Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 26, 29 June 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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English Column.


f Fr*s «*r t Our d;?po::hc? 3rc to ila)* 22L A p'ct to the K:ng cf Pruss^a and BiSiaarck iuu been discover?d„ Scveral noiaNe* 3t Ber!in w«?re coneemed in it and arrest* h ive becn made. The Fpn»3ns are said to be piaonsng a raid on Canada from St Albins ooder the !ead of Gen«?nl Spear. Tfae be!iigerent Morrjssev »s «aiii to have been conferrinsr wrth the lea«Jer« of the enterprise at Troy. Sir»ce the cht>!era excitement of la«t year our peop(e seem to have forgotten that the scoorge, in rvnning its a<ual coor3e, bas vet to visit a brge ponion of this eoniineoL " A di?palch says the epidemic is nipidly adraoc- 5 »og up the Mi.*?t«sippi. and citie3 a4ong tl \f* river are prep«nng for the vis»tatioo. Jt i« i •l*o known that the cholera has reached Centra! America. The Overland emigration this year mny carry the disease westwnrd from • the M)s<ouri, where its march vras checked ; by the severity of the }ate Winter. The Paris journals eomplain that Pniss;a ; is strengthening the fortifications of Rastadt. Thia is a strong!y fortified towo in Baden, i fourteen tniles southwest of Carlsruhe, near j the right bfink of the Khine, and on the rail-; way from Manheim to Basle. The position I is considered to be, like Luxemburg, a j menaee to the French frontier. ln 1714 ai peaee \vng concluded at that to\vn by France j nnd Austria, and in 1798-99 aconference! was held there between these two Powers, at | the end of whieh two plenipotentiaries ofj France \vere assassinated. As Luxemburg! is not yet evncunted,a quarrel about Rnstndt | may defeat the object of the London Conference. The King of Dentnark has eomp!ained to tbe Great Po\vers that Prussia j still refuses to carry out the provisions of the Schleswig-Ho!stein treoty. Secretary McCulloch, in a letter to Bostonians who tendered him a public dinner, says thnt the nationa! debt will continue to increose for sorne time to eome, owing to the | depression of tmde and the increased expen- j ditures of the Govermnent. He favors the controction of the currency, but not now. The Fenians are mnking a stir on the Nortbern border ngain, nnd threaten to invade Canoda with an army of 50,000 men. lt is said that the , Crotherhood nre about to form, or have formed, an aHianee \vith the Liberals on the continent of Europe. l»'ri m Ihe Snc. t:nion, June 8 | Since the lst of January, 52,500 emigrants have arrived at the port of New York. A Virginin compnny has purchased 30.000 acres of !and for settlement by one hundred families who will arrive from Europe in the next steamcr. The En>peror of Russin ond the Kmjr of Prussia wi!lA-isit Paris together. The Ēm- j peror has started from St. Petersburg. lt is j a!so stated that Bismarck will visit the Paris, Exposition. lf he does, he will atfract the! atten(ion due to u kmg of men by the divit»e right of genius. It is be!ieved at Wnshington thnt Maximilian has !>een shot. The rep!y of Juarez to i\linistcr Campbell has been received. The President of Mexico positively refused to spare the life of the Austrian Prince. Aecording to the !atest advices from Mexico, the Imperial Generals who fe!l intothe hands of the Republicans were executed as traitors.