Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 24, 13 June 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The U. S. Mnil Steamcr " Maho " nrrivi'd eivriv Tufsii«y inorning. We hftve tliC iniellegenc« thnt the Im* |icnchment cuso of Prestdent Johnsou Uad rvsv\Uwl m l\is aei}uittni. The grent Union Republicnn Convention for the election of cnnd«dates (or President Hntl Vice Prcsident waa held at Ch\cago, i\|ny 21. Gener*\l Logun rose and s»id: " ln the name of the loyni Cit»2ens, soldiers hiul snilors of this grcot Kepubiic; in the nume of loy«lty, libcrty, humnnity and justice; in the naiue of thc Nntional Union Kepohlieun Party 1 nominate «s cnndidate tnr Chief Magistrute of this nation, Ulysses S. Ownl." Genernl Grant was nominated for Presi» dent uir.miinously. Six hundred nnd fihv votes were cnst in nii. i>chuyler Colfax the present speaker *t>f ihe Houso of Reprt>sentatives was nominated v.i»ndidnte for Vice President ou the fifth *iT»iliot. Tbe Republicnn Ticket therefore st.mds, ** Grant and Colfax." These names hnve the hearts and votcs of a vast muiti* tude of tht trtcd and true men of the United States of Amer>ca. This Convention adopted a Series of Resolutions, among whieh wt obserre particuUiiy n«ticable, as rei«ting to other peopies, the Ninth and Tweirth, whichareas foliows : Nints. The doctr»ne of Great Britain and other Europeau Powers, that because a man is onee i subject he is alwtys so, must be resisted at ererv hasaid by the United Sutes, aa a leiie of feudal times, nof «uthori<ed by the iaw of nations t and at war with our NaUonai honor and indepcndence. Naturahzed eitixens are entitled to be protected m all their rights of cit«ienship as though they were natire boro. No eiiiaen of the Uu»ted States, native or naturahied, . inuai be iiabie to arrest or imprisonmeni by any foreign power for ncts done or won)s spoken in this country, and if so arrcsted and itnprisoned, it is the duty of Governtnent to interfere īu hU behalf.
5 TwELtrtt. Tbis Conreatioo dec!am its I symp«thy with all oppre«cd people who are ; Mro fTg'"*g for their rights. The Dcmocr»tx Coarention raeets in ; New Vork. Jaly 4ih. Chi»f Justice Ch.se j»a apokeo t«f for tbeir c«ndtd«te. aho Gcn, , Haneoek, Aodrew Johnson aod othersE«ropeti. Lo!idok, May 23.—1n the Con«mons, Dis- , r»eli ruoved a vote of thanks to the eomman» der c*f tbe AbysAĪniau expedition. Mr. Keardon, member for Alhlone, ga*e notice that be wou!d propose tbe fol!ovring questton to the Governnient • •* Cf tbe heahh ? of the Queen is such tbat it detains Her Mafrom London, tb«t lh« Miniatry adris; I abdjcation. M The question was ni!ed oot ; of order. } Advices from Sydney in aniieipaiion of ; the over land tnai{s. say that Pnnee Alfred hft f»r Enghnd in eommanā of bis sbip ihe j Galothea. He was well. The atteinpted : \ »ssassinator of the Frince was executed on j ! the 22 of April. | I Dispatcbes from Rome state thot the Pope \ i h#iB uoited with the Roman Catholic Bi-1 sbops of the l>nited States to raise 1,000 volunteers for ihe Papal army, authorizing; | them to make sucb terr.is with recruits as i j thev may cunsider neccssary and proper. |