Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 24, 15 Iune 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

English Column.


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»ii>pjiichc? «rate fh»t on the rnorn-i of Mty loih a fK<rtion of th<? dcf"n«<s of • l|«ercfaro wn.« talr?n bv ihe Lvbera! forret.' wh-> ."«iirpr;^ K ti the and fh-it in a fcw houf* afl«nvard Mnuniilian i -urr»'ndrrH un- , concfili*>nil]y. r»ports that • he has receivetl oitlers (lom Fresidentiuaruz, 1o »b<»t Maximilian and tho Genfrra!« t-nken wilh %iim. Thc Lit/eral force> hiiheno brfi>rging Qa?rūiaro hare«wrted for thc <ca pit.il. it is fdated ih;it Juarez, in bi« «-jij.nver to the ■ of our Gorernment to spfire the life , of Mnimilian. rwotints the atrocitics eom» ■ mitW by ihe (mperiaii<ts, jastifies prerious <rx"C«iiion# of prisoneris, and deciines to guar- j anl'-e the safety of Maximilian. in c«se of his , oipiure. | The trial of Snrntt has bcen po?tponed' «ntiJ tbc 10lh of June, in onler to «eeuie tbc, attendance of impor(ant witoe?sea. The first ■ «f:<-tion of ihe \Vestem Pacific Railroad has| Uen acccpied, and a pa(pnt issued for the| land granted. j General Griflin, commandiug in Teias, has j Mi>pended the collection of tnxes levied tlur- j ihe war. They »eetn to be somewhat| iiniorant of the»r «iiualion down there, as the ; judg<! of a Ui«trici C'ourt refuses to admit j neu r ro tcstimony, amJ the SherifTof V ictoria j county dot» not heliere gr'enbacks 10 bc legal; tender.«. j Thc managcre of ihe St. Louis street rail-| rnad.t have re«olved to admit negroes to equal} priviJeges in their cars. Gen. Sickles has i relcxvrd all save t\vo of ihe freednien engaged | in the Ch:irlcston street car riou j The people of Kansas are stiffering from » the outrag?s of organ'rzed bands of outlaws. Une of a party pursuing the Hichmond bank robbers wa» killed by a uotorious bushwhacker, who escaped. Seteral figl\\a havc occurred helween men ! cutting timber for the Pacirtc Kaiirond and. indians. The English Goveromcnl has decided to commute the death sentence of convictcd Fenmns to imprisontnent for life. Tho English iVational Keform Union have a.Mked Glndstone to support househoid suffrage, but he refuses to eommii himself to so mdical a ineasure. The Danish Government denies that any negoiiation3 have been had with Prussia reiativo to the rctroce?sion of Sch!eswig--iioistein. Frwtn Bm. Wr«VJ/ l'nion, M»y 125. Jeir, Davis orriTcd in New York on the night of thc 15th. Precautions vvere taken to prevent any mobbing demonstrtttions, but thcrc was no cxcitervient. Jeir puts up at tho Southern rendezvous, the New York Hotel, He was to proceed, without mueh delay, to Montreai. The laborersemployed by thec:ty Govern« mcnt of Chic»go petitioned to have ihe tenhour systern restored, as they were not abie to stand the reductioti of wages. They are now working ten hours a day. The eighthour tnovement in Chicago seems to have failed to realize the benefits whieh were expected to flow from the passage of the hill through the l*egislature. Correspondence of the New York fJerald, datcd nt Constantinople, April 20th, s«ys Kussia is encirciing the Turkish Provinccs with large bodies of troops and lhere is an iininense number at and neor Odessa. It ap|H.'!»rs that the "?ickinan" wilf t?oon bc called to nccount.