Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 14, 4 April 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


By the MmJ fMeair»?r ldaho, whieh arrjrcd Oo fhe uh, wc bare later news rwpeciing the impeaehmeni cral of Prc®i* >!en( Andrcw Johniron. On the 4<h of March, before its adjoom. tncnt. (he Scnate ro"SMC>lr<Ki to constitcite it» »e!f mto a High Co«rt of fnipe«chm<?nt at 10 o'Ooek on the sth. At th*t tirae, ihe Prpsnle:it of the S«rwte armounced that all legislative and ex*cutive huainew of the Se* nate ira« or<Jerr*d to cea.«e, for tbe pwrpose of procee<fing to the businexs connccted wilb the i(npeachment. He then racated the Chair. »nd the Chie< Justice advanced up the ai?le, clad in hi* ollieial robes. and ae. eompnnwl by Judge Nel«on, and escorted by « Committee appoinieā for tbat p«rpoae, folluu-i'd by thc Managers of ihe Hou»e t wbo ?tood behind the bnr. Thc Chief Justice as« cended the President's Chair, and saiil in a ; «olemn and inipreswire voice : " Se<natora, I in otjedience to notice, I hare appeared to join with you in formwg a Coortofiinpeacbinent, for the trinl of the President of the United States. lam ready.to take the oatb." Judge Nel?on administered tbe following oath:—•• 1 do solmnly swear, that in all things pertaining to the trial of tbe impeaehment cf Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, I will do importial justice, aecording to the Constitution and Laws. So help me God. M

In the Sennte, on the 3lth, bt oneo'Clock, the Chief Justice took the Chair, and the Sergeant-nt-Arnis made proclamation in the usual form.

On Motion of Mr. jlo\vurd, ordor wos madc llme the Sergeant-at-Arms notify the Housc thnt the Sannte wns organized os a High Court of lmpeachment and ready to proceed to the trial of Andrew Johnson. Immedintly there after, the manBgc:rs and members of the House took the seats provided for them; Mr. 13utler only being absent. The return of the Sergeftnt-«it-Arms of scrvice of suminons upon the President was read, when the counsel for the President were, notified of the commencement of proceedii)gs, nnd Messrs Stnnbery f Curtis nnd Wclson took seats at the table on the right' of Ihe Chirf Justice, opposite the Manngcrs, who wcre seated ot tbe left. Mr. Stnnbcrry rose, and nddressing Ihe Chicf Justice, read the andwer of the Presi-1 dent cntering his oppearance, and nnming ns his Counsel, Messrs Stanbery, Curtis, Nelson, iilaek «nd livarts, and nsking rea.j sonable time for prcpnrntion for dcfence a period of forty days. Mr. Binghain cited thceighth Hule, whieh provides for nn oppearance of the President, to whieh he wns-required to file an answer, nnd in case nn «ns(Ver. was not filcd, the triul should procced as on n pleu of not guil. ty. Ile clnimed thcrefore, that the irial should proceed forth-with. Mr. Edmonds offered an order, that April lst Ihj nppointed for filing the Presidentsanawcr, nnd thnt the trial proceed on April6th. At two o'Clock, the Senate retired for consultation, nnd rctumed to the Chumberat 4, 10 r. m., nnd the Court re-assembled. The Ch«cf Justice nnnounced thnt the Motion hnd been ovef ruled nnd nn order wns entercd thnt the President be rcquired to file hiy nnswer on Mond'ny, March 23d. President Johnson is now in trouble, nnd his party friends hnve fallen nway from him. He fce!s this ingratitudc, and it is reportcd thnt he gives out that he will resign ond go before the people for an cndorsmcnt of his Conduct. Enropenn* Lonoon, Mnrch 6.—ln the House ofCommons this morning, Disrneli appenred for the first time since the res>gnntiou of Lord Derby. Upon entering he wns received with louel cheers from both the Government ond opposition benchcs. There hns been n genernl chnnge in the Turkish Cnbinct. All the Ministers except the Grnnd Vizier hnve resigned, andsucces. sors hnve been nppointed. The Prince of \Vnlcs is about to visit Ireland nnd is to l>c a Knight of the order of St. Patrick. Bbrlin. Mnrch 10.—The treaty in relation to the rights oi Nntur«lized Citizens hns been unnn\mously rntified by the Federal Oouneil. it is reported here that a proposition has been made to Lord Stanley to submit the Alaiama claims to the arbitration of Prussia, nnd thnt he was wilhng to entertain the proposit>on so f#r as it npptied to the question of indemnity, but he refused to submit the other points in di»pute. Ka Huua o ka Peresidrpu Kiru—Mn ka la 12 o Maraki mn ke kulanakauhale o Rikemona, ua hoopaneeia ka hookolokolo ana i ka Percsidena Kipi Je(T Oavis imua oka Lonaknuawai Underwood a lilki i ka la 14 o Apenla oia keia malama ae. la la e hookolokoloia ai kona K«rniraa nui. oia ke kipi »»A i kona aina makua. a lilo i aupuni mokuahana iloko iho nei o ke Kaua, ak* aole nae iko ka manao kipi. PeU i mana ai kekahi olelo kahiko. «'aohe kipi e bnakila. H O ka poe pili Ribupelika o ka Ahaolelo nui, hoapono lakou i ka hoopii Luna Nui ia o ka Peresidena a hookolokolo koke la a hoopaiia pnha ilokoo na la he haneti. Ua kauoha ia ua Peresidena la e hele kino mat iloke* o ka Hile Ahaolelo ou» um ki ia 83 o Maialki.