Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 5, 30 January 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.

An Unnecessary Concession.

Oar wonhy, and able. co-teraporary. the * A(lveTt]ser." in its issueoflast week. conreded morc than wa.s meet to the of theamended EducationalLaw,< m ihe jnterest of absolotism,- and failed , o; d"ing fo!l ju«tice to the vigilance of the ] ihe late Legisiative Assembly. ■ 1: the aUenee of ihe word 4, Governmeßt M , īn the secood Section of the Amendment, | d.»e* indecd allowofan application of the )aw j tō a!l teachers of al! schools, then it not on!y! lor l Independeot Teachers from Teceiring rh:t !ron from Government Schools, without; j»errriiī. hat i( a!so forhids one fndependent j Tcachcr i'rom receiving the ?cholar?of anoih-; tī h.>]epr mienl Teacf»er withoat a written! y- rr:.it. :;ri>ler penaity of five dollars for the i : r-: ■ ;i< n and of ten dol!ars "andremoval ; :n t>v.i :e." for the secondof{ense! Canany ī' n.' !>• ■ ; ! uner. -<r any thinf; more absurd.' A~:nn; if the fact that the word "govern-! »m" > not repeated in Section 21. 8., j !',a<r;*crted in Section 21. A., alJows ofj tf.-- iatter applied to other than govern-i ?n< r<! >-h'>f>is. then cf course the fact thatthe -Native Hawaiian," aie not xepeated N-. 21. B„ aiso ailows of the clause beappiied to ai! schools of every class and •j7 >de. whether for native Ha\vaiians or for l!ed Foreitrners ! Andagain, howabsurd! On ihe contrary, we honor the Opposition •-t iheir ameneimenl, ,<?o effectually insertc(j, -vhich "O cieariy confines the whole law so to Gavrmment Schools, —the only I ■ even a<;cordin£ to the •'ea^eUe,"| * v.h; h ihe iioard of Education hns nny ! ' Any eoristruction but this is, wili • it.y td<! another chapter to the history ot" •h' tcndencies of the present admi. n :-lrat!ot>.