Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 33, 17 August 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


!>'« IV Awj. H : Hv arrira! of t!ie Palkinburz. !'J frotn Portiand, we havc. throui;h the loc»l ' p«ip»*rs, for whieh we are indcbted to Bo!!e5 & C<v, Ea?terh df«pn!chp« fo Ju!y 23<!, (<?n days nevrf. >TlM*mo«| int.erettinj dispatch ivthat of > *. - • * * ; nkUw- lSr-r-Tiie Po>fmait<?t| Gcn?ral awards th«f contract lor the mail ser- \ vico bet«reen San Franc»sco aod Honolulu, tn the Cal ( fnmi.i. On'eon, and Mejri<co| Blenmflh:p Cotnpfiny of N'ew York f for f?erenty fire thousand dollars yearly. Thi.i is the Compfiny of whieh Holladay is apcnt. to whom report by onr la?t maib, ' had awarded tbe contract. ! i'ißis. July 16.—fn reaponae to tbe appeal ■ of tbe Hope for as.«iat ince in repelling thej anticifwtcd att clf of the Repobljcans, Na|XH' leon notified thc lender. Gariba!di, (o deaist! from the morcment. The defence« of Kome | are to composed of the iest«red bntterieB| whieh France bas oot removed. - Lo.mwn, July 17.—Thegreat rarai review| ofT Bpithead, iu honor of the Sulta» of Tur-| key, wa* one of the most mf»gnificent spec* tack? that hni cver l>een witnessrd in En- ■ g!i«h wnter«. • j Teleflraph c dispatch of the 16th. an.j nounee» tbc Kcform Bill h« finally passed ; the House of Comn.on« and pone to tbe; Houae of Lords. his fixed for Alonday next.' Pkstu. Ju!y 17.—Kossuth is nnnounced ns a candidate fftr thie Htingarian Parliament! for the town of Wiiitzen. | The latest offici«! 9ccounts from Crete| .{tīvc terrible reports of the cruelties of the j TurUs. Thc Cretans severely punished one j of Umnr Paehn'a spie». Oinar Paeha, in i rcta!iation, nc(ually crucified a Cretan on a j post, and walled up with slone a cavern in whieh Greek women and children had (aken - rcfnge, an<l left them to die of starvotion., Th»s is rei>eoting the ntrocities. whieh inadc him infamous in Syria and Montcnegr., and boasts thnt he will exter« minate the Cretan?. The Turlcish Govern« mont declines, for the present, to yie!d to the rcrnonstmnccB of forcigh powers, and the: Cretans are more heroic than ever. There is probabiiity of the success of Omnr Paeha. By thc arrival of the Lizzic Oakford, Cnp« j tain Kook, 13 days from San Francisco, we' have dates to July <31. The Katler sailed on Tuesday, the 30th, and is hourly looked for. j Thc iiemiee hnd notarnvcd over, 30days out from port. Thc Kainier arrived on thc 1 lth of Julv, 1 Thc contract for carrying the mai!s [bc» i tween San Fr.incisco and Honolulu] has l>ecn awarded to the California, Orcgon and Mex- j icon Co. They nre ro run a month!ybont; coinmencing Jhn. 1, 1868. It is possible tho j servicc may eommenee sooner. The vessels probubly will be the propcllers Mont«ina nnd' ldabo. I Anothcr dilliculty hnd betwecn i Frunco nnd Prussia. The' 4 unrre ' setrtns to j hnve £rriwn nut of the $chleswig-Holstein inatt(.r, Prussiu refdsinj the rrtrocession of. coruiin provinces inken from Denmark iluring ihe late Wjnr, ai)d t Fntnce backing np thcclaims of I)ennlark. ft is nt (enst probahle (hat t\ wai' will' take plaee. \ A dtspatch trom ' Mh'nieh aWHouneea the denth of cx-King Otho, of Greece, of meas'es. j Thc eholem is alovviy butauroly traveling westward. Thc ,teicgiaph reports 50 dcath9 1 a day in Meinphis, nnd 5 n,t Fort Harker, on the plaini, . | Kjots wete occurrmg in Tenncssee, nnd i gcnert»l dinturbancc waa fcnred nt the approncbjng | Mexico—Thc candi(;lates for election, so | far as nublished, arc, for President, Juarez ; 1 for Judgc of the Suprc»ne Court, Jeda. The | bodius of Maximilian, : Mimmon and Mejia , have b6cn oinb;\lmed. 1 Chbhbouku, Jujy 28 —T,he Empress Eu», eenia yesterday visitetl the U, S. steamer' Colorad'o, now lying tn this harbor. ahd \y is | rcceived with all tWe honors l>etitting her ; mnk. • • 5 : LoNi>oii, July 24i»-In the House of Lords,! last nigl^ v the dcMe ou Uie Keform Biil! was resumcd. At fhe conclusio'i, a motion j for tlio 9CC(inJ readingefshe bill was crirried. j The Cornhions p«ssed the bi!l'For the obo-i lilion of the church rates. ! 1 There wna.mueh riotinsf and somt btoodshed nt St. Helenas« Lancashire, ou the ; l,ōth of Jyly, on the occasion of thc Orange | demonstnUion. Fnr a time the'rc was a eom-' ploie rei#n of fcrror.