Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 8, 20 February 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Thf Nehool Law Again.
Thf» CJovemment £ncii.«h ot this week very characteriMicaliy su2gcstH. thai Dr. Guiick £ot his> infonnation regHrding a <*eruin atTair, with whieh he had no eonnee* tiot\ either as auihor or authoritv. from the laiher oi iies; and in the same eolumn, a femaie correspondent exprewes the M»ef that * n aniele in )nst weeks "Kuokoa," retrardthe Mililani schoo!, vvas Lnown to t»e a fa;st*hood by the author when he publish« ed )t. Thc "Kuokoa" make? no rep!y to i' Tf rnmr nial argumeiUs! tbe Mililani Srhool, ajid the ?iri who desjred to attcnd the Kawniahao Seminary, it ia »tated tliat the mother did a note ot dismissi\l, but uo l«ght is thrown on the infl«ences used whieh render« e<! the <Jj-Mjiis>al of no use, and whieh so eniirelv rharis;ed the apprehension of themoth. *.t ,irid rhīld that they now remembor little ol what then transpired. or ofwhat they soon after ?«tated. Wnh the exception of the single point rejr*rding the permit, the facts remain as belore. £ven the uiving of a permit does not, »t wms, materially lessen the difficulty ot removmg a pupil from a governmet\t school. And the Principa) of Mililani, ean receive l*ck a gir! she hos di*missed to an independcnt «ehool, wnhout a "ticket of release" Jrom the tearher of that institution. Accordini» to the con>truction the Board of Educalion puts on the lnw, there )>a? heen a viola tion of it this tiine. nnd there should be a fine Had the case been rever*e(l. and the £irl l>een to and entered on the roll of a government school, ean we supposc >he wouid have l>een thus ensily given back to »n<lependent trachers ? The truth is, the whole law, while it has a .«-mall element of virtue m it, in intcrferi»£ with the (vagraticy) of children, trenches im pn»perly upon the rights of parents and inde< prndent tcachers, and the construction the Board of Education arc attcmpting is especi ally tyranniral.