Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 15, 11 April 1868 — English Column. Earthquakes. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
We gire our Engiish Coiumn lo a narv«* tive of tbe e«rthquokcs, ob8er*ed in Kona Hawaii la?t week un to Apri| lst bv Re*. JD. Paris. Oeanoe Hill, Mar. 28.—Vesterday mom*ng, we had a g)ortoos sight from our veranA new eruption on Maunaloa ! About 20 minutes before 6 o'eioek, a. x. f we discor. ered (as it appeared) from ihe aummil of ihe tnountain, an immense eolumn of smoke. One grand eoiuinn first rising bigh in the firmament-trith a huge piJ!ar or rather pi!Iars of smoke sīting upon it- It was grandglorious beyond discription*reminding of Sinai when Jehorah spake to 51oses. In less than ha!fan bour, vnst columos of smoke were hsing in a Souiherly direction, to the distance of 10 or 15 mīies. This continued to increaso, cxt<?nding south as it appeared: to us, until the Mountain was shut in with ] clood obout noon. Al nīgh( we watched{ expfcting to see a great river of fire. But| no, nll was dark atid sfii! as dealh, and when | the star» eame out,n!i was clear and bnghtas ! uj»uai. In the enrfy rnorn Saturday, fie!ds | b|ack smoke seemed to be passing ofl*j South, os if froin a river of fire on the oiherl sidc toward Kau. At about 7 o'eioek thig a. j >«., n shnke of earth<junkc, and soon an other, | anei atili nn other, at intervais of haif or 'j three quarlers of an iiour, untii nooo. Frotn| Saturday noon until 11 o'eloek at night, we j iiael a fearful time. One continual succes-j aion of Earttiquakes, at intervals offrom two ! to five, and sometimes ten minutes. The: vibrdtion, never ceasing. At times the shakes! and heaving of the 8arth was attended with | a ronring und hissing noise. Tucsday morning, March 31. This rnorning the earth is still shaking. Sabbath a. m., from 12 o'eloek until 5, the shnkes were tiot so trequent and wereattended with fess noise—but from 5to oneo'eioek we counted over 70 shakes. These \vere distinct, npd huw many siighted shnkea oe» cured, we cannot tell. The vibrations eontinued to shake nur house during mostofthe day. Since Sabbath one o'eioek, shocl(s| hnve been less frequent, sometimes not5tnore thnn one or two in 15 minutes; and on j Monday an hour or two wouid eiapse with- j out our experiencing any thing. In our house j the piastering is very mueh shattered but not| hulf so mueh ns we should expect with such- i tremendous heavings of the earth, Some 4| avalanches fell ofT our Pali into Kealnkekua 1 during one of our most terrific shakes on; Saturdny, ntid one on the Sabbnth. I am • informed thnt vi\st portions of the Palis have ' broken ntid fallen into the sea all along our ; coast. Stonewalls to any amount thrown down. We aro now waitir>£ to see what' the LoTd will do with us. We have not undressed (or the night since Friday. Ouri housesare voin things for safety, the stonei aiui lnvn foundiitions ure all yielding.