Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 10, 6 Malaki 1869 — Page 2
This text was transcribed by: | Jarod Keaolani Doi |
This work is dedicated to: | Jason Doi, Jarod Doi, Kahea Brown, Christian |
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa
English Colum
The Bank "Cambridge" arrived from San
Francisco on the 2@ inst.. bringing news to
the 13th of February. We notice the follow-
ing item.
Wilson's proposed constitutional amend-
ment regarding the rights of American citi-
@@@@ in all the States, passed February 9th
It reads: " no discrimination shall be
made among citizens of the United States in
the exercise of the elective franchise or in
the right to hold office in any State on ac-
count of color, race, nativity or creed." Cor-
@@@@@ amendment. proscribing Chinamen on
amount of Paganism, was rejected.
The Senate yesterday passed the proposed
constitutional amendment as amended by
W@@on by a vote of 40 to 16.
V@g@@ance Committees are organizing in
the city of New York for the suppression of
crime and the riddance of corruption, which
have become so wide spread as to threaten
even the Courts and defy all ordinary reme-
James T. Brady, and eminent lawyer of
New York city, died yesterday morning of
Small pox has made its appearance in
New York-over 100 deaths from the pestil-
ence in the weeks preceding the 29th inst.
The Maryland Congressmen petition the
President for the pardon of Dr. Mudd, con-
evicted as accessory after the fact to the mur-
deer of Lincoln, and the President promises
to pardon @@@ before March 4th.
Caleb Cushing's mission to Bogota for the
right of way to build a ship canal over the
@sthinus of Darien is a failure.
The Union Pacific Railway laid
down to the one thousandth mile-post on the
23d of January.
The case of a girl in Wisconsin, fourteen
years old, who has been for a number of days
in a state of trance, showing neither signs of
life nor decay, attracts curious attention.
President Baez, of the republic of San Do-
mango, has sold the Island of Alta Velt to a
French company, ignoring the former sale to
Americans. The American Consul has pro-
tested and sent for a war vessel to enforce
@@ authority.
The civil war in Cuba appears to be un-
checked, and in a worse muddle than ever.
The insurgents will not yield, and are carry-
ing on hostilities in barbarous style.
The Paraguayans have lost Angostura,
their last stronghold, and Lopez has fled the
The French Parliament assembled on the
15th, on which occasion Napoleon delived a
speech from the throne full of professions of
pence and earnest intentions in favor of greater
liberty. He avows great confidence in the peo-
ple, but at the same time chiefly congratulates
himself that the army is in a condition to en-
force respect if the people attempt to withhold
it. he thinks the Conference has effectually
patched up the quarrel between the Turks
and Greeks.
Among the points of international law more
clearly defined by the late Paris Conference
was this: that to encourage privateering, insur-
rection or military expeditions against the
territory of friendly State is a violation of
international law. England, who committed
these very offenses against the United States
for four years, withouteverofferinganapology,
consented to this new and more precise deli-
notion of the law of nations, because it hap-
pens to suit her present attitude on the
Eastern question.
It is at last announced that the King of
Greece and all his Cabinet are agreed on
peace and the Paris protocol.
A report reaches us from London yester-
day. that the Turks and Montenegrins have
recently had a bloody battle. Particulars do
not accompany the report. Montengro
(Black Mountain) is a European provicine of
The Turkish Empire, containing a hardy po-
pulsation of 150,000-30,000 of whom bear
arms and are ranked among the best soldier
of Europe. they are all members of the
Christian Church and natural enemies of the
Burlingame and his Chinese Embassy had
a personal interview with Napoleon on Satur-
day. It was satisfactory all round.
The former new r@ceived by was of Eu-
rope that the rebels have possession of Hako-
dadi is confirmed; as also the news that the
M@kado has taken up his residence at Yedo.
According to the Shanghae News, Ross
Browne is held as a hostage iin Pekin for
the security of the Chinese Embassadors now
with Burlingame.
(From The Nation Dec. 17, @@@)
The desire for grand changes which for
years has been agitating the thin upper layer
of Russia society, to layercontaining all its
more or less civilized and progressive ele-
ments, continues to manifest itself in its pe-
culler crude and eccentric manner. We hear
again of socialistic conspiracies emanating
from the "nihilistic" centers at Moscow and
Krev. Ladies of high rank are agitating for
The establishment of a Woman's University.
At the same time the favorite organs of both
@@@@@ and fashionable circles not only ap-
plaid the crusade wa@ed by the Government
against everything Polish or Catholic, as well
as the gradual restriction of the German-
Protestant and Jewish populations, but @ehe-
mentally condemn the "leniency" with which
the work of Russification is managed in the
empire; and this at a moment when the
Polish priests transported to Siberia are being
removed to more remote regions of wilder-
ness; when the tens of thousands of Lithu-
anions carried there a few years ago are de-
cleared to be Siberian "settlers" for ever;
when the Polish students of Wi@@ are com-
peeled to exchange their praye-books for
others in Russian in which prayers for the
Czar are substituted for patriotic invocations;
when the Catholic villagers of Grondno and
Konvo are being escorted by military force
into the churches to listen to a Russianized
ritual, and similar measures are daily decreed
and executed in every part of the western
provinces-measures the like of which have
not been attempted since Philip II., extirpated
the religion and nationality of the Moriscoes.
Dr. Vambery, the celebrated Hungarian
traveller, announced, some weeks ago, in a
letter to the London Times, that the arrival
at St. Petersburg of an envoy from the
Khan of Kohkand, a region of Eastern Tarke-
Altan, was due to the fact, not that this poten-
tate Joved Russia, but that he is threatened
with dethronement by an unpleasant person
named Yakoob Kooshbeghi, who holds sway
in Chinese Tartary on his eastern frontier,
and who is stirring up against him all the
furious fanatics of his own dominions. The
envoy of the Khan has, of course, been re-
sieved rig royally, and the accusation of
Khokand as fief will brine the Russian troops
to the feet of the Karakorum Pass in the
Eastern Himalayas. More recently has come
the news, which is now throwing British
India into a ferment. that the Eastern Him-
alayas, which were supposed to be impass-
able for an army, have been discovered by
Mr. T. D. Forsyth, a civil servant, to be
very passable indeed; that the grades by one
pass at least--