Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 3, 16 January 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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By the arnval vf ihē Bark u Comet" aud "Montana," tlic pre week wq *re m rcce»pt of li»te now* ūom abrt>ad, whieK 1* of naoeh mt«rest nnd iu}portaoce. Out ihm*ksjTc i!«c to the Purser o{ tbe St«»tnrr i% Moi>tana" for files of San Pw»eiwo Nf»sjiipeis to ihe 30 of December. AaieHena. IVr«4e*»t John»on of tbe Uoited Statcs «n tl» 3Btb of oecetnber t iwaed a prodUßiūcn iiill ptrdon to all the eneinies of t*»e eounln* wg»ged i n vttorts to deot*oy the Union. Tbc f««!I p«rdo« «nd mnnc3ty ineluUe? Jc(T Oāv«, Bitckiundgc, TliomfWo«»> Sttddl, »ud

all others who. direct3y cr indsrcctiy, m the late r*b«pUion. Spe,»ker Coi fax has said, relot;ve u the incoraJ'i: jadaiini«tnition, that there ihould be a searching retrenchmer«t. honesty, efli«:iency. nnd h!L r n character in all eonneeied with the pulhe service. Caieb Cushirg has been sent to r »nta with fuU powei* from the to cio?<? the contPK*t for a eanal flcrn?.«! the lsthmus, toward whieh, it issasd, theGovernment js ready to promise a guar«ntee of one million do!iars, and probably a part of the aum needed to make the surrey. The u Post M says it is asserted that Gene- | ta\ Gmnt has been consulted about the Pa- ! nama sbip eanal, and is warmly in favor of |thescheme. It is said that he thinks its j speedy construction is necessarj' to preserve I the comtnerciai and nava! supremacy of the i United States on the Pacific. | Cabn. Havana, December 7. The "Diario,-' whieh is strongly in the Spnnish interest, says lhat wiihin the jurisdiction nf Santiago de Cuba, this yeur, no cropswill begathered. The insurrec*ionists carry ofT the coflfee as fast as it ripens, ond feed the sug«r eane lo lheir horses. SteHrn transports, with reinforcements from Spain, nrrived to-day. TheJspaniards, since their arrival, feel more contident thatthe revolution willspeedily terminate. The ~D iario, > publīshes accounts of misery prevailing in Santiago de Cuba, whieh, it says, is hcart-rending. The Eastern departmeut is ruined for years to eome. Mexico. Letters from Pieaeho, m rhe State of San Luis Potosi, state that earthquakes of an alarming nature have jately been felt. \Vithin twenty-four hour3, fifty shccks were felt, some of whieh were very severe; subterranean rumblings were consranfly heard. The town has been completely ab«ndoned by the inhabitants.

Turkey and Grkece War has become imminent between ihese two powers growmg out of Creteian troubles. Hostilities hael occurred, the ultimatum of the Suitan hnd been rejected by Greece. Mueh anxiety is felt by the Grcat Powers of Europe in view of wur breaking out. The Oriental question is revived in all its magnitude and absorbes pub!ic o(teution. A Confercnce of the Pow«rs of Europe were to meet in Paris on the second of January. The Sultuu refused to participate in the Conference if the Cretian question is to ba disc s U|sed.

Napoieon and the"Emperor of Austria are understood to agree in their view, while it is thought that Prussiu lcans towards those of Kui?sia. Lord Clarendon, adheres to the o(d poliey of Engiand in regard to Turkey.

llussia desires that that the UnitedSu»tcs enter the Conference of the Great i J owers.

The press represents the war excitement ns great 1n Constantinople as in Athens. The Kussian flag had been publicly burnt in the streets of Constantinople.