Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 2, 9 January 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
By thc America clipp?f*hip ,l \Vindward" we have latet foreign news up to the 12 of . Dtrerui>.r. % A«eric(\n.j Thc Unlt<>d Suies Cor=crea inet Decem. f*er 7, lor >u v%i»ter se»sion^ The i'residents MrfMge had been received. j Tj» <*oTer* the foiāwing point3aod conclo?ions th«rcui; i ; ir.-|that the Soo!h--tm State? rem»in prostratA; their industrjr aml resources cut ofl"; a m<y\iy portioa ofj their popuiation iheir consti-j tutiona! privilege of stilldenied | throu£h Congressional enactment; most of them under /jnlitary rule. j The Mev«<ngc n»pre!»ents the foreign rela- j Uon* vt i:.c cou»try to b$ in a {a?orahle con-| djt»oti® The Trb;iration Uiween Paraguay andj lirizil has h?en declined. j The afl.sirv with Mexico are satisfictory. Arrorigecnents for a mixed comiut9sion to the c!aims of the United Stated against tha! country are in progre.«s. I Tbe oAieial facts shotv enormous fmndsin | t!ie revenue, whieh must he crushed, or the | rovpnue will fail and the nation become in-i * nlin * i * i*he new Fref<ident eloel, Gen. Grant, had i Uen visiting in the Eastern Cities Boston,, Loweli and Providence—and was received i with the greatest enthusiasin and respect byj all cln«es. /- - . ! *..; tr collision occurred on th( River near midnight on the night of Dccemlier 4th. The Steamer Amcrica tvas aseinding the river and struck the Steamer Vmtcd whieh was descend* hm;, cutting into her side and sinking the L'niud States in twominutes. Thecollision ?wid to have occurred from a mistake in thc Mgnal>\ The Vnitcd States h,id a <juantity of petroleum oil on bonrd whieh took fire, nnd in thirty seconds the boat was a massofflames. Hie Atnrrica wns also entirely consumed, li«ving taken fire while endeavoring to resthc passengers of the Vnited Stated. Both boats were the finest and largest on the Ohio—and together cost $470,000. Both Steamers were completely burned in lea* than tive m«nutcs—about 75 possengers wcre aboard the Vnited States, more than halfofwhom were lost. Thcre wereseveral bridnl partics: aboard thc America y and she had 35 lady |«issengers in all. The scene Warsftw beggars description—rela- * X n ' in^h ot^er » woanded scream'll* p»in, and people who at home werc blc> IW with wealth, bemoaning their sad piighu Iniuas.—A pitchcdbatt!c wnsfought on the fsloiid of Cuba, December 7, between the regular troops and the rebels, near Porto Principe. Eaeh side lost nbout 500 kilM, hoth parties elaini tho victory. A battJe has nlso been fought at lVlaran, in whieh the Spaniards lost 100 killed nnd thc rebels 70. The latest news is favorable to the hopes of the loyalists. F.tiropcuti, The following appointments are ofllcially nnnounred as nmong the new Gladstone Cabinct: Right Hon. Geo. Goschen, Presidont of thc Poor Law Board; JRight Hon. Man|uis Hnrtinton, Pos.t Master General; Au«tin Henry Layard President of the Board of Trade. Hight Hon. Henry A. Bruce has «coeptpd ihe-appointment of Secretary of State for the Hoine oepartment. George PcalK>dy has tnade another donation of X 100,000 for the poor in London. The Steanier Ilihemia foundered the British coast. The steomship sniled from New Vork, November 14th lor Glasglow t and sunk November 85th, 700 miles west ward of the lrish ccast. The |»assengers .ind crcw »11 took to thc Boats t ltvc in nutnber; two ot these l>oats have been picked up, and one is known to be capsiated and all on bonrd lost. It is now ccrtainthat fifty two persotis, including the Captain of the //ibernia, are savcd: the first mate was drowned. Intelb*gence from tbe missing boats it looked for with great anxiety. Thc ship JoJih ihwean, fro»n St. John's for Livcrpool. was capsiaed in thc middle of the Atlantk\ The Captain, his wife and i»tV e 'ffl Ab crx?w were drowned. $ t i,tor and publisher of tho J\crut Paris, have been tined a thousand fnuic? eneh for publishing articlcs encoumg»ng suhscriptions to the Baudin mondment; e»rh printcr in the olfice is fined five hun- * drrd tr#ncs. A Mldrid uewspaper urges thc concession of cvcry liberal reforro to Cul» t andaspeedy c of ihe question of slavery but says honor demands thc suppression of llie iasurrection whieh it declares was ineiieil and kept ,aliveby American filibusters. The Republicans paradcd the streets of Cadii. December?, witharms»n theirhands, •nd made other demonstrations threatning the pnWie peaee. Troops wcre c»Ued out *twl disperwd Ihe pr*ces»iooists and preventf\l iurther proceediog». Simii*r demonstranon» h«ve heen madc by the Rcpublicans at «everal points. Dtspatches froin Coostantinople state that i»k> SuWiine PotU\ at the so(icitation of Rus>«a, cont»nnes diplomatk rc!ttions with i»reece, but has aent the Greek Government ** ultimatum whieh ii hy thc y.m