Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 43, 26 October 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Europe. G.*r:!>i!<ji h rr, .tie an o:j Knine. bu; h.-i> h-?en nrro-*':d ad put ;nto ror.Rn-?. ' ment. He refuse* to cive his paro!e that he wi(; not ag*m m ho-1?i11;es. i Loni'On, Oct. 2. A ser>ous revoit h-.> broken oui in Kome. lt is suid ihe Pope has < fled to Civita Vecchia. Midmght. Tbe cornrriander of ihe Papal . forces has a«ke<i thelta!ian Govt. for mstani a£«istince, but IMI y refuses to furm?h a so!dier. Th?re is no longer doubt that the re- < volt is serious. Aiarmin2r appreheosions are , felt as to an interruption of the friendlv relations between France and itaiy. America. It is said that a Spanish Fleet is shortiy expected on the Chilian Coast. I Tennesee has it is said gone 40.000 ma. ■ jority on the Repub!ican Ticket, but there are ' threatened troub!es in Nashvil!e. | Tne President of the L T . S., seeins to be : pursuing his plans of reconstruction unscrupu!ou.sly. It is said there are 4000 paid militia in Baltiinore, making a tot»1 of 10.000 in the j state of Mary!and. They have been equipped j ot nn expense of 8500.000 and are furnish-« ed wiih new £nfieid riflcs. A large part of : the officers nre either returned Kebels or - Johnson Democrats. j