Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 36, 7 September 1867 — English Column. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
NV ashincton, Aug, 12~Tbc PreBidcnt t at 10 oeloek (hie morning. sēnt a eommunM-?-to Stan*on, ?uspcr><iinff him Tfom office a, Secret aTy of Waf, and lnstrucrfng , 0 hi« transfer ali the rrcord?, books, eie.. in his cu«todv« lo Gen.lrrant. The Secit*ary was at thesame time informed that Gen. Grant ha4 t*en impowenai <o act as S«cre»fy in<he intericn. A comrnunieation wa* a< the «ame tiine authotuting him <o act aa St?cretary, and asking bim to ot ooee enter upon the dutiea of that office. Shortly after fior»n Mr. Stanton aeoe a reply to the Pre«i. •dent. in whieh he denied that trithout the cons«>nfvthe Senate, or wilhoui the £iecutrre had any right under the€onstifution aod Ihwb <o suapend him j inaamoeh, 4iowever. as the GeneraJ <ofmaan4tng the armie« of the United States had notified him that he accepted the appointment of Secretary of Waar ad inlerim, the Secretary eoo♦eluded by saying he had uo ūUerauhre but to subrnit, under protest, to €aperior/orce. <Jrant therefore assumed charge of (he X)epartment, and appeared in a«Ciibinet meeting to-day, for the purpose of consideringcertain <jut»«tions connected with <he territoiy recent* (y acquired from ftussia. Thc BU?pension of Stantoa greatly «iicreased the feeling against Johnson, and the impcachment «eheme is receiving new »>upport. Stanton'« ciatms for the Pre«i--dency are being discus»ed by itißfriends, and it is thoaght they ha«re been m«erialiy imk,proved by his removal. Judge Dougherty, of the Tirelfth District, Texas, was rem«vcd for der>ying the supejriority of the iaws «f Congress, gtating that ilie would not obey them wherein they eon(licted with the laws of the State. It is considered ceitain that the President will Buspend Judge Advocate ilolt, on ao<ount of mattcrs connected with the assassination triais. Johnson stiil denies that he. knew of the recommendation to mercy made in the case of Mrs. Surratt, while Holt une>quivocally asserts that Johnson wa6 cognizant of it at the time he signed the death warrant. • Lonoon, Aug. 6.—The negotiations whieh have been going on between the Englis:h and American Governments in roiation to the Alahama claims have terminated in the announced deterioination of Lord Stanley, Minister of Foreign AfTairs, to subm\t the whole matter t« Parliament at this session. Lonoon, Aug. B.—After an exciting debate in the House of Commons, last evening, in whieh the most prominent speakers on l>oth sides took a pnrt, all the amendments proposed to the JReform bill by the House of Lords were ,rejected« wit4i the exception of that providing for-the representation of minorities, whieh is, in substance, the plan proposed by Mr. Mill. In the House of Lords, the t»ill abolis"hing rates was rejected by a laTge majority* . , A terrihle railroad nccidetat eccuri%d at Orayshead, Wieklow County, Ireland, to the express train from -Dublin for Wieklow. When at the above named locality, it ran ofl' the track and eight passenger coaches were precipitated into the sea. The loss of life »6 frightful. Only one man escaped. Paris, Aug. 9.—Occuptition of three prev« inces in Cochin China by Prench troops is confitmed. The Kussian armies ane operating in AfTghanistan, and have achieved importint suc•cesse*. St. Petersburg accounts of fhe Russian grain crops aro extremely favorable, anil indicates a very heavy yield, and iinmense surplus for exportation. A terrible earthquake occurred at Java, June lSth. The s«gar crop and a large nmhei of buildinga were ddettttyed. The loss of life, European and natives, is estimated at 300. The Euglish Keform bill was signed August 15, ts now a law. Gold waB 140J, August IS. » dates. Maximilian's body has been delivered up <o the Austrian Authorities. The jury in Surratt s £asc could npt agree upon a verdict—eight for convirtion, fourfor acquiUnl. The Honolulu pioneef mail steamer Mon» iana is advertised to leave Saq Sept. 5, at 10 a. m* t i .■ Key. W. Hoapili Kaauwai and his wife arrived iu thq M*rroy % fwm New Zealand via San Frruicis<4>., j Govenwr Low, and othet leading politieiaua in California, state that thera is every prospet of the success of the Reciprocity Treaty. ' Na manuwa ma Tahiti. —Aia ma Bora« bora he ehii miii moku Fartni, a hookahi moku kaua Beritania. Oua moku Bef#aoia la, oia oo ka moku nona kahi Bii»«a»« kolohe iiawemalu ai i ka Kuhina noho o Amerika ina Honoi<lhl ōei, a mai koalaia e ke keiki poohina Amen'kaO ka noho ol|iol« »«f mare me kana wahine i mare ia, «a like no ia me ka mea ala maikail foi* ilunm o kekahi mea e hele aoa ma kahi o ka makani, a honiia oiai la e ka poe mahppe. f _. : Ma ka la 23 o Augate, ua hoolaa ia ka iuakini nia Kamaloo, Molokai, ua nui oo ka poe.iakoakoa ipai?® ike i na |hana!oi« ua hookupu ko īaila.poe be f120.00.