Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 48, 30 November 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Flobl.*vce. Oct. 2ō.—Gsrifaa!di n heari fom. A«s Li«t ao:>unts he vras et Kietta, a «naall town nenr the Pap*i frontier. Pj:b:s. Oct. 2-7.—The reception cf the Ecnperor of Austria is cordhi and The feelir.g of sympathy for the brother of the unfortunate .Mannniian heigtiiens lbe respect w*ith %vhtch the Emperor is reg-irde<] by ali cb*ses. The Grand Viz;er of Turkejr has met a depuutien of Cretans ia the prv?ence of the foreigj Consuis. They dea>3nd the cesiion o( Creie to the Kingdom of Greece. , Spam oBers to jom any of the Calholic Powers in action in favor of the Pope. A Fiorence dispatch of Tuesday iast says the Kingofltaiy has issued a procl3tnation dcciaring the country in great danger, denouncing tbe Garibaldiaus as usurpers of ihe \var-making power, and comnunding them to return totueirduty. Theprociamation promises that when tranquility is ltaiy and France will settle the Roraau question. Tiiis proclamation, if cnrrect!y repored, is j»ur.* to g;ve great offet.se to the Itaiians and weaken their confidence in the King's Government. The French forces it Toulun iiave received orders to embar!i iinrnediatciy f»>r Kome, and tiie firit flet-t (ironciad?) was r f *ported on the 30th to have orrivcd at C;vita V r ecchia. The news from ltaiy is significant of immed:ate war, into whieh, from present appearnnces, it is aimost certam the Garibaidians wiii force the Ilaiiuo Government. The French Emperor has sent a lleet of iron ciads to nid the Pope, and is embarking truops ui Tooiun for Italy. On the other h«nd, tfie Uaiian nrmy flatly refuses to fight tiie Garibaidians, and when it oomes to the iighting poiut there is now hardly rooin for a doubt that it wili be al! Itnly ngainst the Pope nnd French intervention.
At last aeeounla frotn the Garib\ldian r.rmy, Monday, i37th instant, they had just firiished a great battle clo?e to Koine, m wh»rh the Papal ariny \vas aefeated, and Garibaldi, with his entire furce, wns tnarching to attack the outer fortifications of Rome. The I'ope had taken refug? m the Castle of St. Angelo. There was n rumor in Pam that the Italinn Crown Prince wiruld put himself nt the head of an army to resist tt\e French, and another that Victor Einanuel would abdicate. Santa Ana hns been tried at Vera Cruz, convicted and sentenced to death. He has petitioned Juarez for relief. Loa\don, Oct. 31.—Despatches from Florence say the French froops have ariiv f ed at Kome. There was no demotisffatiou whntcyer. The City is quiet. ( The French were received in profound silence. Ths New York Express % special says that Seward has sent a spccial messt«iger to Koine to ofter the Poj)e an nsylum iu this country. Hopes are entertaincd that the mission will be s'.?cccssful.