Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 44, 2 Nowemapa 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


Ne\v I^.—Generai Mo\ver, nnw Iri'ithe distnct of Loui' siana has j>vjrd or-i~ī* ti/īir.d<ifug ali assemblaj:es ofar<u-.'d me'i for f • īi:i eni purposes,and has instruc;<:-d thc corninan 3ers of the posta thro-j;;hout v-f d!?-trict to ;-.t onee arrcst any partte» found guiUy of vioUting th»s order. Gen i v'rai Mo\ver directs thataii crders of his pre icce?s ;rs co!itir»urd in torce. Uomo.n. Sepi. 19.— Bn;ce. the British rsj: i): i-! ** r Uic*<J iti < moruintj. Lov;s. Sept. 20.- In the Indian Counei'i hf d ye?t"r'iiy on thc North Platte, the Indi.detnanded that t::e whites shouid tO« lai!v <*!»»'• : don thc P«''ivder Rivercountry ond both <•! ihe raiironds, ynd also furnĪM» thsrii a «upp!y of nn»munition, before they wouid make peaee wiih the whites. iihenuan replied sharpiy that the roads must F>e buiit and the indi.n.s tnust not interfere. if the Indians nre damaged they must receive p;»y ; I JIJ t they did not leave ihe roadf aione he shouid kill them. We are building co?tly that cannot be stopped ariy rnore t:jan the sun and moon ean. lf the Imiian? did not cease their hosfjJjti«:k tht-y would ail be killed. He pro* posrd t > give them homes o»i ne\v reserva« tiuiis, ;inri v.'nu!d give tiurn until the lst of Novrmber to make up īheir minds, when he wili ii»f.'ct them ag'iin r»t the same plaee. A Fori D'jdi:e i«*fr- r say? that the Cheyri'.nes, Arrap«hr-es. Camanches. and other tri!" 1 li;tvo roi;.solid.ited nnd taken the war p;it!i. Thon>us Parker, contr.ictor on the Pacific Railroad. ;uid foriy men were attacked at their oamp yestcrd;iy. Pnrker nnd five men Wf re kiiled. tmd five more were mortaliy \voundod. Kight Indians were kiiled in the li«;ht. Wasiun(.ton, Sept. 22.—Goverr»or Orr h;is written :» iettcr to Gen. Sickies iti whieh he rxprejises r« gret at the President's course. (Ie (Midorses unquulifiedly 01l the ineasures of Sickles while in eommaiui. Hkarts Co.ntb.nt, Sept. 21,—The Atlantic Cahle o( 1 £60, wns repaired yesterday nnd is now in \vorking order. Washinoton, Sept. 121.—The Grnnd Army of the Kepuhlie wiil give Generals Sheridan iiml Sickles a complimentary Serennde on Monday evening. New York, Sept. 21.—The Steaniship Ari/.ona, from Aspinwali, is detained nt (|uarnntine, havtng tour cascs of ycllow fever on hinmi. Nkw Oklkans, Sept. 21.—The mamber ofdcaths from ycllow fever is increasing daily. Seventyeight deaths occurred last Sund;iy. Lancastkk, Pa. Sept. 24. —Thaddeus Stevens is lymg dungeronly ill at his residem:e m this plaee. New Orlf.ans, Oct. 1. —There is no percoptihle uhatement in the fever yet. New Yohk, Oct. 3.—A Times speciol says, the Presideut tbinks the Amnesty Proelumalion woulil disrtipl the Kadical party, if properly managed. If the Courts decide, iis he thinks they will, that those who are panloneel are re>tored to full citizenship, nnd Congress persists iu its refusnl to nllow tliem to vote, the people \vould flock to the support of the Judiciary. Nkw York, Oct. 4.—The yellow fever has disnppi':irrd at Mohile, and is rapidly diminishing at tiie Dry Tortugas. Ei ias Howe, Jr. the inventor of the sewing maehine needle, died at Brooklyn last night. Lonhon, Oct. I.—The Pan-Anglican Synod has issued an address, condetnning Kationalisnd, Popery, anq Marioiatry.

Ort. 2,—The Midnight reports from ltaly nre startling. A disp«tch from Florence vsnys the oue brenk ut Viterbo is no( quelled. The small town of Agunpendenti, in Orvieto, hns been cnptured by the insurgents, who hnve full posse»eion of nll the ronds leading to thnt point. Tho Cominnnder of (he Papnl forces hns asked the halian Government forinstant assistnnce. but It »ly refuses to fumish any so.diors. Then? is no longer room for doubt thnt tho revok is serious. Oct. {j.—Thc Turkish Govemment hns mnde nn apology to the American Ambi\s* sador nt Constantinople, for the insult to one ef the messengera nttnched to the United tStato«? Consulnte. The Empi>ror of Kussia hns peremptorily demanded of the Sultan the ceasion of Cnn» dia to Greece. Oct. s.—Sir Augustus Puget, British Minister at Florence, will it »ssaid, succeed the late Sir Frednck Bruce as Minister to the United States. * Berli.v, Ocf. s.—The Semi-ofTicial journal of to-dny, says that at the recent Salxbunj Conferencc betwecn Napoleon nnd Fntncis Joseph. an understanding \vus arrived nt ns to whom tbey vvouid appoint as iiiiccessor to tbe Pope. Lo.ndon, Oct. 4.—Garibaldi having ix?fused to give his j«role, the lialian Govemtnent, in onler to allay popular rxcitment, sent hiin to Caprera and set him at liberty. Soon nfter his Qrrivol, he suddenly disapeared from the island, aud succeeded in reaching themainland. Hls morements were watched, and he was ogain arrested. He is now under closc gunrd at Caprera. Oct. s.—Tbere is a report, not fully nutheutic*ted, thut the King of ltaly fe»s appcaled to thcGreat Powersof Guropeagainst

| the provisions of the S«pterober treaty, ! whieh bmd the Italian Goremmeat !o pre|Tentan infractior»of the Po[« r s tempora( do- • minion. I FloBe>ce, Oct. s.—The insurgents while occupyin£ a strong posĪtion near the town ! of C <gnares. were attacked by tbe Papal : troops. The letter were repulsed. with some ios? on both sides. G3iiba!di urges h:? friends to march on Kome witbout deiay. I Gret»tagitation and alarm prevail io Kome. | Oct. 6.— Deputation« are &rr*ving and , memorials are pouriug in froni ail part3 of i the Kmgdom, demaoding Kotne for the ea- . pitai city of itaiy. • Paris, Oct. 6.—lt is reporte<i that Napoj leon has iuformtd liahan Government ' that he may find it n?cessan* to occupy Ko* | man territory with his soldiera to preaerve its integrity. Oct. B.—Eleelion Rct>irns from Penna Ohio and loiea. Sharsvvood is the Deinocratic candidate for Supreme Judge in Pennsy« lv;inia. A telegram of the llst says his eleetion is conceded by both panies by a smal! majority. The Complexion of the Legislature not vet deter«nined.

Oct. 11.—Shayes (Republican,) is certainly elected Governor of Ohio by between 2000 and 3000 majority. The Democrats have a majority of one in the Sennte and three in the house. It is thought Thunman or Pendleton willhe elected to succeed Ben, Wade. Y r allandigham's name is also mentioned. The suflrnge,.' amendment to the Constitution is defeated by over 40,000 majority. iowa has gone for the Republic;»ns by greatly reduced ma-. jorities. The Democrats gain several memhers of the Legislature. Col. :Vierrill, the Union candidate for Governor, is certiioly clected. The returns are very contradictor>-, but those givcn may he considered reliabie.; Substantiaily, it is considered theDemocrnts have carried Pennsylvania and Ohio, while iowa is merely n 14 scratch " for the Kepuhli-' cans. ! Oct. 13.—Seventvnine thousand doliars in spurious seven-thirties have been taken hy the assistant Treasurer to tbe banks from whom they were purchased. They refused to receive them, and intend to test liie matter in the Courts. The question of the appointment uf a pevmanent Secretary of War iias been discussed in the Cabinet, Grant strongiy urges General Ra\viins, Chief of his Stafr, for the posi-1 tion, nnd he will probabiy receive the ap-. pointment. i Sheridan has been granted two tnonths' leavc of absence. 1