Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 3, 18 Ianuali 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Tho steamrr ]rlaho, arr»vcd on Tue«day th<? Mth jnst., 10 days and 23 hours from San Franci>co. We have dates by her from C.jlifornia to January 4th, and the New Vork mails of o?cember 10. A»nong the pf?senper!« *ve notice tbe return nf Mrs. J. F. Pogue, M»ss E. Oudoit, antJ Th. H. Davies. No neiion had been taken by the U. S. Scnate in thematu rof thc Recipocity Treaty with thcse I»iaids. The San Francisco Cha({ibf-r of Cornmerce had telegraphed to their Senato» nt Washington—thc /o!lowinj» meenonal: To ihe U(>iiorablc Scnate of the United States. The Chan»b r of Commerce of San Franci»:o ref»pectfully represent: That in their opinion, the commerciul interests of the Pacitir Coast wlll bc |argely promoted by the r»tification of the Keciprncity Treaty negoti;ited betvvecn the United States and the Hawaiinn Islarids, and that puhlie considerati )ii h.'iving refcrence to the future expansion ari(i securi*ty cf onr naiional comn»erce on the i'.«c!fic Oeean demundsratification do i!'.s.s unp€'ratively. .Mk.mphis, Der. 22.—Gen. Ord has despatched nn oificer to Washington to repre« scnt to the C»overnment the starving condi«: tion f'f the freedmen. ln a large number of counties, it is nb.solutely necessary that j sorne provision ije inade by Government to j feed the nnned freedmen, ond prevent a war of races, whieh is inevitnblc in such selctions without they aro fed. Gen. Ord has nJso in.<tmcted the commanders of posts to rcfjuest the leading colored men to give general notice rhnt all freedmen who are able will be re(|uired to earn their own living tfie coming year, and must go to work when employment ean be procured; freedmen refusing to work when ernployment ean be procured wili be ounished ns vagrants.
New York, Dec. 27.—The Ilerald's spe« ci;il says it is estiinated that|6,ooo,ooo of whi!(\s niul I>lncks in the Southern Statesare iu a starving eonililion. Great alarm exists in sevrr.»l of the countries of North Cnrolina on nccount of the assaults of armed blacks upon unnfrunding whites. Prompt measures arc nocesstiry to restore quiet. Nuw Okleans, Dec. 28.—Negro depred:itions continue in the interior. A large milieiry force will be sent to prevent a rising. \V AstiiNc»ToN, Dec. 24.—The news from the We»t Indies is regarded in diplomatic eircles us indicnting n readiness throughout nll thc islnnds for īmiiiediate annexation to the lJuited Stntes. Dec. 2S.—The chances for the purchase of St. Thomas nre very slim in the Senate. The Tribujie's St. Thomas letter says th«re huve lieen 500 shocks of earthquake felt there. New York, Dec. 26.—A movement has bcen iniuigurnted in this city to rnise n regiincnt for the Pnpnl nriny. The Tribinus sprcinl snys it is understood that the new Hritish Ministcr coines with i'ull nuthority to reopen the question of the Alnlmma clnims with n view to eflfecting an amiciible niljustmcnt. Wasiun(;ton, Dec. 30.—Advices hnve been receivrd thnt the Sweedish Government will follow the exnmple of Denmnrk nnd sell the Swedish West liulia Islands to the United StntevS. This is regnrded here as nn indicatiou that the Europenn inonarchs are retiring from this continent under the inHuenee of thc Monroe Doctrine. Kiiro|»rnti I iilrlllgrnr«>. Paris, Dec. 23.—The Governn»ents of Pmnee nnd Italy hnve commenced negot»ations for n convenlion, with the tinderstanding thnt nny ngreement they r»ny arrive at 1)0 submitted to the npprovnl of the other Po*vers ol Europe. The Ilalinn Pnrlinment will, at nn enrlydate, vote to reaffinn in a solemn manner its decl«rntion thnt the City of Rome belongs to Italy es the cnpital of the nntion. Florsncs, Dec. 22.-—A long and angry deK\te in the Clinmber of Depnties on the pol»cy of the Government on the Ronian question, terminntrd yesterday in the defeat of the ministry, Loniwn, Dec. 22.—Despatches froin Italy represent thnt there is mueh politicnl *ggitatioo throughout thnt nation. The excitement is dnngerous and fenrs are entertained thnt it will culmiuate in n risiog against the Government. Pakis, Dec. 26.—The reports that the French expeditionary nrmy corps recnaining in Itnly will bo reinforred is confirmed by the Patrie, whieh states that the French Guverninent has ordered 20,000 additional troop3 to sail for Civita Vecchia. Madrid, Dec. 29.—The Cortes was opened yesterd»y. Queen lsnbella in hef speeeh from the throne, ptedged the support of the nntion to the protection of the Pope*s tempornl j>ower. Loniion, Dec. 27.—The Fenians seem unusually active nll over the country—the lnte Fenian operations hove caused great puhlie excitement Thc Times stntes that at lenst 3,000 special constables have been sworn iu London. It calb nttPHtion to the grnve puhlie dnrger, an<! odir#cs the provineial cities to iinmitnte the eiample. Haue Auu Hoo.— Ua iohe wale makou e kukuluia t»na he Hnle Alii hou mn kahi palahalnha o Mnkiki ma keia hope aku, a e lilo ana paha m wahi i kulanakauhnle alii uin keia iuuli iho.