Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 36, 5 Kepakemapa 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
i; v Iho • D C. .\nirr v " v,- h*Y>? four ila\;a!rv A o( «W r»;lt«rn<-u i'l iili* ve&scl — l)r. and Mrs. G. P. Judd, Mr. Mr#. Sl»crnnn Pe«:W. Char>s Brew«?r f,{ ik?ton nr»J othprs. \Y*> ii.*Te ne'Ai? i.f th" w*ir:ith <1 Hou. Thad- • N(ev»n«; of Uni:•»<! $f*tes of ntalsvf ?, -.vho < >r isns;V years hnd lx?cn u '«■&tior Oi th'' lvidfM( R?pu« Wicsin 'iV;ns> nf thfil pnfty. "ti :t;r 1- of Autr. Amnr<sr hi« |.tst \va.t one ol ap]>rov?i! • J !hc «'pimon ot .Mr. Kv,irt>. Asty. in h:< !nit? ;idvi'-p :■ ?£ardir»',' the Pre- > ii»»ni's po\v«;T :īppO'iitnnMit in th" rfce« i s < i UcniM , ' : "*- S't«-vons ••v;-.s ;n his 70th ye^r. i)r. ll.»Tri.'«>» ;! '■ N pw Vnrk Boird nf i!rr\i?h altrihut ( s mu'Mi ot tln' iate >ickiic-vs whi.-h hn« pr«-v.ii!"'i iu lh;»i o:ty tO thc cat!i>7 < f th..* of nitlle hrou«ht jrnm :h»» \Ye?:. 'i'l o r*- rnt r« v*?hit!:n»h.' ot the t—7><•» rf ■.» ! cnttlo dr-s'':i<v arnong stock intn N<>\v Yorknnd New Englnnd irnn ::i" > !i>s' srriously ef]Vcted tl)e iif-it n;iirkct :i(id has redncpd ihe c«osunip. t;t>i> ~f !).'(•!" in E;ist«'rn t >\vns and c;ties. d!sord»?riy nvero<-s »'i»tching the in>"pi: 1 t:oi» In.in the cxample of lawh■*>:- Oemorr.»ts a.«"*auit»: j d u Dcmo<'ratic Meeling at li i'!īon :!ie nig!«tof August 10th, and eniii.i'i! a yrr otis riot. Tivo »oi»roes wer.» morta!iy :i!id vev»'nfl \vhitrs severely injured. I>nt« vt rn \\s fronithi-Mc.\icanstateorVern ('rnz sho\vs t(i;it pr»rt of the Kepuhlie to be 1 n I\• rm I<l r» h!e r<? \'o! t a insll he Jll a rez Govern• 11M'111. The revolutionists appear to he inoving tn f<ivor of Urtega.
Knroprn«. The Cretians havc appcalcd to Queen Vic« toria lor aid against the Turks. A(.'('oun{s from Spain continue to represent the di«turl»e(l condition of that country as leadin»f to dr?«ftstious results. Lntest adviccs from .Madrid say a linaui'ial crisis is anticipatcd. The entire province& of Spain are .su(Terin<r rely, heini* threntened with fainine nud distress «rreater than for half a century previous. l)ispatches frorn Paris report that the students assembled in large numbers near tho Sorbonne nnd created a tuinult. Thev were dispersid by the Poliee, who made several urrests. The n'enl speech ol Napoleon is mueh eoinmenleil uponhere. Some ofthe newspapers consider it as an assurance of peaee, but others think it rcally a cover for war preparations. Thc "Monitcur" says that the Frcnch Transatlantic Cable will bn fmished by the 1.") of August IS(W. "La Liberte" says Dr. Pusey hns become a c<M)vcrt to Komanism. Tiic lialinn Pnriiament has passed a Bill ivini: pensions to the widows aud orphans ofductors who dicd while attendiug Choiera patients.
Accounts from Kome represent that deser tions <>f the foreign volunteers from the Pa pal Army nre daiiy increasing.