Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 6, 6 Pepeluali 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Mail Steamer <4 ldaha" anived inthe night of the lst inst. Bringing news to the 20th of January. from whieh we elip the foliowing: American. General Rousseau died in New Or!eans on the night of the Tth and JohnMinor Botts, at his residence in Culpepper c<junty, Virginia, on the moming of the 6th instant. Evarts has instructed ailthe United States District Attorneys to dismiss ali suits pending for treason. The Congressional Committee apointed to investigatetbe alleged frauds in tbe late eleetion in New York city, after examining several hundred witnesses, find that not !ess than 30,000 illegal votes were polled in the city. Part of the evidence going to show this fact is from parties who had been bribed but were not paid accordmg to promise by the political scoundrels who hired them to do to the dirty work of perjury and subornation. A bili has been introduced in Congrcss for a Southern Pacific Railway, through E1 Paso and Arizona to the Pacific oeean. lt | asks 12,500 acres of land per inile, and, jthrough New Mexico and Arizona, 570,000 jin 30-year six per cent. United States bonds, j and through the rest of Ihe way 516,000 in ; bonds per mile as subsidy. j Ashley, of Ohio, has i«troduced a bill to I annex the grtater part of Utah Territory to ldaho, Wyoming. Colorado and Ncvnda. He says his object is not to leave enough of Utah out of whieh to niake a State. The Senate, it is believed, will oppose the present Tepeal of thc Tenure of' OfTice law. |The steamship Great Eastern is getting j ready to take on board the French and j American oeean telegraph cable, and will lay it down next June. The news from Havana is more favorable jto the insurgentcause. The leading Spanish , General—Valmazeda—is reported os being lin a tight plaee, surrounded by insurgent armies. European. The European Conference on the Eastern question met at Paris on Saturday, January 9th, at four o'eloek P. M., ho!ding their ses« sion til! eleven P. M. The Greek and j Turkish Embassadors were present, and ina- • nifested a good deal of moderation. ! The European Conlerence does not make j favorabie progress. Both Turkeyand Greece lappear to be dissatisfied with the course . things are taking, and the Conference ap. ipearsto wis!i to oflend b©th so thnt the , o(Tense given to one may ofTset that given to | the other. I Owing to the exclusion of the Grecian • Embassador from its sessions, the European on the Eastern question is likely ;to break up without results. | Turkey is trying to negoti«»te a loan in j Paris for war purposes. } The latest advices froin Athens show that j preparations for war are actively going on in : that part of Greece, The Banks of Athens j have loaned the government 520,000,000 for : war purposes, Madrid dispatches report that inueh agita- ! tion pervades all over Spam. j Vesuvius continues to ewit fire and srreams j of lava.