Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 12, 20 Malaki 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
A Gleam of Dawning Light.
eaoooi devoie a part ol thcjr tiroe j to a l .x t:> r < tjccl, Ihan an tn | k in tho *dvanccmcr.t cf 'he f . T :r prcsence t and eon'r.* ■'•i. the tcflcher 5 . an'l ! tidrfn thf":i'elvrj'. lt ;iV:»"*wise cr !;ura_-'' ?t.d «trcr.rthen«? the hatn!s ol Conri;:v«! ard B<-nr !>. who. if thev have ih> < w t t p iV. V<etnq s'rr.p v rr.ortal?, like the
rret t?l i.*. rrvct the npprobition ot thos»j for 1 iat'or. 1.-et u* coiT»fnend tbis| »;ron?lv attention ot those j v,i.o < jl I<i *o l«e inteTt*Med." i Wi r« -r !t» :he opportu(iity to givo the ; r ■ •. :• 2.:nr.mbif ativ;-e f ai»d &ent : .tnent, j . : . i; .r;ri m Education. whieh we fj iote' :• • <iaz* tte." the widcr circui.ition '-r -• ■ rilT:rJ. lt u« mueh ; i!ii > mo-t hopeiul s : .2n o: t '• -» h.therto unprocrc?iive Board. Ar" ne to ui:u> r-:and hoiii īhe.-e fniight- . i : . \ - ii>ns nt the dirrctor:> ol'puhlie < i . :hat .Mr. Forn:uulf:r wji! not in ; iiui ' ii< s..jrv.«.-(y ;\round to nttend his • ( iiG. i'\iin:j.utior.o »» he hos herctofore ' . ' T rJ>t f i pann:* to a voice in the u»a:.-.' !:j' ntf: :hccu!nmonschools, onee fu'ily ♦ -tai .• v ;>iw. w:i> away hy ihe M*hoo| law r f Jm'iary 10th. IS6O, and their i!ttere*t :n ihe m-liooi.n i£nored, to such an rxtrnd th«it ti rcvpm they hnve mo?t mituniliy s:t<l a»vav fn»in therxaininntit'ns; ! (] Jrtquujti\ ;h» \ hnve not even b»?en noli- !.» J o: thc ::ine at whieh ttivse wouid t»c at*
! :. .. i: - not !i ; mi-'o. th;it :;t sn r.\;imina- <•: a svhoi)i < ; tl.iny-nvc t>r t«>rty chilvircMi, U' i.' ;:ccd at ili» njtvti;iiir <'t" thc cxerci>c, <i;11 j ir'Vit, who sciii altrr \vitli'.irv\v. Later in ih» »!.:v .1 n«>;fi.T p.mM:t eaine ;uu! !<ioKe<! •n ;il ttir wui'iow t• >r u f«-w <uui ihen īn- \v;>y. Th( so lwo wcrc thc oniy jtir« ni* who apjironi*hed thc school house \hc rx<munatum. Sucu <{'»ivt rchukeof the injustice wi.i. h c!»ar;icicnzcs the prescnt school law i. . wliu h j>r»r« -, nts hnve lxcn dfprivod of all \,>sce :.») i;i.' oioelion oi \oachcrs, u»ivi o( v\U v uutroi <«f thc M*hoois for thcir own childrcu, '\X£ tnnrn**TT r nt"u, el»s.s oi Daret»ts of ,heir < t;i-?i4U, . . i...» ?.ehools, provcs tii;: whcre thcir r'L T ht> ;irc respcctcd tl»ey i«;«- j n-; jrcu to inanih >t ihe tnost iivcly inkr Aj we to utjd(T>t<ind that .Mr. i'ornandcr wj ; :;cn«'cK>nij givc iuli nt>tice to parc«its> .uj'i :; cnd>, c»t thc tnnc nj>jiointcd ior l»is c\it;t'.i;--it.uns ; ui « tlicr words th;\t thcy are to iT pui<iu', aiiu ni>t j>riv.»tc dumi> shows ?
Niaii we i»?nv t-cc enthusiastic admiring |»>trctiT< crrwdinj: nround u> sliake !iaiuis w:li» iht» honoroil and belovcd Inspcvtur ticn< r.i| o! >ch(Htls. aiul Irieiul ol children, as :u r;.xx > wlkmi Dr. mnde his e\:i;ir<i:ttiou tours. Ah no! The agc ol' u n is past, and \var»ith wiil not be t \ iu »i I y an leiele. To jiiu-;rate the or the nt tho p:i>t matu\i:cmcnt of examinaiion:. wi 1 lioii* tiio laot. that a whiie sincc Mr. b, rti:ttuu-r wcnt to Konu to e\ninine the M-ij\M.«.* oJ that popuious disirict, only to find 'i r 1 v.ll thrrc, that the schools had !tvn tor weoks or months. and lii.i! ilie U»o.\i -eiiooi agont wns absent from ;!j- d -:not. ii'ea.-nine: Hilo, Mr.Fornanderinprofouiul • ; u;t tudtf ein govcrninent detective,exmnined .i.l the eoimnon s,hoois of that ihr»vuur otty. l : n.itr the circumstance? we '. ..iik i : ni t::o Jv\ud oj fc)ducution will hnve t • ve the parent< tor not crowding out to :jo i\ umnations in the past, and we hope s »it ihcv wil! |xmdcr well ihe e.\eellent ndv,;e thry have administered to others. Feeiiiw our*cive>-. as the Board of Educatiou p!c, jhMr pieee quoted »l»ove f that it - »; the utmost iinpon.inee thnt pnrents -houM attcnd the i \nminutions of thegovern. i.i' t;t - •hoo i .<, we oilcr the u>e ofour coiuuins . uv. at .»ny ti::ie, to the Board as a mcuns u advrrt»sjni; Mr. Fornandcr's move :it-. or o; iiotifyin£ ihe p<\rents of the times *»ti whieh h'" wiil nttci)tl e\:iuiin.itious inanv ■ v n ]<K*a»lity or di?trict.