Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 1, 2 Ianuali 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.

A KeX kablc Law.

Hu? ha> .frl turnc<l Jowanls proT>;cn> «<f an A * rerctir,c to C»overn«s.~hoo's whieh. ema&tcd from the W '.ri <i fc<jucation. Wi? by thc M ri;tīr\-. »nd pa«s-c«i ftjV*r ,\m»*ndinent, by tfce i»Jt Lrg.*'ature. The i>> «s publi3hed re«d« «• tV>i o»5: t AN ACT \ To amend an Act to rf*pca! Vhapter 10 of ihf C;rj! C(Kic. and to regO*atc the Bareao Cf* Pubhc Jn>truction, ,assed Januarv 10, 1565. * 5 He :t r.NAC7F.u. hy the Kin« and the LegisUt;ve A*s*mbiy of the iīawanan hiands ', »n the cf the Kingdom assein-; t That thc said Act i? hereby aj:>ended hi n*erting after 21, the ioliowin*: ?- v:z: Stctions 21 a and j ~Jr,. a* ' . 21a. The teacherjs of all Gocern. mrnt School?. (oe the education o( native ; Hawnīiao chi!dren, shaii keep n correft i<-ter of the n.une*, vx, (as far as ascertainable.) nnd the piace% of rcsideoce of the « hridrcn their resj>ective M:hools ; , of aoy bchooi, for the educn* f'\ /ia\vaii;\n children, v huli grant .» r« irom his or f»«.r Mihool to any eiui i u- i-r y«»;trs cf ajjc. who mny !>« reg. ) -i«-n du* atten '.tr.g the for the purpose «>:' < :»Sfr.r.:' afif.t!;rf schooi. un{ess the eon»: iii a* ' ( ;ent <»r guardian «- . - , i'». j rt»jue.>t»t»g to \x? rvleased, *h»ii *- fw ui. Mt \vritinq. by such parent or ;"ir.r,ii.nri, or on appiieaiion made bv the JSci»ooi A;ji nt of the District, for good reuson ; 'iiowu t«t hij< Js;'ti»faco«n. ln every such! <•■**<: u . rr:»ficate in shaii be granted, • f«.»rth tlic ficts, aml M£iu*d by the l'-a. her. ) S£ •. 21u. No teacher shall rcceive into I<»* or hor -H'huol any «'hihl, under iifteen: venrs ol age. who iiuiy have attemied nnothrr s -hi>oi, unle?s such child, i)is or her pnr-; tnt or to the teacher of; ihe M-hool, so sought to Le entered, n eerti-; h -.ue oi release, .s ;Mied by the teacher of • ihe honl )a.st ant'iuied as herein before pro.; <f. .\u<i the lcactu r ol' auv school who ; >hai! v:oiate any of the re(juiremcnts oi this< and the foreL, r oing «ection, shail, ou convic-, tion U iore a l'oiiee ur L)istrict Justice, be sub-1 »«vt t'> a line oi iire doil»rs for the first oHense, i tnd ior a srcond otTense, be iiable to a finc j '* n dollars, and removai from ofiice, nt i I v N-rctio i of the eoun. i This Act siiall take eflect and \.ccoiV s "xv * rom tbe date of its : |M9>agr. j Approvcd tiii.s day of June, 1868. j KAMEHAMEHA K. ! leam that lheword 6'witr/t;/iew(, whieh | tvc havc it«lic*ued imhe iifth iine of Sec« i lion first, wns not in the biil as fran»ed by j the wouid tie controll«rs of the education of j ihe Hawa iian rarc, ihe intangiblc Board of ! Kdocation, but \vas intrcduccd by membcrts : ot tbe op|K>sttiao. It isi ref reshing to think fcbw mueh was • saved to fhe nati«>n by the introduction oi ! that single wonl »nto this precious little biil! !ot the tid r>f ihe cause of educntion. Bjit; i.»r ii»e word G4hxrnment, —iimitii>g the pro-! v)moi»s of the act to Govcrnwent Sehools, and ! fiarrmnrfU schooi teachers, the law \vouid havr appiieil to ull teachcrs of native Ha-I wnihn children; and any o«e eng«ged inl Hawaiinn youth \vould havc been ! iiai'le to (ine, (not to impri9omitetit) when ; t vcr he *bouid rcccivc a pupil to his school * \\itiniut a \vritten permit froin his formcr ! t"3vhcr ! lt is not strangc that thc Board of Educh- ! iH'ii shou!d rci;ard ihe rfadincss of Hawaii*p parrnts to support independent schoo!s in inanv places, as a practical criticism up- ! ihe character of the GoveHiment schoois;! i ui it >s piiirth!c to think to \vhat n strait 01l ' .nr» ( i!rni cr teachers of Ha-| waimu indepcndcnt schools tnight havc becn I fetducc«! but for thc vigiianco of the opposi-! •'he act a< trnmvU by the Hoard of Edu- • Aon aiul a« i:itrotiuced by the Ministry . ripnled indep?ndciit schools. i stands it ean oniy tlamogo and if executed, mnst Thc al\odvs of Ht\va«a« furoUics are nol; than thcse ol thc restof tnankind., «■kniively fcw Hawaiian jxxrents, upon wiH ol>tain on written appiiealion, a; rr-fv«re t«f reiease in writing for their ehil-! <}rvth ihat tbey may enter tbe £Overim>e»t s al their next plaee of residence. i wh*t ;f the teacher does uot see lit, gr»nt such certificate of re- . lut to obl«gatovy upon _ r«n «»> r.»ay hiww his school s«ch «i»crr «t »»>v U»rmer Aattended school eise unab)c to producc * ?vpd. and who are i; v t!us cour>e he wili ccA*Jicate of relea«e. uouUe of ieachiug theni. whtf\- bc saved the ■ thea!?Te u iU reiuWr Wt by ad«\itting' tt tftvc or ten dollars —«ndAblc to a iine. i iliee, if i«r the sccond oll%remoral from ! fn»wi rcr admit fot ihe \\ e w jjj | % of the l>oard of Educi»tor«. the fcelings! t( MJoocrjl« that under u f |he inapee» I ibc is not umehinee 1 ?, | ol t« oocurrery ; »18 p»'d ■fcrumeiit sehoois' X yf • j r ' fi£ty cents a <Uc the l

, rat®of advancement, or the nomber of scholWiSire a!ready seen chi)dren frandermg abotv& : |ib!e tq.entertbe Governmcot school new hoose for laek of a perinit from soine governn:ent schooi teacbcr, fir away. We kno«r of a gn*ernaje»t school tēicher, who refuscd to grant cenificate3 of relcase U> cbi)dren to leare bis «:booi, when applted lo for them by the parents who desired to send lbēm toan indepcndent schooi. The ' poor feiiow doubtim saw io vision dtsolving vww of his school, and conccived that he shouSd ioose the coovenient gorernmeot hail a dolJar a day tbrough the influence of an indepeodent scbool. The biufT game served him for a time, as he ied the parents to beliere that he held tbe chiWren in hia power, and that they could oot ieaTo without his permit. The pareots are informed in another coiumn,»|bat tbeir ' children require no |?ermit from a government schooi teacher in order to «ttend, or entcr, an independent schooi; and that inde- | pendent teachers may,—thanks to the independent members of the last Legislature,— receive any, and aii, pupi!s irrespective of color, sex, ;»?e or certificate.