Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 45, 9 November 1867 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Palls. OcL 16. —Ertots io the Pap«tl Sutes cr»ntf great an«as!ness. It »3 reporteii bere tha»t the Pope is aII re«dy for flrght, aod that is soon a$ affiirs becomc critktl in Rom*, wiii take refuge in Eararm. New Votf, Oct. 14.—The«tennsbipiVnr York, from So«tb«mpton, bts «rrired. Tbe rat)6catioos of the trt»ty of coa»merre between the Ptpal Goreroraeot «o<l Franc« bare beea eichanged. ( Not less than 50,000 people hare lefi Catj«; dia, io French, RussianaQd ltatiao rtsseb. A Ttmfj special mvs, that some of the leading Rtdicat Coogressmen declare tbfm* ; selres in favor of Uen. Grant for Prestdent | Tbe name of Gor. Andre«r, of Maas»chu< | setts, ;s mentiooed in ihe saroe conoectioa | for V »ce President. i Chicago, Oct. 15.—A VVashiogto® specinl I to the Tima of thia city, gires tbe detaiU oi | an intervi«w with the President. who dectared that the current Tejwrts about Cahi*j net changes were \rboiiy unautborized. j Tbe War Departioent he cons:derd virtually , rac.«nt. He said be should ooake oo chaoge | in haste. Ttiere had been a tremendous j pressure upon hin fora change. He had | becn urged by telegrams, iettere and delega-1 tions of pohticians to remore all but Weilea ; and Stanberry. j In regard to the receat electioos he said j the results did not surprisc him. Ohio bad ! rebuked ihe two extremes by defeatiog Shur«! man nnd Wade. Negro suBrage, whieh! w-as the only naiional issue inrolred. was i defeated by 50,000. whieh he regarded as a i repudiation of the Congressional reconstruc-1 non policy. He hoped the eiample would ; be followed ererywhere, and thnt the people j would aroid dangerous extreines, and boih ; parties look ontv to the wetlare of the|coun-! try. " |