Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 17, 25 ʻApelila 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


\S> h-ivp »ī*:s f jrthf*r ncws from up tn tUe 4 of Apri). T?»e ln»f>f.irhuM»nt fr»i»l of Anrlr?w J»hn*n. IVfMlcnt t»f ihe United occ»p«ed ehe meaii 'a of the Senate siltir»g asaCourt, fr>uit 4*v to fjjy. The r\ !<i<*ncc of «ritnrj«3ir>s being takrn. A Trtbum jk»v«» the coui»fl f««r the P;. * nt have s*iainr»oned <«s witoes!*es Gen"n >*Vfdaian» Suermnn a»d Koimeau. It h wi .b<«m ruled that in case of a tie the f'h <f" J *vt!rc *houlJ h.ive tbe |»rivīlege of « V()t". - it wheti impoaehmenl is over the ll'iUH' f *'>uim;(tve wili report in favor of ap» j«r.yri.tt»«»ii t*>r ihe p«irchase of Ataska. Ni.w V'oßif, M«r<h 23.— Tt»e World'i j-.-m| r«*pori* chat Seward offerrd the St. i 'i f'.r-h'-ir£ M«*sion Ui Generjl Uanks. I'u<- Pr-M«i»»n : to the Senate his ve(o < i iU»!. nu»ei»diog ihe Judici«»ry uct. A(i« r d»/h,ite the biil pas*ed over i'M' l , r«. , >»derit , s veto l>y » strict p«rty vote. j I 'ne S'-n■!(*.' Mtifud the North Ainenean (<> r i..ir. Trosty, reiat«ve enngration and nainrnu «tion. T(»e trcaty was slightly amend* <d. W(»rM ,v»ys twe!ve hundred iahorers' v.) tn the Henry Chnuncy for S m Franci- >. iii «.<?.»r<!h «»f en»ployment. Tmc «n-.»*t terrific storm knoivn for many v«'.»r> w;is exp:rienccd aiong the A(lnnticsea !•"<»r i i»n<J ii) otl»er p.irts of the country •i!>o«»t the 20 of March. The snow <lrtfts iri p'»»ces were fifteen feet deeps as far >otith a* Phil;idelphia. the »torm raged more t » i!i twenty hours, uud wa& distructive to li iKi.'ni life. Ti»c Preyideut iias issurd an order tt»i'uit. T i» («cneral Grant assigning Hnne.oek i thf roinmaud of the Department of the At* I l.iiiiK. it \v.»s n|so reported th«t General H.»'ilt cU wnuid take the plnee of Haneoek in the Hep>irtment of the South West. At Si»n l ; r,»ocisco, the earthquake in that » ity c.iused a considerabie stampede amongst ihe people. Apparently the motion was (iDiii Wcst t«» Kiist. The only dnmage done vv»».s ti>c t)»rovvi»>g out c»f plumb the brick w;i II of Kdinundson*s w.»ro house. | Tl»c Cro ( s of wheat and b»rley in Caiifor* iii.» are rej>resented as looking superbe. Thc Pacific Mail Stenmship Compnny will r»iii 4 Steumers per monih, commencing April G. The s.»ilingdays from San Franci* ,sco tvill be the Oth, 4th, 22d, and 30th; ant! from New York, the lst, 9th, 16, and 21 of eiieh month. From Mexico. we have the ne\vs that the clerjjy refnse to confess persons who inhabit ronlisc;»ted couvents. Kuropcnn. Hkhlin.~• Ths second session of the Parliamene of the Norih Ger:nan Confederation eommeneeil March 23 ; King Wiiiiain opened tho session in person, w»th n speech from the throuc. He promised his Govenunent would introducc several new measures, to streng(hen the Union at home nnd nbroad. Whiie cnumeratmg the various treaties whieh had heen nmde with foreign Powers, he p»rticu* lf»rly ailuded to the importunt one just eon- < luded with the United States. whieh he nikl \vns designed to deßne and regulate the nation;ility and consequent national obligations of emigrants from Germany und Ainerica. This treatv would destroy all dissenMon helween those countries and unite more cit»si'iy together nations olready nllied by strnng bonds of commerce and race. The Kinu' concluded his spcech by expressing witl) in)irked eaiph.»sis his coofuience in the pcriuiiueuce of peaee, whieh he w»s glad to say nuw prevailed nmong the nutions of Kurope, iiONnoN, April I.—Dispatches from the Continent say that tumults h'»ve broken out in Grcnoble, France. It is supposed they occasioned by ihe enforcement of the New Army iaw. No part»cular3 nre received.

Negotiutions between Prussia and Denmark in regard to the disputed ierritory in Sohleswig—Hoistein continue. It is reportcd the D-mish Commissioner recently asked the ee»Biun to Denmark of the is(and of Alscn itt the Baitic, and Fortress of Duppelin on the inain land. The iast telegrams say PruK»ia had dtcidedly refused the demands ol Denmark. Thc Engiish House of commons spent the emire dny and evening debattng on the lrish church qurstion. The Revenue returns for the first quarter show deficiency of five miliiuns steriing. Florbncb, April I.—Victor Emanuel is seriotislv ill. A dispatch from Kome soys the Pope is aiso sick. The nature of his attack is not stated, Paris.—The French troops in Rome are reduced to a s»ngle brignde. īn the Corps Legisi«tif the biii concerning the right of puhlie meetings was passed. An •meute is reported to have occured at Bordeaux. Seditious piacaids appe.ired in Pari<t, Lyons, Marseiiies and Bordeaux. Naples—Adtniral Farrogut has returned from Rome and will remain « few days to recruit his healih, and then return to Constantmopie. * Flokbncb.—The Government is act»ve!y endenvoring to suppress brigandage. It is officially announced that the Government wiil send a ship of war to Japan to protect the trade of ltaly. Bkkljn.-— Anti Prusbian riols havc taken

pjace io the .N\»rthem p»rt of Biwm. Tbc min€Ts riofs in B«lgiuni ar? spre*4ing. ar«(f bivf b«:omc «erioit9. Tbe HrraM h«s a d?spatch from ihe Abys*inian expedition. I( had «rrited »t Lak« Ash9oge. Tbe ditfkuhv rf th« expe4uio« »iwrp»»e» 99 it j»roceedf. Tb<e r»3»firf« are ■ ho»tiie »ik! tbe co«ntr]r barrpn. r<iads very lad, aiui Kir»g Theodore has despoifed thc .countrj- r*r arvd oride. | The Abjr*«io»afi expedīck>n has pos>live 1 ioformntioo tbat Kitig Tbeodore me«ns to <6ght. The nat<rc «rn»y i« in a rerj' strong j poMhon. Theodor«?'s eaoip ts surrotsi>ded by ]deep r%rioes and he bas teo (ho<isand war}riors. His worl»s are defended by six large lguns, j The British Capliref were sofe and irell joo ?he 17 of Februarv.