Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 33, 15 August 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Bv tbe C].pper Smp rd. wh irri\*ed on t:.e lOlh io«t »rc«rs Fr%nc?. B -*o. we have dates to the 25 ih of Joiy. Smal! pox is on fhe iocrea« in San Francisco to s«ch *n ex»e»t tr#ai th? o( Health have odopted n>ost nguroas rr<easares to eheek iu The di«ea»e i« «fn»o>t exc!usiTely confined tothe white r»ce. the Chinfse having «o far kept c!ear ofitThe iot*n*e heatof the season appesm tobe ihe «uhject of g?neral rotnn»ent m the ne«rs papers of the AfUotic State?. Very many j cases of death Jrorn Son Stroke are reported. In the cify c-f New Vork. the three days : prer»nn!s to Jn»y l*>. !J5O deaths are known : to bov<» rtsulted i>om the excessiTe heat. i The therrnoroetcr r<»ngod from 9o q to 109° in the s'ria<k-. the deatbs frora Son • •Stroke we note Dr. \V. T. G. Morton, the: di*coverer of Ether. In CahJornm and on the Paeihe Coa»t the j reverse t*> case, as the snmmer ; is reported to be unusually eool. j The abundint Hnrvest» nre xpoken oi f through out the United Stttes. whieh prorn-! ise to yield Jargt»iv above the orertige —In | C*lifor»ia it js apprehended tbnt mueh grain' will be for wawlol hands to harvest »t. j The great polineal p.inie» are eritering; into 'he Presidentia) contest with nrdor and j the eleeūon strife will it ia thought,exceed in j inten«e enrrgy thnt of»ny foriner presidentia! j eleelinn.— j Themost proiniiient news papers, European | and Amenean, predict the election of Grant j and Colfnx. i C»eneral Grant had lakun u tour to the j fair we»f, n» be absent from Washington some ! months. He \vasreported in comjwny with lie». Shermn!j and others »t Leavenworth, i Knnsas, July 16, on their way further west.! 1» the U. S. Congress we note that the | Hous« of Keprese»tntives had passed th« j Aloska Appropriation Bill, by whieh the ; Hussian Americnn Territory is secured to < the United States. We aho observe reluting to the Keciproc- • ity Treaty, so long in susp»<ns ft under date! of Chicago July 21, the Times' special says, j the Senate in executive session yesterduy { considered the Sandvvich Isiands treaty, but did not rench a vote. | Sumner made a powerful speech iu support j of the treuty. arguingthe benefits the Pacific j States would derive from it. j Fessenden opposed its ratification on the ground that sugar, rice, etc., wou!d be iinported free of duty nnd would reduce the revenue and injure protluction in the Southern States without commensurate advantages. Also under date Washington July 24-The treaty with China was considered for nine hours, and finnlly rntified with amendments. The Sandwich Isl.md Tre»ty was first eonsidered. but was laid nsule to take up the Chitm Treoty. It is believed thnt the S. I. Trentv will not be ratified. Congress adjourned on the 27 of July to meet ngain in September. New Vork, July 2ild. A letterlrom the City of Mrxieo says a lending paper intimates that n coalition between European Powers wiih the United Stntes is being discussed, the object being to develop Mexico nnd sell it out to the United States. Phe blockade of Mnzatian is still kept up by the British war«vessel Chnnticleer, but tho Commander of the Pncific squadron has sent oders that it be mised, and disapproves that pnrt of Captnin Bridge's concluct. Nkw Vork, July 20th. The steamer South Amercan, from Kio, June 25th, has nrrived. Brnzil is stil| sending troops to Pamguny. The tr>t«l number sent during thc wnr is nenr 53,000. A British slnp Rrrived o» the 20th, nnd twelve iron steam launches nre ordered b\* the (u>verment of Brnzil for the Amazon. Th» coflVe crop is large, but the fourth part will bc lost by henvy rnins. Europe. Lo.nuon, July 9th, The English joumals publish the platform of priuciples adopted bv the Tammany Conventiou. The Timts says the platfon» contains the principles of pnftinJ repudintion, «nd should be a forewnrning of the deieat of the Democritic partv. The Times thinks the adoption of this platform renders the election of Gmnt ; ccrtnin. j Vienna, July 9th. Miniater Beust has | written a shap*reply to the recent AUocution; of tbc Pope on staie of reJigion in Austria, I s»ying the interroedlmg of the Pope with ; he domestic legislation of Austrm is a vio- j lntion of the iudependence nnd dignity ofthe fimpire. Lonoon. July 10th. The Irish Reform V bill has passed the House of Lon!s. Farragut declmed a coniplimentary diuner tendered him by the authorities of Souih. amptou. : Both houses of Parl»ment have voted a ; j>ension ol X2 000 ye»rly toGene«l Napier. h N«pier has been tnade a Peer, under the title ; i of Lord Napier« of M»gdalia. j Lord Nnpier has been given the frvedotn t of the City of London, whntever thnt may j amouni to. |i Lonpo.n, July 19.—0n Thursd«y Adiniral 11 F«rmgut received, by the Pniwe of Wnles, | j who wa» visiting Uie Ainenean Ueel» nn invi- j j trtt»on to vis*t the Queen. Next day the Ad» ī »niral *md bis priocipal officers proceeded! 1 to Ost>orn House, where the Queen was theo | * stopping, and were received inn most cordiai : i manner by ber Aln jesty, tlie Phnee of Wales j be Duke of Edinbursr, and the members of Ihe ltoynl court. Keporu of the bnrvest from all puints ofl a the Unit«d Kingtlom sbow that tbe yield off * wheM exc*eds the aouual avet*g?. \ %