Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 23, 6 June 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
By the Bark Comet whieh arnved on Monday we have latter foreign newsto Mav 16. J A v °te had been takcn by the Senate on seven»l of the Impeachment articles, and the eleventh has been declared not sustained by a vote of 35 to And from the tenor of the news received we raay expect soon learn of the acquital 0 f President Jobnson. The Cbicago Convention of the Kepuhliean party was aoon to be he!d for tbe eleetion of candidates for President and Vice President. Jeffcrson D„i s ' Uil bond nnewed b,ndln g tbe accused to appear on «ueh d« r «i »h. Wlt term 13 ihe Court ■hali 61. The Judge Btated that Chief J o „ ice Cha« has pron)iaed to be i n K,cbn.o D d, to preside, wuhio two days «ficr the impeaehmeot trial condaded. I, is , noaght tha , lhe trial wi|| eommenee about tbe last of May. Eirope*i. Lo«o„, Miy B.—Lord Brough am eiLord Chancellor of Engl.„d, died in Fr.Dce tnis aay m bis ninetietb year Ma, 13. lo the Hou» „f Gladstooe aoon after tbe setting. more4 Bill to prevent making f ort h e , appoi ntlnentt L ' T ' n f m ,he ,nsh Chorch for. tpe cified penod, aUo to th. pro ceed, ng , „f the Coromission 00 the InA Cburch blishment for the same time.
Th e aroiT, ,p«i.| f rom Trie»te. th«t p.peni receiTed from Alhen, , re fin^ *' "" Dew » f TOm Caodia. Ther lemn Jh«t.h.ttle,ookp|, CT o ß th, 14 l( 23 he'ween Ae C re ,U 05 ,„ d Turk ., wbich A £
jed «kl! dby. The insurßsDt# einim n h con»cf i» reported fo btiv* tnken pl„ ce 18eveml olherocca«ion». The Turk s nr * to bife eon«f»iWe<* greal »teugtitep. ers 9fill ply between lbe m«inUnc|. oll€ | island oinying awmuniUoo nud piun S{ofu to the bero>€ €re«an». It is belieTerf Ihal lbe »übBt>ince 0 f | gtcndls reply to the limperor of \ that proceedings k»a4tinff to ihe hKkpen4enc, of Crete, whieh the Suhljme Porte wili concede without con>piil»ion r 19 a whieh it is impossible fopOkeat Briuj Q . pui9tte. Ofiknl adrices from Aby»iom to Aj>r 2tet, »tate that Napier expected t©BU« w , ft tbe ebtife 4nny about May 25. The en ' of MBgxfii!A waa burned by the Briti»h. PT(> thirty aml Mortars <vere d€j»trov?.The yf»ung*PrinceTheodore gof» t» »nd Gab«zie iy to be crowned Kmg.