tīt harrowing to kr»-.w t!*:*: in;.iiy oi" the>e individuals had !«•« n k. (i ujj I y constables, and other i;t: rly una<:«juainted with diseasc, ni>! w r>- uot niiocted with the dreadlul dl,C3M.. I>y the authority ot C»overnment, they had U'tn U>rred into the «'Iomst contact with a disease whi 1» the lU>.ird ol Hea!th consulers « - \»> T*.»ju : .re iso:ation on the nonh Mde oi Mo'o'khi ; m due time, to l>e a>. noi aftcr oli lepers, Iu ti!'."r th-.»'i::!itlt >mio>s ,is t<> the hoiii;inity of thr tfic ' liawanan ti;izette" said with R-Jer«-iice lo ili js verv arriv.il: —" It by no t.i< .tt.- ri;; <>\vs that t>ri < \.»mination they will prove i«> !"• reaily nliivtcd wit!i the disense, U'hiie sout<'. ;»s they jia.-sed throu«jh on their way t<> K;«i;hi Ho«pital, ;t eouhl h<> ?een w«.t<* v. ry ! •<: an<! unmi>takahle i'as:es." U !,- re pr.ty, :> the l'hy*ician oftheHoard »■! Mia lii. t>ii a >.»larv <>f SH500.00 a year ? U !.y is l.e noi directed to he on hnnd and • th<- cases beh're non-!eprous indiv .i\ia!- arc t<'rn lrom their ho:nt , s, l'orcetl on ! ■.!''! vr--cl, aiul it.!o a !epcr ilnspiu'. an 1 tih!;:;e'l to eat aiai slt'e;> with lepers, Mn:a lak;'.h.y >ucii, !or d,iys and perhaps w. k>. Aft'T -uel» a i-oiiM' as this, ii' an i:i<i vitl:ial '* Misi'« , ptihle. !:e wiil he vcry :i!:o 1"' 'eiKauunntetl. and may he dis- . ! \v:!h the scetls tit t!ie disease at lasl :in;-'.::n:i\l hy rh:> terrihle inhumanitv. "i'i'.i -e u.div!dii!»ls whu have not the le-j'io-y, (r.ic!»t will jirosccute the ofTicials l*or for thus reckless!y risking theii he.iith and 1m'c. When will our Authorities rvi:je!iihiT tii.it a Hawaiian is a inan, withall : r i:h:- ot the nje.se favored inan ? '