Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 8, 22 Pepeluali 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
|From rh« «<&»•> fr\r*ri*©*. T*b. * } WAsntNGTON. Januarv30 —Hon. Gdvrard Thorniou, the new Bf»nsh miaiAter, bas arrivcd, «nd «ri!l bc presentcded to«morTow f Thrpe is no longer any doujbt that the Saijdwieh Is!and treaty w«l! be ni(«fied. Laihoee, (Fet»W.,) Febf'i:—St. XarlerV semioary, near this phee, was totally de!rtroyed by fire ye«erdty. Ail the inmates escnped safeiy. Chicauo, Feb. 3.—Eighteen pri9ot>ers escaped frotn jail at St. Jo, Mo., on Saturday. During tbe itielee Howee Fisb. brothet of SnerifTFish wnsshotand kil!ed. Thesteamer Sherman, from New Or!eans for Cm<Jin-! noti, with a *alnable c*argo of groceries, wss : bur«ed at Evansvtlle yesterday. A s»eep. | ing car on the Chicago and Quincy Rai!road | wob burned last night. while the train was ; )ii rapid motion. No litps were lost. W ASHtJWJTOW f Feb. 3d.—An authenticated rumor prevails that Minister Adams has rcsigned his position. It is reported that ue-; oretary Seward >8 to be appointed Minister to, England in plaee of Mr. Adams. 1 Beklin, Jan. 30.—Herr Twesten, arrest-; cd 3oroe time ainee for language spoken in ; debote, has been discbarged havingbeen sub-; jected to a slight pecunmry fine. it is thought thot the decided po?ition taken by j Farliament relative to privileges of members | hns cnused this result. Paris.—A new ' luw fur the regulation of thc press was undcr conBideration in the Corps Lrgislatif. | Advices state t!mtGcner.»l Faitly, eomman-! der of the French Expeditionary Corps, is obout to return to France with one division of the troops, the retuainder to remain at Kome. ! Londqjj, Jan. 31,—There is no truth io ; the Vesuvius story. Naples.—The Ita<lian fleet is now ready in this haTbor, and ; bas received orders to sail forthwith for Kio ' nnd Paran&. Al! information in regard to the expeditiori is withheUi. | Caoiz, Feb. I.—Keports from Moroco say j a severt funiine prevails at Tangiers nnd! Tetuan. Florence.—U was announced i ii) both Houses of Piirliament yesterday that ! Crown Prince Humbert of lta!y has bee,n 1 for»nally betrotlicd to Princess Murgaretta of Uenoa. A terrific gale prevails throughout England to-night, and mueh damage by sea and land is apprehened. -Madrid.— inaecordance with the expressed determination o( the Governnaent to support the temporal power of tbe Holy Father, steps have been taken for the formation of a corps to be known as the Papal Legion. | Pakis, Feb. 2.—The Cntrier Fra?icaise suys the presence of Fnrragut at Nap!es is designed as a countcrpoise to French forces ut Kome, and to sustain the. Libera!s of Itnly, with whom Farragu! holds irjtunate relations. Frado has been defeated at Arequi-: pV"tld forced tQ retreat to Islay. The Tevo- j lution has proved a success, and Prados ad- j ministration is hurled from power. Arequi-j pa sufiered a bombardment of thirty-sixi hours. Gen. La Frerento has taken the surpreme comtnand until the nrrival of Conseo, second Vice rresident. Prado soi!ed on the llth for Chiii t \yherc he enjoys the pay and rank of a General. London, Fcb. 3.—The gaie whieh passed over Eng!and on §aturday last was very defstructive to lives and property in this city nmi in Liverpool.