Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 7, 13 Pepeluali 1869 — Another Illustration. [ARTICLE]
Another Illustration.
A scholar ot the Mililani schoo\ a short time since left and entered the day school of the Misses Bingham in conformity with the wishes of her mother, her only p'»rent ar.d guardian. The scholar eame but two days, ere she \vas missing froir, the school of her ehoiee; the pressure of thelnte law requirinrj permits, as falsely interpreted by the eneinies of free education, having becn brought to bear; not by a warrant of nrrest served upon Miss Bingham, with thc irnpending iine and removal from ofiice inconvenientlv near at hand, but upon the runa\vay scholar.
The mother of the child npplieel to the School Agentof the district, Secretary Sn»ith, for a )etter from him to the Mililani school directing" her to grant the ehilil a certilicate of dismission, that she might enter the Seminary ofthe Missesßn.gham. Withdifficulty she obt«ined a ietter from Mr. Sm\th, whieh she took to the lady Principsil of the Mililani school. But though in strict eonformity to law, she \vas unoble to obtain the required certificate of dismission. IS'either the independent teachers of the Kawniahao Seminary, the mother, or the child, are in any sense amenable to the law, applieahle only to government teachers, but the government school teacher of the Mililai ni school for refusing the permit, is liable for this if the first oftense, to the fine of fivedollars, whieh undoubtedly the Boardof Kducation in their zeal for thelawwillseeimposed. For the second offense »>f this teacher she is to be ftned ten dollars and removal from oflīce. Section 21 A..—provides that on applieation mnde in writingr in every case a certificate shall be granted, setting forth the facts, and signed by the teacher; while Section 21, 8., states lhnt the teacher "who shall violate any of the requirements of this and the forgoing section shnll on conviction before a Poliee or District Justice be subject to a fine of five dollars for the first oftense, and for a second ofl'ense be liable to a fine of ten dollars and removnl from oflice."
Will the Boartl of Education see thnt this o(fense is tried occording to luw, or willthey clfiira that the Inw is opplieahle only toindepeudent teachers? We shnll soon see.
Will they te!l us thnt their onlv object in ftaromg the law \vns to cripple hu\ependent schools? Could they give utternnce to nnv. thing inore true?