Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 27, 4 July 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
I>y i!,<? I). ('. Murri)f whioli nrrivnl on 1!i«" l?Nh i»! \vc li.-ivo Foreign No\vs to thv 11 ult. m;iil wns put on bonrd of t!»o ]{. H r . 11 \wl wliieh |eft Sui Frnncisro liiL' «anie <lay. \Vc h'nn» t!»nt tho r\-I'ros : Jent Jamcs liuehan.iM (in il at \\ lipallnnil L<incaster Co. IVn»» ,Imiv 1A in ilie *?S year of his age. I'him'Mil t»l I'.x-l*rr>itlrnl niu lianiili. Lani (l'a.), «luiu; ~>th. I»'*'•liniiun'.H juii«'r"iil vistcnlav \vas tlie in.i-t iiMj»o*iim rcremonv ever witnessetl in tlp • > iMinty. A number nf ilo!egntions from di-t»nt riuej« were present. Aluujt three Ui*u.<aml rs\M»s walkeil m th» -> proccs.sion. \\i»s univcr."saliy Mispetulcd. lniehanan'* estate is eslimateil nt 5300,<'tuv \\ is he leit n legncy for the poor of Laneaster. <«rnrrnl (irH»tS Mepl). Washinc;ton. June lst. 'l'lie loib»wing is (.tener.il Grant's reply to tbe !etter intorminp hnn oi !iis nomination t>, liie rhie»pi Convention : l!rnriiil Jo>eph K. Uawley. Prrsident Na« ron.il l'nion Kepuli'iean Conventic>n: in tt>rniftliy neeepting the m>mination by the Naiioni! l'niun Kepu!»;ican Convention c»f th " ;!Im. u srecns proper t!u*t son\c stntenv nt et n»y v; \vs. !»eyonvl the mere neeept* at.\ e rt the non>innt;nn, sl)0uld be cxprcssed. Thr proeccedinjjs ot the Convention \vrre i!.arl«rd wiih wisdoni. moderation and p-a. tr i):ism, nnd I bel:eve e.\press the feeiitijjs t.l tfio t;rpnt mnfs of tliose who ninintnined tht .otintry throuch iis trials. ( indorse ■tfte:r v>ews. aml if electcd fo the office of Tr< -ulent e>{ thc Cnitrd States, it wiil bc u;\ er<Jenvor to .iilminister all the !aws in eo. .! ! wuli eeonomy ai d witl\ t\ vie\v to pen.-e, tjuiet «nd protcction every. whe'e. In ttmes hke tbe prcsent it is im-}vs-t»!f ?ind improper lo lav down a policy iv adhered to. right or wrong, through an dnnntstn»tion of four venrs. Mew pnlitical s>ucs. not to l»e ioresecn, areconstantiy nris» iri:; the views of ihe puhlie on o!d ones nre <. M.M*ntly ch»n£ ; ng, and as a puroly ndnti. i.;stn»tive t fbcer the r»t,*sident snou!d always !»e !i.'t io c\ecute the wsH of the peonie, whīeh 1 a!»\ays hav« rospected and nlsviiys *■!»:.;!. IVn»v. and universal prospertv, its s«rq«rn<-e. w?th economy of ndministrntion, w?!l l"ghten ihe burden cvf taxation, whiie it \-»n*um : y reduers the national debt. Let u* h.T\e p<-ace. \Vith crent rrspect, vour »«Wdient srn*ant. U. S. Gkaxt. T»ir Oia m»d Mew Schoot rresbyieri«n.\. Albanv, May 2Sth. In tbc O d School rrrsbytcrian Gcneral A<Mtv.b'v ihe vote wns taken on ihe fir?t or» datnab!e «niek- iht Uisis of union with the New Chunrh, and it was adopted— !.556 fo 77—Yarimi* amen«itnents haring becn vctrd down. F«ro|Krnn luUlUipnee, June 9th. An Atbens lcttcr fttico thi»t the Ureek
has rf*:eire*i the Cret»n «iepoms. lhu« ritually reccgr» iii>g Creie a> a i pori of ihe oai'wm whieh mt»H pnohab;y krjd eo wa r bstwc€t» Tark?v and {.iī&ie?. LcofjV's, M«y iKhh. Go«eroai£Jit hi« Sorbi44ta the dcp<'-sitioo of B: 4 hop Co'?r.*Q. * V:e>sa, May 20īh. The Effiperor has givea ais<rr»t to tbe . U\v eMab«ishirg ?he legal e<[uaiiiy ol rel?gi- ; 005 «CtS. B£KU?r. May 26tb. Prus3ra has ftskco the initiatire «teps for a proposed ger»eral disarraament. Kmg WiL iiom bas ordered a redtictioo lo be (onhwiih} made ia tbe Laadwebr. | Pakis, May 26tb. Mar*ha! Neīl, in an official report, sUtes ihal the Cha«epot is the hest firearm known. He a!so statcs that tbesc guos are being manufactureti by the Govefument ans€nais a( tbe rate of 6.000 per day. : Fw>re«ce, Junc 7th.. j The Pope has scnt ao agent to the Unitfd i ' Statcs to eulist tioops fyr the Papal army. ! Ganbaldi has wnUen several earoest let-; tcra to hia fricn'ls and 10 the authorities ta . Amcrica, <rntrcating ihem, on bt»haif of the ; Liheml party in Itaiy, to discoumge thispro-! ject. | Pa bis, June 7th. j The Amcrican fle?t is still at anchor in! the harbor of Brest. Farragut will visit! this city beforc the fleet leaves. | Brussf.ls, June 7th. . Lc N(/rd asserts lhat the opinion widelv ; prevails in Paris thnt war wiii break out in Europe before the eioee of ncxt Auturnn. ! Viem.\a, June 7th. | ! Princc Napoieon has arrived, and hatl a \ rlosc consultation with the Emperor Froncis! Jo<cpii. The object of tbe Prince's mission unknown. i 1 Berlin, Mav S29th. j Thc Govcmment of Norh Uerniany has : ah«ilsshed iinprisonment for debt. j St. Petersbuho, June 7th. j Thc Emperor of Kussia h«s issued a | ukase setiing free aii persons of foreigu birth! now exiited to Siboria und aii natives of j ; Kuysian Polond sentenced to iess than twen-1 ' ty years' e.\ilc. Berli.n, June 7th. | Thc Zoi|verein Diet had adjourned. The , session \vus closed by King Wiilinm of Prussia, who tnade th3 customary speech, in ! whieh he said he hoped thn results of the ; sessiou wouid strcngthen the scntiment of ; ! inutual trust J)etween the peoples of thc vari« | 1 ous States of the Confcderation. He desircd ! that the prejudices whieh have existed in j 1 some portions of the country might be abat. ] ed, and so prove that Germans, though! npnrt in some interests, were one people in ; wnnu i>roiherly feeling. The King closed ! by snying the rights instrusted to him by ; :Germany would be earnestly exerciscd as ! | his highcst rule of aelion. j